I was going to sell of some of the high dollar guns (which are all different types) and go for a common action type, so that I could swap my big Leupold scope from one to the other and have all of them set up the same. I was about to buy Howas, which are a terrific rifle and great value, but decided to go with Remington as America is our ally and I try and do business with Australia first, America second and England third.
I already have an old, well worn (carried lotsssssssssssssssssssss, but shot less the lands are crisp and sharp, but the exterior finish is worn off and the checkering is worn down) BDL in 300Win Mag.
So I bought an SPS in 270Win. That should have done me, but I couldn't resist the 375H&H which was the same price.
Now I have three great rifles. I will use the 270 for most game and the 375 for Sambar, cast boolit hunting and just big assed plinking! I think the 300 may be surplus to requirements, we'll see down the track. Actually, outside of Africa, the 300 wil pretty much do it all anyway.
The floorplate popping open was probably caused by a bur or badly fitting bit of metalwork preventing the latch fully engaging. Hard to tell in the factory without firing a few rounds, but definetly something you don't want to happen when you are squared off against a bair or a buffalo. A cheap rifle like this needs a bit of tuning to be a real DGR. They gotta be foolproof!