Now, you know you ghot thjose "statistics" from some left wing blog or spin sheet , and almost everyone here KNOWS how the left likes to
make up "statistics' on-the-spot !
So those "facts' have no credibility here..
I don't recall any big excitement about an "energy task force"..and Sierra Club..most know they are in bed with the eco-nuts. I suppose that if I
were to try to find out how to handle the energy situation, I may well ask oil producers ! I don't think there would be much reason to ask donut
shop operators !
The biggest "secret meetings" i can recall is the one Hillary held, when she was first elected (along with bill). She was going to "fix" the health care system !
She spent $$millions, anmd had hundreds of unidentified guests. It was so clandestine, I doubt anybody outside the Clinton Clique..knows just who attended!
I suppose we can rest assured they were a bunch of Sopcialist/Marxists though..
Anyway; that is all "water over the dam", we are concerned with the HERE & NOW..
The President's announcement way of speculator's and OPEC'S concerns..caused the world price of oil to slide 10% over the last 3 days...
...whether our fuel costs rise or now up to Congress..
Must I repeat ?... <<<< THE BALL IS IN CONGRESS' COURT ! >>>>