Forgive me but I cannot help myself from pointing out that if not for the American GI, all of Europe might now be speaking German as a first language. I expect that Barack Hussein Obama, his wife, his preacher, and Jesse Jackson would disagree with that (or don't know much about it, or wouldn't care) but it is darn well true! America remains everything that President Ronald Reagan and many others said it is, and detractors like Obama and Jackson are beneficiaries of the very system they criticize.
2008 is an election year in which gun owners need to participate. My wife and I spent most of Saturday going door-to-door for a pro-gun candidate for the state legislature. On Sunday, my wife set up a voter registration table at a local church; as a registrar she hits a different church every Sunday. Last week we attended a fundraiser held for a US Senator who is backed by the NRA and in a tough race against an anti-gun challenger. Also, we walked in the 4th of July parade tossing candy to the crowd as part of the election campaign for a pro-gun candidate for the US House of Representatives. My front yard has signs for 3 pro-gun candidates and soon there will be additional signs. We can never do enough but we need to do as much as we can to keep guns in the forefront of these campaigns and to have pro-gun candidates win. Thank you for your time.