Maybe I am using the wrong terminology? The dimensions you gentlemen are providing are what I would call "throat" dimensions. I am wondering about the diameter that surrounds the brass shell. I have an older blackhawk that measures around .488. When I fire this gun the brass expands making it harder to re-size when reloading and it also wastes energy expanding the case rather than propelling the bullet forward. My Accusport bisley measures .4815, which I find acceptable. John Linebaugh cuts his chambers to .480 and I assume Dave Clements is in the same ballpark. I am wondering if Accusport orders their chambers “custom small” from Ruger or if .4815 is the new Ruger norm. If somebody could measure a Montado I would appreciate it. This is more of mental hang up with me, I can't sleep at night knowing my chambers are sloppy loose. Thanks, Jim