If you are looking for a good trigger job, call the Gun Doctor here in Michigan (PM me and I will give you his number). Or you can call Ken Kelly at Mag-na-port, they both do excellent work. He does most of my work for me (what I don't do myself). As for timing, you will not get a 'perfect' time job on a Ruger. On a Colt style weapon, you can get that bolt so it only pop's up when in the leade in to the notch on the cylinder. Ruger's are set up so the bolt come back up about halfway between the notches on the cylinder leaving a mark and ring on the finish. You cannot get the 'nice' type of timing without extensive replacement of parts and expense. The Ruger's work well and are durable. They are more like a useful hammer than a fine swiss watch. Use them as they were intended and enjoy them. 44 Man