Author Topic: Ron Paul: I hear members of Congress saying "if we could only nuke Iran"  (Read 4642 times)

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Offline MississippiRambo

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The logic (or lack thereof) of some people simply amaze me.  After reading a thread like this, I'm speechless.  Why the hell is fighting Israel's foreign wars in the best interest of America?  The common response I get when I ask most people the afore mentioned question is something as follows:  "We HAVE to defend Israel... they are our ALLY and we must protect them at all cost." 

Seriously... what does "at all cost" really mean to these people?  Does sending their children to die in an unconstitutional war to "protect" Israel fall in line with their idea of "protection at all cost"...?  Unfortunately, for most I've encountered, it does.  The Jew-run media has THAT much influence and effect on ordinary, patriotic Americans.  Do ordinary, patriotic Americans really understand WHY they must "defend Israel at all cost"...?  Most don't have the slightest clue.  They just know that it's something that has been harped in their ears since they were born.  If you repeat something enough times and from many different angles, people will soon start to comply and believe what they are hearing.  In fact, I have a really good friend who is a die-hard Republican.  He thinks Pawn Hannity and pill addicted Rush Limbaugh have both walked on water.  I've heard repeatedly from him, "we must always defend Israel... at all cost"...   Asking him any random question about the war always eventually yields the same answer.  Yet, he gets really uncomfortable when I corner him and put  him on the spot and ask him to explain WHY we should defend Israel in such a manner.  As always, if I put too much heat on him, the accusations against me of being "Anti-Semetic" always start to fly.

I'm not "Anti-Semetic"... never have been, never will be.  In fact, the Jews running the show in Israel aren't "Semetic" at all.  The largest and most dominant group in Israel and the ones running the show here in America are actually Khaazar Jews - which ethnically, aren't really Jews at all.  The Khaazars were a mongrelized group of people who were expelled from Asia and eventually set up their own empire.  Ethnically, they were a Turko-Finn mix... and defenitely NOT from the seed of Biblical Jews (known as Sephardic Jews).  These Khaazar jews were forced to take a religion from their ruler after they had become unruly and almost unmanageable.  The religion of choice was Judaism.  Ethnic jews do NOT want to convert you to Judaism.  They believe that ethnically, they are God's chosen people and anyone else is far beneath them.  In other words, Judaism is for ethnic Jews, and noone else.  Therefore, these Khaazars basically hijacked this religion.  The REAL ethnic Jews are actually only a small portion of the Israeli population and are discriminated against regularly.

So, why fight for these people?  Why send our sons and daughters over to die for this empire of mongrels who claim to be God's chosen people?  They could care less about you...  but they have you brainwashed into believing you should fight and die to protect and preserve them... even though they consider you and me to be the equivalent of animals.  Don't believe me?  Do the research.

As ~Ace~ mentioned, Iran has never and will NEVER attack us.  And, any Islamic nation who HAS attacked us, has done so in retaliation because we have financed the Jewish oppression of them over in the middle East.  Think about it...  why the hell would Arabs just attack us on 9-11??  George Bush got on tv and declared that "democracy has been attacked..."  and that "we've been attacked because these people hate freedom..."  and because they "hate our way of life"...  it's all BULLCRAP propaganda.  We were attacked because of our blind support for Israel, plain and simple.  Nothing more, nothing less.  We are Israel's enablers and our wealthy and powerful country has financially backed all of Israel's endeavors.  They have all of our BEST nuclear and military technology... they have the best of our weaponry...  they have access to ALL of our intelligence.  So, why would we NOT be an enemy of the Arabs?  Think it over... be honest with yourself.  Think objectively for 5 minutes.  If you can manage to do that, the answers will hit you like a ton of bricks.

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Offline beemanbeme

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That certainly sounded like another "I'm not a anti Semite, I just hate Jews" to me.  I don't remember where I heard it but the statement of "we were a religion and Hitler made us a race" seems to ring true of the Jews. Do you think that a black baptist can't be as good a Baptist as a white one?  

If this is between the Muslims and the Jews, why did 9/11 happen here instead of in Israel?  Perhaps because Israel has made it abundantly clear what would happen if something of that sort happened there.  And they have an excellent track record of following up on their promises.  We don't.  We talk. And talk. And talk. And the baby boomers whine. The en titlist, the me generation, worry that they might be inconvenienced. The media does its best to undermine the public moral and folks worry that they might not be able to gasp, shudder take that motor trip to Disney World and start looking under the bed at night for terrorist. And, in truth, we do nothing.

IMO, I'm tired of losing. I'm tired of trying to "contain" a murdering despot.  I'm tired of stalemates that accomplish nothing.  We have bent over backwards trying to avoid the "bully" title and now any sorry little excuse for a dictator thinks he can go hacking on a podium and get away with it.  Sooner or later, we're gonna have to say, "enough is enough" and take off the velvet glove. I'd rather do it now than when whomever makes a para drop on Pennsylvania avenue. :D

Offline myronman3

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beemanbeme+1nice to see some American grit for a change.

Offline MississippiRambo

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That certainly sounded like another "I'm not a anti Semite, I just hate Jews" to me.  I don't remember where I heard it but the statement of "we were a religion and Hitler made us a race" seems to ring true of the Jews. Do you think that a black baptist can't be as good a Baptist as a white one?  

This is a typical uninformed response.  Do some research on jews before making another post.  It's evident that you have not.  Jews are ethnic jews.  Why is it that folks like Larry King and Jerry Springer (amongst many, many others) claim to be jews and are so proud of their heritage?  King and Springer, along with many other prominent self-proclaimed "Jews" are atheist, by the way.  If by merely subscribing to Judaism makes you a "Jew", show me ONE non-ethnic jew that has been allowed to immigrate to Israel.  Are you aware of Israel's immigration policies?  Convert to Judaism and then try to go live there.  It won't happen today, tomorrow, or ever unless you can prove you are an ethnic jew.  Don't believe me?  Research Israel's immigration policy.

Also, if you think being a jew is just a religious choice, answer a couple questions for me.  How many times have you seen a Rabbi (jewish preacher) on television or on a street corner trying to convert people to Judaism?  I'll answer that for you...  it doesn't happen... it won't happen.  They do NOT want you in their circle...  they want to control you...  ethnically and genetically, you are not one of them, and they do not want you.  Plain and simple.  It goes FAR, FAR beyond religion.  Some of the most dangerous, high ranking officials in our military, homeland security, and other government factions are atheist Jews.  Why would an atheist jew want to maintain and further Judaism - when in fact, he doesn't even believe in God?  It's simply because he feels his genetic lineage is superior to that of yours... and he sees no reason to treat you as an equal or respect you as a human being.

If this is between the Muslims and the Jews, why did 9/11 happen here instead of in Israel?  Perhaps because Israel has made it abundantly clear what would happen if something of that sort happened there.  And they have an excellent track record of following up on their promises.  We don't.  We talk. And talk. And talk. And the baby boomers whine. The en titlist, the me generation, worry that they might be inconvenienced. The media does its best to undermine the public moral and folks worry that they might not be able to gasp, shudder take that motor trip to Disney World and start looking under the bed at night for terrorist. And, in truth, we do nothing.

Suicide bombers hit Israeli targets often.  Do a little research and you'll find that terrorist attacks in Israel are common.

IMO, I'm tired of losing. I'm tired of trying to "contain" a murdering despot.  I'm tired of stalemates that accomplish nothing.  We have bent over backwards trying to avoid the "bully" title and now any sorry little excuse for a dictator thinks he can go hacking on a podium and get away with it.  Sooner or later, we're gonna have to say, "enough is enough" and take off the velvet glove. I'd rather do it now than when whomever makes a para drop on Pennsylvania avenue. :D

Tired of losing WHAT???  And, from a constitutional standpoint, what gives America the right to fight pre-emptive wars?  It's 100% unconstitutional.  Why do you feel the need to police the world?  Let me phrase it another way...  If you had an old angry dog laying around in your yard that did not like being bothered, what will it accomplish to poke it with a stick every time you pass by it?  Eventually, it will get you bit.  Stay out of other countries and let them handle their business. 

By the way, your comment about the dictator "hacking away on the podium thinking he can get away with it"....  Do you know there are around 20 brutal dictators in the world?  Would you support going in and removing them all?  Would you send YOUR son or daughter to remove them?  You know, history shows that when one is removed, another pops up in his place.  Should we be in the business of dicator removal and the "spreading of democracy"....???  Some people do not WANT democracy.  Would you send YOUR son or daughter to die in trying to give people like that democracy???

Offline Sitting Duck

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Wow, MississippiRan.  I thought that once Dee curtailed his posts this topic would become uneventful.

Interesting read.

Offline BBF

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  • I feel much better now knowing it will get worse.
After reading some of these posts, I think that there is some small hope left in me.
What is the point of Life if you can't have fun.

Offline MississippiRambo

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After reading some of these posts, I think that there is some small hope left in me.

I'll admit, I'm quite curious to hear you elaborate a little  ;)

Offline myronman3

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As ~Ace~ mentioned, Iran has never and will NEVER attack us.
did you forget about the iranians taking american hostages back in the late 70's?   i can remember that, and i was about 7 years old.   

 just curious mississippi. how old are ya? ;D

Offline myronman3

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Would you send YOUR son or daughter to remove them?
your posts reek of military ignorance.   no need to send troops to occupy,  just turn the sky black with bombers.   once you quite playing tittlywinks and get serious it wont take long.   but you need to have some guts first.

Offline MississippiRambo

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As ~Ace~ mentioned, Iran has never and will NEVER attack us.
did you forget about the iranians taking american hostages back in the late 70's?   i can remember that, and i was about 7 years old.   

 just curious mississippi. how old are ya? ;D

In the 70's...???  Hahaha!  So, according to that kind of logic, maybe we should still be pissed off at Japan for attacking us at Pearl Harbor back in the 40's...???  Since they attacked us at Pearl Harbor, maybe we should still be trying to figure out angles to go in and attack them as well.  

In regards to Iran, in November 1979, Iranian militants stormed the US Embassy in Tehran and took approximately seventy Americans hostage.  This was a militant group who committed a TERRORIST act.  In the 1960's and 1970's, the Shah of Iran, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, spent billions of oil money on military weaponry.  This military buildup cost tremendous loss of popular support and eventually caused the regime to collapse in revolution.  In early 1979, the Shah fled Iran and never returned.  When the Shah came to America for cancer treatment later that year, a handful of militants became enraged and attacked the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and its employees taken captive.

This would be like the Black Panther party capturing a group of foreign workers.  For those who do not know, the Black Panters are racist militants who have cells located throughout this country.  The group, by FAR does not represent the views of our government or the mass of the people.  Would it be grounds for another country to declare war on us or send troops to invade just because the Black Panthers took some of their citizens as hostages?  Your point is baseless.

Would you send YOUR son or daughter to remove them?
your posts reek of military ignorance.   no need to send troops to occupy,  just turn the sky black with bombers.   once you quite playing tittlywinks and get serious it wont take long.   but you need to have some guts first.

Yet, you support occupation of Iraq..?  Military ignorance...?  For stating that 4,000 families have been notified that their son or daughter, or brother, or sister was killed in combat in Iraq?  And, you think if we go to war with Iran, troops won't invade?  Yeah, ok.  That worked nicely with Iraq  ::)  ::)  :D

Offline myronman3

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Yet, you support occupation of Iraq..? 
actually, no, i dont.  i would just bomb the hell out of them.  what?  an unrising in sadr city?  minutes later sadr city wouldnt exist any longer.  that is how you win, you CRUSH them.  destroy them.  make the consequenses so harsh and severe that you break their spirit and will to fight.   it is really quite simple.   which is EXACTLY what we did to japan.   
So, according to that kind of logic, maybe we should still be pissed off at Japan for attacking us at Pearl Harbor back in the 40's...  Since they attacked us at Pearl Harbor, maybe we should still be trying to figure out angles to go in and attack them as well.
see, japan surrendered.  you are making this way more complicated than it is.  you get hung up on the 'people dying' part.    you need to get past that,  and boil it down to them dying, or US dying.  i would rather it be them. 
   o.k.,  seeing as how it was in the 70's it must not count anymore.   let's get more recent then.   talk to the commanders in iraq and it is pretty widely known that iran is sending in people to the conflict.  it is a documented fact.    they do it through proxy groups, and again it is pretty widely known and aint a real big secret.   NONE of which is going to matter to you, because you are just an apologist who believes  america is evil and nothing is going to stop you from standing around slack jawed trying to make nice with the people who are out to slaughter you and your family.   nothing, that is, except when they finally do get their paws on you.    then you will know but it will be too late.   oh, i forgot, it is all the jew's fault.   ::)
  you had better thank God every night that he put you in a place where you could hide behind guys like me and live in your fantasy world.   

Offline MississippiRambo

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talk to the commanders in iraq and it is pretty widely known that iran is sending in people to the conflict.  it is a documented fact.    they do it through proxy groups, and again it is pretty widely known and aint a real big secret. 

The same way that it was "widely known" and a "documented fact" that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction?   ;D

Offline myronman3

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so what did they spray on the kurds?  dishsoap?
 yeah, they found stuff, bush admin didnt do a good job of making it known. and the media sure wasnt going to do it.  but it doesnt matter anyway, because by that time no one cared.   again, it is documented.  but that dont matter to folks like you.   and,  more importantly what does that help now?  you are nitpicking.   trying to sling mud, not solving currentl problems.  but again,  it is about what i have come to expect from guys like you; little more than micheal moore wannabees.   

Offline myronman3

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i am still curious, have any of you guys served, that is (no fancy words)  put your life on the line?  or do you just talk a good game?    ::)
   fyi, i am about sure i have the answer for this one, but i am hoping someone can surprise me.

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Yeah, MM3 is right, there were wmd's found.   Don't take my word for it, though.  Look it up, it's not hard to find.
" we are screwed "

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i figure if they want to know, they would know.   but it doesnt fit their agenda.   as well versed as these guys are,  i know they have ran across it before but chose not to acknowlege it for whatever excuse.  talk about "an inconvenient truth". lol.   NOW I AM QUOTING AL GORE!!!   LOOK WHAT THEY WILL DO TO YOU!!!!! lol !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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a sincere "thanks" for having the balls to answer.   

Offline ~Ace~

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I tried to serve... But that was Before the War party, and they didn't need many folks. I did not qualify due to White Trash teeth.

I Love MY country... that is the USA

Isnt-real, or ANY other "Ally" are WAY down the list... I would agree to most Any war that congress would actually declare, as per the Constitution... Provided we were going to War with a Enemy that was attacking us, or a Ally that was not Aggressively PROVOKING an attack.

For me to say Isnt-real is going to bring this country Down would be a understatement... the Social and Moral decay the Jew owned media has besieged us with on the TV has already Destroyed Patriotism and polluted the minds of the imbeciles that watch it (Most of the USA)

Anyone that can't SEE what is happening to our country from our "Ally" is BLIND...  Benedict Arnold comes to mind  :'(

A Sawed off Shotgun is a WMD in the USA...So what Definition are we using today ?  the Intel quoted for the Illegal attack on Iraq cited Nukes and large amounts of Bio weapons.. if they had them, they Would have used them... IF we found them, it would have been in the Jew Owned Media, For Sure.... it would add credibility for Future Illegal wars

Offline billy_56081

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I served in the Army during the Desert storm.

And to the silly little nieve peacenic hippys, we do not want another war, we are at war DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And to the blind or just completley ignorant, Islam is what we are at war with. This is not a war against one country or sect of Islam it is a war against all Islam, as all Islam is evil. This war we are in is being planned out by people who want to control the world, this is being carried out by vicious brutal animals who's only goal is putting the entire world under the yoke of Islam. It is well orginized , has no borders and has no tolerance or mercy on anything or anyone not conforming under the tyranical yoke of Islam. Wake up before it is too late!
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline ~Ace~

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Billy.... I hate to be the Bearer of bad news, but you are not educated enough to even know what a WAR is.

A War, is between two NATIONS, and certain crimes are made legal is a real war, such as Murder...

"Terror" is a Act or state of mind.... Not a Nation !

We can NOT be at war with a Act or state of mind... Maybe reading a lil about the Constitution and previous wars will help... or just Drink and post.  Being IN a war as you claim does not make you all knowing... and every time you pick up the keyboard that becomes Obvious.

Offline kevthebassman

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Iran is a third world nation on the other side of the globe
like i said earlier, half a world away aint what it used to be.   where were the guys flying the airplanes on 9/11 from?  oh, thats right, bush did it.   ::)

The 9-11 hijackers:

15 Saudi Arabians
2 United Arab Emirates
1 Lebanon
1 Egyptian

I must be missing something.... where are the Iranians?

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Insulting everyone who disagrees, does not make you right.  
Fact is, we ARE at war.  It's pretty much as Billy stated.
Many chose not to face up to it, but we are.  They are ruthless, brutal, and cruel.  They are cunning as well.  Sometimes, their methods are cowardly, sometimes not.  But these idiots ARE tough, they have been conditioned this way, their culture values this, and they can stand pain you can not even imagine.
Throughout history they have invaded and conqured numerous civilizations. It continues to this day.
Europe, Inda, Africa are all being invaded and taken over by Muslims.  
I don't know why it's this way, but it is.
The aggressors are the ones that establish the rules, and in this war, there is no one sovereign nation in the middle east that is the focal point.  It is everywhere, directed against non-believers, by muslim extremists.  No leader in his right mind would engage us in a conventional war, so it is done in other ways.
War is war, whether it is conventional or not.  
" we are screwed "

Offline wanderer

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you peaceniks are a real hoot.   all i hear is a bunch of excuses and sniveling.  what is funny is you enlightened ones hide behind guys like me when it hits the fan because your ideas dont cut it when it comes right down to it; and you aint got the guts to do what needs to be done.   but dont worry, there are plenty of americans out there that still have their guts and will pick up your slack.   but what really irks me is that you sad sack service dodging peacenik know it alls are still able to vote.   that is the one thing the founding fathers did wrong.  if you havent served, you shouldnt be able to vote.  how much crap would that solve????  i would bet about all of it.    flamers flame away.....

OK, let me see if I understand your logic. No military service=No Vote. Now, that is an absurd statement. Let me explain why.

First off, my brother has severe asthma, and as a result can't serve in the armed forces. Does this mean he is less qualified to vote than someone who served? Does he love his country less? What you are effectively doing is discriminating based on physical disabilities.

Secondly, one of my grandfathers served in the army during WWII. The other was an "essential" worker and as a result was not in the military. Now, I realize that being in the Pacific was a ton more dangerous than welding on ships, but someone had to do both jobs. Would you deny my grandfather the right to vote because he was a skilled welder and machinist rather than a soldier? He did his part, just not in the same way that my other grandfather did. He may (???) also have had medical conditions that contributed to his staying in the States.

Third, lets say we do get this war that some of you seem to want. Well, I'm sure that we can agree that more fighting would require more resources, as well as increased industrial production. This requires man power here at home too. I am working towards a degree in a field that is facing a serious shortage of qualified people because baby boomers are retiring and few schools even offer the degree that I am in anymore. I am also in ROTC, although I have not yet contracted (there is no obligation during the first 2 years of ROTC). If it turns out that we enter an all out war with rationing and such, my guess is that I would be more valuable at home than in the sand box.

And fourth, let's say that the government becomes unbearably oppressive, although I hope we never see that day. In order to vote against the oppressive policies and law makers (yes, I am assuming that we would still have the right to vote) you would have to serve the oppressive gov't. Also, giving the gov't that much control of your life would have the potential to skew your views. An oppressive gov't would think nothing of brainwashing soldiers or at least attempting to do so.

Finally, I'm not so sure that I want to sign a contract with ROTC. Quite frankly, recent events have made me believe that politicians are using the military as a political tool. No, I'm not saying that the military is nothing but a political tool, don't get me wrong, we need a strong defense. Also, I don't think that the military is being used primarily as a political tool.  But, when politicians put our troops in harms way for political reasons, something is seriously wrong.

Flame away. I may just be a dumb kid (who is probably dodging service according to some of you), but just remember you older guys don't have a corner on knowledge or common sense. This will probably be my one and only post on this matter. I will clarify if necessary, but I tried to make this as clear as possible to avoid additional posts.

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you peaceniks are a real hoot.   all i hear is a bunch of excuses and sniveling.  what is funny is you enlightened ones hide behind guys like me when it hits the fan because your ideas dont cut it when it comes right down to it; and you aint got the guts to do what needs to be done.   but dont worry, there are plenty of americans out there that still have their guts and will pick up your slack.   but what really irks me is that you sad sack service dodging peacenik know it alls are still able to vote.   that is the one thing the founding fathers did wrong.  if you havent served, you shouldnt be able to vote.  how much crap would that solve????  i would bet about all of it.    flamers flame away.....

Now this post is funny!  ;)
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline billy_56081

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Quote Ace

"I tried to serve... But that was Before the War party, and they didn't need many folks. I did not qualify due to White Trash teeth."     

Well my education must not have been as poor as yours as I was at least taught to brush my teeth. I'm sure reading and understanding the constitution is much more advanced than oral hygene, so I'll just dismiss your posts from now on. :D :D :D
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline ~Ace~

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Did you mean oral hygiene  ? Enough said

Offline Dee

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Did you mean oral hygiene  ? Enough said

Yes indeed! ;)
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline billy_56081

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Did you mean oral hygiene  ? Enough said

Must be easier to use spell check than a toothbrush. I have all my pearly whites and only  a few fillings.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.