Author Topic: Somebody...tell the polar bears..and Al Gore..  (Read 1630 times)

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Offline ironglow

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Re: Somebody...tell the polar bears..and Al Gore..
« Reply #30 on: July 31, 2008, 12:47:53 AM »
  We can each pick our scientists..I try to stay away from those that would receive a monetary benefit or financial grant if they could keep
   the "global warming" myth alive. We see this sellout by "science" often, when multi million $$ grants are at stake. If you are old enough,
  you should be able to remember "cranberries will give you cancer" scare, as well as the saccharine vs sugar scare, which came about from a
  big financial grant by the Sugar "study' the issue.
   They greenies are of course, having trouble keeping the dog & pony show going, so we see their language changing..from "global warming" to
  "climate change". Since the climate has been changing continually they cannot be caught in their original lie, something they have been
  more in danger of with each passing month .
  You have seen it as well as I the last 3-4 months, the buzz-word has changed from global "climate change"...even the
  Tenessee guru, Al Gore himself has adopted the term... ;D ;)   

     One can "pick their scientist" for the position they want to "prove"..Thusfar however, I have found the strongest backers of the global
  warming myth to be scientists that an interest in renewing a financial grant to keep their work going..while those that say the global warming thing
   is shameless hype are often very qualified scientists that have no governmental "money pig" to suckle upon.  :D
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline magooch

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Re: Somebody...tell the polar bears..and Al Gore..
« Reply #31 on: July 31, 2008, 03:36:10 AM »
Sourdough, if that damp weather pattern continues, imagine what form that moisture will fall as in a couple of months.  Whcih way is that weather coming from anyway?

I cannot imagine a rainy interior Alaska; it must be totally weird.  I always said that if Fairbanks were a thousand miles, or so, south, it would be in a desert.  When I was stationed up there, it only rained about two times in 18 months and it didn't snow much either.  Sometimes we were lucky to have enough snow to go skiing, but even then it wasn't much.

As flat as the Tanana Valley is, I can well imagine what a mess that could turn into with a lot of rain.

Offline DakotaElkSlayer

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Re: Somebody...tell the polar bears..and Al Gore..
« Reply #32 on: July 31, 2008, 03:36:22 PM »
  We can each pick our scientists..I try to stay away from those that would receive a monetary benefit or financial grant if they could keep
   the "global warming" myth alive. We see this sellout by "science" often, when multi million $$ grants are at stake. If you are old enough,
  you should be able to remember "cranberries will give you cancer" scare, as well as the saccharine vs sugar scare, which came about from a
  big financial grant by the Sugar "study' the issue.
   They greenies are of course, having trouble keeping the dog & pony show going, so we see their language changing..from "global warming" to
  "climate change". Since the climate has been changing continually they cannot be caught in their original lie, something they have been
  more in danger of with each passing month .
  You have seen it as well as I the last 3-4 months, the buzz-word has changed from global "climate change"...even the
  Tenessee guru, Al Gore himself has adopted the term... ;D ;)   

     One can "pick their scientist" for the position they want to "prove"..Thusfar however, I have found the strongest backers of the global
  warming myth to be scientists that an interest in renewing a financial grant to keep their work going..while those that say the global warming thing
   is shameless hype are often very qualified scientists that have no governmental "money pig" to suckle upon.  :D

Good point...very good point that all should remember.  I am not sure why NOAA and NASA would benefit from Global Warming, but I really haven't a clue to where ALL there money comes from.  The scientists that are saying it doesn't exist, they aren't tied to any agenda or anyone's purse?

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Offline ironglow

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Re: Somebody...tell the polar bears..and Al Gore..
« Reply #33 on: July 31, 2008, 05:22:18 PM »
   While I cannot know the source of each comment scientist's income, many are simply scientists that are  former profs, or someone that does not
  depend upon govt grants or commercial  funding for their income; such as the man that started "The Weather Channel". In any case, there are numerous
  dissenters fromm the "global warming" story..and the group seems to be growing...
   I have seen too many crises such a the threatened "Swine Flu" epidemic..the shots were quickly manufactured and given. ..Not one case of Swine flu;
  but quite a number..especially seniors, died from the shot !
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline deltecs

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Re: Somebody...tell the polar bears..and Al Gore..
« Reply #34 on: August 01, 2008, 05:25:48 AM »
In Today's Important News topic a while back, I posted a news article from geologists that have proof of underseas volcanoes actively spewing lava from eruptions under the Arctic Ice.  I don't care who you are, if you raise the water temperature even a very few degrees or create a convection column of water, then water from a different source will replace the warmer water rising to the surface.  This in effect will change or detour normal ocean currents.  In this case the only water available for replacement comes from the Gulf Stream or Japanese Current, which is substantially warmer than the Arctic.  It is no mystery to me then, that the polar Arctic cap is melting faster than predicted.  This is a natural climate change not due to global warming but due to natural shifts in our planets tectonic plates and subsequent effects from it.  Antartic ice caps would experience a similar shift in ocean currents caused by this transfer of water toward the North, thus bringing in water from warmer sources.  I have extremely little doubt the Earth's climate changes are attributed to natural causes and not man made.  My reason for ridding ourselves of carbon emissions is to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels and revert to renewable energy sources, which in the long run will and are cheaper, more plenishable, and reliable.
Greg lost his battle with cancer last week on April 2nd 2009. RIP Greg. We miss you.

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