The 760 is a very strong action and it is possible to rebarrel to nearly any caliber.. The action doesn't have a very powerful primary extraction and the 22-250 is one of the highest pressure rounds in the world. If there is to be a problem it likely will be sticking cases.. There isn't a short action as such but the magazines are set up for shorter rounds such as the 243.. Try feeding dummies thru a 760 first but it shouldn't be a big problem. Extraction may be. The barrel extension from all barrels should be the same withing normal tolerances. So if you have a donor in 30-06 it should work well although the magazine may have to be replaced.. I know of no replacement barrels made just for the 760, but any good smith should be able to remove the barrel extension and add the custom barrel of choice. The triggers are usually the worst part. Hard to make really good, they may limit the useability of the rifle..Let us know if we can be of curther service and how this project works out.