Well, I've had a tax paying job since I was 16. I've served my country. I didn't elect scumbags like Byrd that raided SS so he could buy votes from the professional lame, halt, and disabled while he got rich himself. (I do confess to voting for Nixon twice) Had the Dems not used SS like a open sez me cookie jar, SS would be in good shape. I've voted in every National election and most state elections since I was 21.
At my age, I think America will rock on long enough to out last me. If not, I'm kinda like ole Hank W Jr. You folks are screeching because you have to pay $4.00 for gas. Your image might get marred if you can't drive that monster SUV with the V12 to and from work. With 300 million beds to choose from, you're afraid there might be a terrorist under yours. With a bomb. And, because you have to forgo that extra trip to the 7/11, you are hollering about hardships.
You ain't seen nothin' yet.
Billy touched on rationing. I am old enough to remember it. And folks coped. I noticed that Utah state employees are going to a 4 day 10 hour work week to save fuel. Nowadays most folks have been brainwashed to believe that the gov'ment is gonna take care of you. The quicker you get out of that box, the less hard any hardships will be.
Some of you seem to resent me (and Billy) making a joke of it. Would you suggest we wring our hands and cry? What purpose would that serve?
And too, if the USA is such a rotten, miserable, horrible, sink-into-the-sea kinda place, why are boatloads, yes BOATLOADS, of people from all over the globe trying to sneak into our country? Why are people with only the clothes on their backs risking all to come here if we are so bad? Some of them must be coming here for the opportunities rather than the welfare gravy train. Maybe those folks see an entry level job and a minimum wage as a opportunity rather than something to be passed over in favour of welfare.