Author Topic: Ron Paul: I hear members of Congress saying "if we could only nuke Iran"  (Read 4639 times)

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Ron Paul: I hear members of Congress saying "if we could only nuke Iran"
Congressman warns of imminent confrontation

Steve Watson
Friday, July 4, 2008

 Congressman Ron Paul has warned millions of radio listeners that the US is heading into a deadly confrontation with Iran, revealing his disbelief at members of Congress who have openly voiced support for a pre-emptive nuclear strike on the country.

"If we do (attack) it is going to be a disaster," the Congressman told the Alex Jones show this Thursday.

"I was astounded to see on one of the networks the other day that the debate was not are we going to attack? but are we going to attack before or after the election?" Paul continued.

The Congressman recently voiced his concern over House Congressional Resolution 362 which he has dubbed a 'Virtual Iran War Resolution'.

"If that comes up it is demanding that the President put on an absolute blockade of the entire country of Iran, and punish any country or any business group around the world if they trade with Iran." Paul told listeners.

(Article continues below)

Experts have predicted gas will rise to $6 per gallon if the resolution passes, Paul believes that may happen anyway just by anticipation.

"The frightening thing is they say they are taking no options off the table, even nuclear first strike." The Congressman stated.

Paul believes from talking with his contacts in and around Congress that a strike on Iran has already been green lighted.

"That is my sense because the Democratic leadership in the House are proposing no resistance whatsoever, we saw this when a supplemental bill came up and the President asked for $107 billion for the war, the Democrat leadership gave them $162 billion.

It is still totally bewildering to me when I see men and women in the Congress that I know and like doing this just to get along. Most of them will say "I agree with you on all you say but the Iranians are bad people and they might attack us some day... I hear members of Congress saying 'if we could only nuke them'."

Ron Paul also spoke in detail about his new Campaign For Liberty Group and his views on the upcoming election.


Offline Dee

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Our government has become an Aristocracy of the Elite. That so many fail to see this, will be our undoing. Our youth fights for the wishes of the Conglomerate Kings if Washington D.C.
We (some) as LOYAL SUBJECTS, continue to support the Aristocracy by giving them (democrats and republican liberals) our (their) votes.
It is history repeating itself.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline billy_56081

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Nuke Iran????? Boy I'm having a Bar B Cue if we do. Beans, beer, cole slaw, brisket, pork shoulder and Ribs. :D

Invitation is open to all here. When they get the job done I'll set the date.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline Dee

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Apparently Ron Paul is one of the few rational voices ANY WHERE. We can't afford the two wars we have going now.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline Fazak

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It's apparent that this country is going to have to suffer a huge economic crisis before peoples eyes are opened.

If someone set out to intentionally destroy this country, they could hardly do a better job of it than is now being done by our elected officials in D.C.

$4.00 a gallon gas,....our manufacturing base being sent to communist countries, and a 9.4 trillion dollar national debt.

The worst part is, at this point, I can't imagine any realistic way to fix it even if an effort to fix it was underway.

But there is no effort to fix it. Everything that our government is proposing will only serve to make it worse.

If this country gets drug into another war in the Middle East, it's over,.. our economy will be dead in the water in a matter of weeks.

Offline billy_56081

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Aint life grand here in America! I'm having a beer and enjoying life, going to have some steaks on the grill tonight. America, what a harsh desolate life I am leading here. :D

Any of you guys here waiting in a soup line? If so sell your computer and buy ya some grub.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline Fazak

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Aint life grand here in America! I'm having a beer and enjoying life, going to have some steaks on the grill tonight. America, what a harsh desolate life I am leading here. :D

Any of you guys here waiting in a soup line? If so sell your computer and buy ya some grub.

Like I said,...

"It's apparent that this country is going to have to suffer a huge economic crisis before peoples eyes are opened."

Offline buffermop

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Fazak, you have it all down 100%. Read the Conyers Georgia visionary testament at concerning America.

Offline beemanbeme

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What is that old saw about a prophet is without honour in his own country?? Maybe if you guys were to move to Russia? 
It must be a bitch to be one of the four or five only smart people surrounded by 300 million satisfied, healthy, well-feed dummies. 
Billy, Make mine medium. Okay if I bring a 6 pack or two? How 'bout a case?  :D

Offline billy_56081

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Will ribeye do for ya? And Bud light is my flavor of choice.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline Fazak

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It must be a bitch to be one of the four or five only smart people surrounded by 300 million satisfied, healthy, well-feed dummies. 

There's many more than 4 or 5 people in America who are concerned about the state of the economy.

Offline billy_56081

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I'll buy the beer n steak for you Fazak.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline Fazak

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I'll buy the beer n steak for you Fazak.

Send mine to a soldier in Iraq.

It's opinions like yours that are keeping them there,.. seems only fair that you include them in all of your parties.

Offline Sitting Duck

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It must be a bitch to be one of the four or five only smart people surrounded by 300 million satisfied, healthy, well-feed dummies.

My God!  If you, Billy 56081, and the 300 million you refer to actually believe that, all hope is lost.  At your age (beemanbeme) you've benefited from our ten trillion dollar debt, probably social security, some type of pension, and free or low cost medical care.  These are luxuries that those that come behind us won't have because of our mismanagement of this country.  They will be paying for you after you're long gone.

Not that you haven't paid into the system.  Unless you're a freeloader, you have.  But not nearly as much as you will be taking out in your senile, old age.

So... Drink your beer and eat your steaks with Billy Bob.  Rub your stuffed bellies, pass gas, and go on thinking that everything is right with the world.  Well, your world anyways.

The ignorance of some just totally amazes me.

Offline buffermop

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Rome was once a thriving empire. Look what happened. If you cannot see the road we are taking, then you are totally blind!! >:(

Offline billy_56081

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Hey everyone is invited to the Bar b Cue. We need some of you guys there for comic relief. :D

As for sending a beer to ta soldier in Iraq, I have personally done that allready. Many times over. And also my only son has enlisted in the Minnesota national guard, and my 17 year old daughter will enlist this fall.

Even if our standard of living gin this country is yaken down to one tenth of that that it is at this time, we will still be far better off than a large majority of the world. Youu guys are a bunch of spoiled whining children. We are at WAR, can you not understand that? In world war 2 you children would have cried in your porage about rationing and mandated blackouts ect. ect. Grow up! OMG you can't drive wgerever you want, cry about it it makes me sick. We are at war with an enemy that is far wider spread and far for treacheries that ever before in history. Believe whatever you want, but if and when the islamists take over the world, you will believe what they want or they will KILL you. If you think otherwise you are silly and naive and deserve what you get.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline Fazak

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Many times over. And also my only son has enlisted in the Minnesota national guard, and my 17 year old daughter will enlist this fall.

Lots of opportunity over there. Maybe you should put down the steak and beer and be a part of it all.

Here's a page for ya.

Offline beemanbeme

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Well, I've had a tax paying job since I was 16.  I've served my country. I didn't elect scumbags like Byrd that raided SS so he could buy votes from the professional lame, halt, and disabled while he got rich himself.  (I do confess to voting for Nixon twice) Had the Dems not used SS like a open sez me cookie jar, SS would be in good shape. I've voted in every National election and most state elections since I was 21. 
At my age, I think America will rock on long enough to out last me.  If not, I'm kinda like ole Hank W Jr. You folks are screeching because you have to pay $4.00 for gas. Your image might get marred if you can't drive that monster SUV with the V12 to and from work.  With 300 million beds to choose from, you're afraid there might be a terrorist under yours. With a bomb. And, because you have to forgo that extra trip to the 7/11, you are hollering about hardships.  :D You ain't seen nothin' yet.
Billy touched on rationing. I am old enough to remember it.  And folks coped.  I noticed that Utah state employees are going to a 4 day 10 hour work week to save fuel. Nowadays most folks have been brainwashed to believe that the gov'ment is gonna take care of you. The quicker you get out of that box, the less hard any hardships will be.   
Some of you seem to resent me (and Billy) making a joke of it.  Would you suggest we wring our hands and cry?  What purpose would that serve? 

And too, if the USA is such a rotten, miserable, horrible, sink-into-the-sea kinda place, why are boatloads, yes BOATLOADS, of people from all over the globe trying to sneak into our country?  Why are people with only the clothes on their backs risking all to come here if we are so bad?  Some of them must be coming here for the opportunities rather than the welfare gravy train.  Maybe those folks see an entry level job and a minimum wage as a opportunity rather than something to be passed over in favour of welfare.  ;)

Offline kevthebassman

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Nuke Iran????? Boy I'm having a Bar B Cue if we do. Beans, beer, cole slaw, brisket, pork shoulder and Ribs. :D

Invitation is open to all here. When they get the job done I'll set the date.

You do that Billy.  Yuk it up while you can.  If/when you get your wish and we bomb Iran, they're going to close the Persian Gulf.  All it takes is one tanker sunk in the right place to close that whole horse and pony show.  Then we'd learn what expensive gasoline truly meant.

Let's also remember that the Shia Muslims who make up the majority of Iraq also make up the majority of Iran.  If we bomb Iran, Iraq will turn into a nightmare scenario worse than any we could imagine, and all of those troops that you "support" will be suddenly besieged by 20 million screaming maniacs with AK's.... we'd be lucky to see any of them ever again.

Offline ms

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Billy you should stop drinking you can't handle it .

Offline nomosendero

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So, who are these members who say we neede to nuke them. Names please, we may have another rumor here.
You will not make peace with the Bluecoats, you are free to go.

Offline beemanbeme

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"We must never invade America, for there will be a rifle behind every blade of grass."  That's what Admiral Yamamoto of the Japanese Admiralty had to say in WW2. 

Wonder what he'd say about us now??  I daresay it would not be nearly as respectful.   

Offline Dee

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I'll buy the beer n steak for you Fazak.

Send mine to a soldier in Iraq.

It's opinions like yours that are keeping them there,.. seems only fair that you include them in all of your parties.

We've had this discussion before, billy and I. He wants a good war, but he's eatin steak while MY SON and others do his fighting for him. Billy LIKES war, and LIKES TO TALK ABOUT NEW WARS, as long as he isn't in it. After all, he's eatin his steak. ::)
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline billy_56081

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And as I explained to our friend  Dee before, I have a disibiity that doesn't allow me to serve anymore. And as Dee has never done I have served in a war. But His opinion is his. And yes I like war against the cancer called Islam. Too bad so many hippy wanna bees cannot see Muslims for what they are pure evil. I'm sure some of you ex flower children belive in good in all mankind, but that is a silly child like leftover from the hippy drug binge days.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline Dee

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Now that's funny. ;)
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline myronman3

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drop a nuke and watch the others get their @$$ in line.  the problem we have today is everyone knows how gutless our population has become.   show them some might, resolution, determination, and willingness to take off the gloves and it will be a footrace to get in step. 

  we need mushrooms at that barbeque as well.  i love shrooms.  ;D

Offline kevthebassman

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Myronman, it was directed at Billy, but did you happen to catch my post?

Nuke Iran????? Boy I'm having a Bar B Cue if we do. Beans, beer, cole slaw, brisket, pork shoulder and Ribs. :D

Invitation is open to all here. When they get the job done I'll set the date.

You do that Billy.  Yuk it up while you can.  If/when you get your wish and we bomb Iran, they're going to close the Persian Gulf.  All it takes is one tanker sunk in the right place to close that whole horse and pony show.  Then we'd learn what expensive gasoline truly meant.

Let's also remember that the Shia Muslims who make up the majority of Iraq also make up the majority of Iran.  If we bomb Iran, Iraq will turn into a nightmare scenario worse than any we could imagine, and all of those troops that you "support" will be suddenly besieged by 20 million screaming maniacs with AK's.... we'd be lucky to see any of them ever again.

The minute a nuke hits Iran, Iraq is gonna swallow our best and bravest young men and women overnight.  They simply wouldn't be able to contend with the millions of enraged Arabs.  The oil situation would be catastrophic, but not nearly as bad as the loss of those troops.

Offline billy_56081

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Kevin are you talking about the 20,000,000 screaming muslims, like TrueMuslim7's 225,000 missiles. I remember when we were going into the first gulf war, the so called "experts" were telling of the 100,000 casualties. More hippy subversive propaganda to cause fear in the public.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline powderman

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BILLY, BEEMAN. Good posts. Americans are a spoiled lot for sure. I can almost hear the whiners and libbies if rationing was put into effect. Americans have more and appreciate it less than any nation on earth. I don't believe that we, as a whole, have what it takes to fight the Godless ones in this world and win, at least for now.  Hopefully the world will wake up and see islam for the fast growing cancer it is and treat it accordingly. POWDERMAN.  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline Swampman

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Ron is really wacky, but I'd support bombing Iran.  Obama will be President and we'll have another Jimmy Carter on our hands.  I've managed to sell off more than half my guns in preparation for the 8 years of Obomination we'll have to endure.

I served my country, and my son is serving now.  I live in a military town and I've yet to meet a soldier that doesn't speak highly of our current administration.
"Brother, you say there is but one way to worship and serve the Great Spirit. If there is but one religion, why do you white people differ so much about it? Why not all agreed, as you can all read the Book?" Sogoyewapha, "Red Jacket" - Senaca

1st Special Operations Wing 1975-1983
919th Special Operations Wing  1983-1985 1993-1994

"Manus haec inimica tyrannis / Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem" ~Algernon Sidney~