Author Topic: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran  (Read 9964 times)

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Re: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
« Reply #90 on: August 07, 2008, 03:52:27 PM »
The auto pilots on planes are similar to those on marine use.  Yes, my gps interface with my auto pilot will bring my boat to within 10 meters or about 33 feet of destination.  No marine use is not remote controlled as in not being in or on the vessel.  It is a totally different thing talking about remote controlled units instead of auto piloted.  Also, if elevation is considered, one needs a very accurate diffential gps to determine sub minute accuracy.  Standard GPS is not nearly accurate enough for elevation computations.  That is the reason for altimeters.  A very accurate measurement of barometric pressure.  But it must be calibrated to the locality and set before accurate readings can be taken.  And it doesn't read in decimals of millibar barometric pressure, which is what would be needed for an elevation change of 10-12 feet, which is the normal height of a building story.  As for aircraft landing aids, these need a ground signal sent to the aircraft to determine glide slope and angle of approach to the runway.  None of which was on the WTC.  As for ordinance guidance systems, it uses a laser targeting signal for the homing beacon in the weapon to track to.  Guidance systems are one of the most complicated of equipment and the concept of remote controlled aircraft guidance systems that would direct a jet liner with the accuracy required is just not feasible or credible.  As far as determining a destination with GPS while concerned with NORAD, that is a simple solution.  A GPS reading of lat long could have been taken from street level at WTC to obtain coordinates and input into the planes GPS is easy and fast.  But that doesn't explain how any aircraft piloted or guidance system could have impacted on the exact floors needed to cover up any explosive devices earlier planted.  

I have to agree that I'm distressed over our restricted fundamental rights.  I am concerned about the false information that was used for the invasion of Iraq.  That is not the same as saying lies.  I'm concerned that our intelligence services, along with other Nations' intelligence were so far off on the WMD in Iraq.  We knew Saddam had them at one time, but we did not know he ceased stockpiles?  That is the travesty.  We spend billions of dollars in covert operations and come up with erroneous information that our leaders depend on for foreign policy, doesn't make any sense except for incompetence.  If our intelligence services are so incompetent, then maybe it was time for a restructuring, even if it hasn't worked so far, as effectively as intended.  As for the letter on 8/6/01, it could be that it actually was under investigation for credibility, when the attack happened a month later.  We all know how long investigations take when government employees are doing it.  Sometimes it takes several years.  As for dual citizenship in government, that is not out of the realm of probability.  No one bothered to ask Kissenger about any dual citizenship and he certainly could have had them.  What about Gov Schwarzenegger?  He may not be the most staunch of conservatives, but he too could have obtained dual citizenship and few doubt his dedication or loyalty to America.  I'm more concerned with a presidential election, in which many more of my rights will be restricted or prohibited under the guise of civic security, like more firearms restrictions in large cities, where I'm more likely to defend myself there than at home.  I"m more concerned with our energy policy and the deadlock by radicals in both major polical parties for control.  We can permit offshore drilling and still implement alternative energy solutions in the interim.  I'm concerned with our foreign policys' developed from erroneous information and outdated.  I'm more concerned with the appointment of constructionist judges that do not, and will not, make law from the bench.  I'm concerned that terrorists are granted protections under US Constitution, as if they were an enemy combatant in uniform.  As for me, I consider them spies and sabotuers, subject to military law and punishment.  I'm concerned about Iran with a very anti western attitude with Islamic religious control, possibly stockpiling or having atomic weapons.  Too unstable.  I'm concerned whether or not I'll get my winters firewood cut before Sept 1st.  Do I have answers for all that.  Not necessarily, but I have some ideas as to the outcome, if all comes to pass.  I'm not liking my conclusions at all.  
Greg lost his battle with cancer last week on April 2nd 2009. RIP Greg. We miss you.

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Re: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
« Reply #91 on: August 07, 2008, 04:07:20 PM »

The American Psyche is my biggest concern....

Check my new signature below...

Offline deltecs

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Re: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
« Reply #92 on: August 07, 2008, 04:51:54 PM »
Ok, I've thought about it.  There may not have been a person with the same conviction on the planes.  It would not be uncommon.  It happened with the Achille Lauro and this was a cruise liner with more mobility and access to weapons than an airplane.  Airplanes from all over the world have been highjacked and not one has had passengers successfully re obtained control.  The only known instance where passengers have revolted is the PA crash and I would not call that successful.  It stopped the aircraft from hitting its primary target, but the passengers are still dead.  Also, in the instances at WTC, we do not know whether or not any attempt was made to retake over the aircraft by passengers.  We do know if any attempt was made, it was not successful again and this time the plane did hit the primary target.  We don't know if in any other aircraft accident where all the passengers were killed if it was highjacked or not and passengers interference caused the crashes.  These scenarios are not out of the realm of probability.  I'm not an aircraft expert, but I do know of a very good friend and aeronautical engineer at NASA.  If you'll send me the pics of the remote controlled unit on the aiplane, I'll send them to him and see what his opinion is.  I'm in nearly daily email with him and I think he'd tell me the truth.   I'd need the actual photos from the plane that hit WTC.
Greg lost his battle with cancer last week on April 2nd 2009. RIP Greg. We miss you.

Detente: An armed citizenry versus a liberal society
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Re: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
« Reply #93 on: August 07, 2008, 05:24:50 PM »
Geez True Muslim I still haven't seen you offer any hard evidence. Just supposition and opinion. Heck are even all of these "pilots" real? Or are they just internet wanna be experts?
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline deltecs

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Re: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
« Reply #94 on: August 07, 2008, 05:34:25 PM »
Planes have been highjacked before without fighter escort or surveillance, so why would they at the time of WTC?  I don't know all the answers for all the mysteries or contradictions.  I'm just not convinced that WTC was commited by someone or something other than Islamic terrorists.  I have attempted to keep an open mind on these contradictions, but other explanations can, and I say can, be just as logical and probable as any concerning intervention from within our government.  And unless I'm mistaken, and I easily could be in this case, are there absolute facts that the highjack signal was not entered?  Maybe it was and responses were being considered before any course of action was taken to prevent the crashes.  I know it took Exxon and the government over 5 days to determine the appropiate course of action when the Exxon Valdez hit Bligh Reef.  This hesitation cost millions of dollars because the weather turned for the worst and scattered the oil slick.  Had they acted immediately, it probably could have been contained to within a much smaller area than actually happened.  A Napalm bomb from Elmendorf could have ignited the floating oil and prevented thousands of miles of contaminated beaches, with resultant environmental and private economic losses.  Exxon was more concerned with a 60 million dollar tanker than they were with any oil spill and did not even consider the economic losses if the oil started to disperse.  I have personal proof of that fact.  
Greg lost his battle with cancer last week on April 2nd 2009. RIP Greg. We miss you.

Detente: An armed citizenry versus a liberal society
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Re: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
« Reply #95 on: August 08, 2008, 01:47:03 AM »
You will not make peace with the Bluecoats, you are free to go.

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Re: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
« Reply #96 on: August 08, 2008, 06:28:59 AM »
One possibility that has never been thoroughly investigated:

Offline rex6666

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Re: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
« Reply #97 on: August 08, 2008, 09:26:13 AM »
you ain't gona do it.
if you and your sister saw it together, tm would say their was some thing wrong with both
your eyes.
I think he doe not care what happened or how it happened, his main objective is to
see how many he can get to drink his cool-aid.

Texas is good for men and dogs, but it is hell on women and horses.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
« Reply #98 on: August 08, 2008, 12:41:30 PM »
    Let's be real..Identify the type of aircraft ?  Most folks are probably not able to positively identify a 727, 737, 747 or 757 very well from one another,
  as it is, say nothing about only seeing only a fleeting glimpse of it as it crossed the final "concrete canyon" and brought on a horrific explosion. Add to that
  other makes of airliners using our airspace and it is unfair for you to exp[ect that kind of positive ID from the  secretaries, janitors, waitresses and shoppers etc.,
  it seems the witnesses did quite well.
   To counter your conspiracy theories, they would only need see the planes crash into the towers; which thousands did !
       Seems like you are holding the witnesses to a much higher standard than you demand of your conspiracy addicts. After all, you demand the eye witnesses
    be 100% correct as to the details of the airliners as to brand, airlines and model...yet you quickly accept the word of "conspiracy theorists" as 100% correct ..
    when in many cases, they weren't even around to see it !
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
« Reply #99 on: August 08, 2008, 03:08:12 PM »
    Let's be real..Identify the type of aircraft ?  Most folks are probably not able to positively identify a 727, 737, 747 or 757 very well from one another,
  as it is, say nothing about only seeing only a fleeting glimpse of it as it crossed the final "concrete canyon" and brought on a horrific explosion. Add to that
  other makes of airliners using our airspace and it is unfair for you to exp[ect that kind of positive ID from the  secretaries, janitors, waitresses and shoppers etc.,
  it seems the witnesses did quite well.
   To counter your conspiracy theories, they would only need see the planes crash into the towers; which thousands did !
       Seems like you are holding the witnesses to a much higher standard than you demand of your conspiracy addicts. After all, you demand the eye witnesses
    be 100% correct as to the details of the airliners as to brand, airlines and model...yet you quickly accept the word of "conspiracy theorists" as 100% correct ..
    when in many cases, they weren't even around to see it !

Excellent points.  But, it won't matter to you know who.  What's the eyewitness testimony of hundreds or thousands of everyday citizens, when you have the likes of dozens of leftwing moonbat bloggers?   ::)
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Offline Cabin4

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Re: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
« Reply #100 on: August 08, 2008, 07:07:53 PM »

Sometimes reading your posts can be entertaining and sometimes just exhausting. This one is exhausting.

I firmly believe that you just seem to swallow hook, line an sinker anything negative about Bush, Republicans, Conservatives or Libertarians. Your obviously a Liberal and maybe even a communist or Marxist. The problem: it shows so loudly here were you stand politically its becoming impossible for me to believe anything you post. If I at least saw some balance in your post, it might make it more tolerable and believable. But the fact that Liberals, Communists, Democrates, Terrorists, Bin Laden, etc, etc, are nearly always void from your criticism, just plainly puts in the pocket of some political pigion hole. Its amazing what angels Clinton, Pelosi, Reed, Obama,Castro,Hugo,Bin Laden, Taliban, Palestinians, Edwards, etc are!!!

Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
« Reply #101 on: August 09, 2008, 04:10:28 AM »

Sometimes reading your posts can be entertaining and sometimes just exhausting. This one is exhausting.

I firmly believe that you just seem to swallow hook, line an sinker anything negative about Bush, Republicans, Conservatives or Libertarians. Your obviously a Liberal and maybe even a communist or Marxist. The problem: it shows so loudly here were you stand politically its becoming impossible for me to believe anything you post. If I at least saw some balance in your post, it might make it more tolerable and believable. But the fact that Liberals, Communists, Democrates, Terrorists, Bin Laden, etc, etc, are nearly always void from your criticism, just plainly puts in the pocket of some political pigion hole. Its amazing what angels Clinton, Pelosi, Reed, Obama,Castro,Hugo,Bin Laden, Taliban, Palestinians, Edwards, etc are!!!

   Yeah left out fascist  ::)......cognitive dissonance in practice here...take a reading comprehension class. But right ...I'm not a hardcore righteous war party blinded advocate as yourself supporting elite causes. I suggest less gluttony and swallowing in one end of the political spectrum and little more consideration of the political spectrum as a buffet.  Personally I don't think you'd recognize a conservative if you tripped on one in broad daylight unless Uncle Bill O told you.



But you don't deny that you are a far lafet Liberal, communist, fascist, marksist or similar. As you describe yourself and by leaving out any even close affiliation to something on the "right", I guess what I surmised in my post is pretty darn accurate. You also don't deny that you only attack the right. Amazing all those angels in the Left. Must be heaven over there!!

Just want to make sure that you agree with how I have you sized up. Apparently you do agree.

This way the readers now know for certain, reading your posts is like reading the typical biased left wing media output.

Thanks for the clarification.

Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
« Reply #102 on: August 09, 2008, 05:31:08 AM »

Sometimes reading your posts can be entertaining and sometimes just exhausting. This one is exhausting.

I firmly believe that you just seem to swallow hook, line an sinker anything negative about Bush, Republicans, Conservatives or Libertarians. Your obviously a Liberal and maybe even a communist or Marxist. The problem: it shows so loudly here were you stand politically its becoming impossible for me to believe anything you post. If I at least saw some balance in your post, it might make it more tolerable and believable. But the fact that Liberals, Communists, Democrates, Terrorists, Bin Laden, etc, etc, are nearly always void from your criticism, just plainly puts in the pocket of some political pigion hole. Its amazing what angels Clinton, Pelosi, Reed, Obama,Castro,Hugo,Bin Laden, Taliban, Palestinians, Edwards, etc are!!!

   Yeah left out fascist  ::)......cognitive dissonance in practice here...take a reading comprehension class. But right ...I'm not a hardcore righteous war party blinded advocate as yourself supporting elite causes. I suggest less gluttony and swallowing in one end of the political spectrum and little more consideration of the political spectrum as a buffet.  Personally I don't think you'd recognize a conservative if you tripped on one in broad daylight unless Uncle Bill O told you.



But you don't deny that you are a far lafet Liberal, communist, fascist, marksist or similar. As you describe yourself and by leaving out any even close affiliation to something on the "right", I guess what I surmised in my post is pretty darn accurate. You also don't deny that you only attack the right. Amazing all those angels in the Left. Must be heaven over there!!

Just want to make sure that you agree with how I have you sized up. Apparently you do agree.

This way the readers now know for certain, reading your posts is like reading the typical biased left wing media output.

Thanks for the clarification.


 ???..There is no liberal or conservative, just up and down...don't fall for that dialectic. You seem to have an overwhelming need to label that which you don't understand to meet your negativity requirements as your lableing signifies...not my problem or concern just because you can't handle reality. I'm not any of your silly labels, and seem to be off your scale of comprehension.  Read my posts...I'm an equal opportunity criticizer...I'm just not a pile-on type of guy when most here can do that on their own and don't need my help. If that's your criteria for you judgement from on-high.. get a life.
  Right now we have a regime in office that has lied or embezzeled or misled or forged or cooked intell; rolled back Freedoms, perpetuated a W OF T forever, engendered hate politics, likely had some role in the 911 attack, wrecked the economy, and pretty much made a shamble of foreign policy and so on ad nauseum....worse yet you and the other water boys seem down with that. BTW...last time I checked we were a nation of Law.  Best you review your Jefferson and Madison before pointing your crooked finger at me.
   Now do you want to talk about me, or discuss the subjects at hand.?


Funny how you claim to not fit into the political spectrum anywhere!!!!  Must be on a political island all by yourself.

Your still evading my questions though which still leaves me uneasy about your real motives. Are your motives for true justice or are they motives for true justice based on political affiliation?? That's what I'm driving at. If we are going to discuss this subject and all I hear from you is Bush this, Bush that, and no critisisam to the prior administration or any democrate politicians holding office then or now, one can only be led to believe your only motive is leftist and has nothing to do with truth. You love to evade this point which I have tried to make to you so many times I can't count anymore. You always ignore it and by doing so your the one taking this subject off course. I want to know if there is any connection to the Clinton admin and their role in allowing 9-11 to happen. Your position is apparently NOT. The Clinton admin is innocent! Waco and Ruby Ridge are Bush's fault I suppose.....

We now know TM7, from your perspective, Clintion and all Leftists, prior & current are completely and totally innocent when it comes to 9-11 and any terror attack, war or any other negative issues that has faced our country.

Again, thanks for the clarification.

Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
« Reply #103 on: August 09, 2008, 06:25:35 AM »
  Still difficult to believe that two huge airliners fly low through the concrete canyons and only a couple dozen saw them ! No; only a few of the witnesses were
  interviewed on TV, but that doesn't mean the other thopusands didn't see them.
  The morning the event occurred, many were in the streets before the buildings were emptied (as much as could be) and they seemed to have no doubts as
  to what happened.
   Too many called their loved ones from the planes, and too many loved ones accepted what their loved ones told believe3 that it transpired any other way !
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
« Reply #104 on: August 09, 2008, 10:13:42 AM »
I don't have any poilitical affilation aside from being an admirer of the Founders and the Constitution...that's about it. 



TM7,as you describe yourself,that makes you a Conservative! Whats interesting is, all you blame are conservatives. Little to no blame from you makes its way over to the Liberals.

I question your self definition with or without the Conservative label. I'm going to pull out my copy of the Constitution and read up were its says its the governments responsibility to provide free health care for everyone.

Circle the Funny, that's what I think you do. Never answering questions is "circling the wagons". You never ask any questions of posters, you just give them a label and assume all sorts of crap about them. Let me guess, when not posting on GB your a Palm Reader?

Your a piece a work TM7...

Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
« Reply #105 on: August 09, 2008, 01:10:05 PM »
  Sounds like your getting a little frustrated,,,,have a nice long drink of some cool refreshing kool-aide...helps for a nice long sleep and dream.

One thing is for sure...I don't thing you're close to being a conservative,,,more like a radical intractible extremiest with an urge for world democraticism led and fettered to party A as balanced out by opposition party B .

Definition: conservatism (

a--The inclination, especially in politics, to maintain the existing or traditional order.
b--A political philosophy or attitude emphasizing respect for traditional institutions, distrust of government activism, and opposition to sudden change in the established order.
c--Conservatism The principles and policies of the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom or of the Progressive Conservative Party in Canada.
d--Caution or moderation, as in behavior or outlook.

I don't think you show any of the qualties in a, b, or show no restraint, you shun inquiry and inquisiveness; intolerant of ideas separate from your preordained scheme of things, and generally project a self congratulatory my-way-or-the-highway method. Further you've hitched your wagon to the neocons, who are nothing more than radical internationalists and seemingly swill down most of their radical koo-aide.  Give it up and lighten up.

Now do you want to continue discussing me, or is it actually about discussing YOU;;;;or should we continue discussing some of the topics and questions at hand..?


Like I said, TM7, your a Palm Reader & a  Crystal Ball enthusiast. You don't know anything about me and never will because you never ask any questions to posters here about their believes, you just live in your little isolated computer room getting your mind filled with internet blog BS. Then you come here and make all sorts of stupid accusations about anyone that challenges your trash. I actually asked you questions, you just refuse to answer them. Your way of answering questions is to ignore them and try to change the subject by trying to put people who challenge you into a pigeon hole with a label. Just because I, like you don't believe Bush worked with Bin Laden to make 9-11 does not make me not whatever you think I am. To be a conservative, republican, libertarian, communist, Marxist, socialist or whatever, does not mean I or anyone is required to believe every piece of crap you post.You have no idea who I am or what I believe and never will.

You have posted over 4,000 posts since Aug of 2004 (2.76 post per day) here and I have read many of them. BTW: At that posting rate, what I do know about you is, you got way to much time on your hands.....
The significant majority of your posts are here in the chatter box forums. I rarely post on these. The significant majority of my posts are about guns & hunting. If I want to talk politics, I rather talk to people in real life. Its too easy to reach conclusions about people (Ala like you do). Your responses to me are just anger responses, lacking any real analysis because you don't have any information about me.That's why I'm calling you a palm reader and crystal ball enthusiast. .

Like I said, your a real piece a work.

So, were getting ready for supper now and then its off for a short horse back ride here in the beautiful Idaho mountains then back to the ranch here for a night rodeo. My guess is for you it will be alone in front of your computer getting the latest conspricy theories from the communist web blogs. There so unbiased..... Have fun...

Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
« Reply #106 on: August 09, 2008, 05:40:45 PM »
IG.....not arguing what hit the buildings

Now wait a second tm.  Didn't you previously post that you didn't beliieve that planes actually hit the towers and that the video footage of the planes striking looked like something Saturday Nite Live could have made up?  Or was that someone else?   ::)
Aim small, miss small!!!

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Re: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
« Reply #107 on: August 09, 2008, 10:09:48 PM »
TM7 is oblivious too the fact that film from a number of different sources were used too completely identify both planes which hit the towers.
There are two identifiable characters in TM's personality---and only he--well, maybe---has a clue too the truth of the real personality.
I am saying---giving way too the possibility of it--that he just enjoys a well stirred pot.

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Re: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
« Reply #108 on: August 10, 2008, 03:31:16 AM »
  You seemingly wish us to consider you as thoughtful, fair minded and balanced..
    A) I am still waiting for as strong a criticism of the Muslims as you give to Christians and Jews...surely the terrorist attacks, beheadings and "honor killings"
  would merit SOME kind of approbation, rather than an immediate jump to validate such primitive practices..
   B)  I and others, are still waiting for as strong criticism as you give to conservatives (& neocons) be given by you to liberals (& neolibs)..After all,
  you claim to dislike big power brokers who try to subvert national soverignty, and the libs, especially the neolibs are the ones pushing for "global village",
  one world govt  etc..

   C) With your spirit of disliking those who would seek undeserved power through lies and distortion, one would expect you would be all over Al Gore and his "stink on a hog" !
  You criticize sharply, and rightly so..any preacher or conservative politician who acts hypocritically. Al Gore and all his liberal cronies condemn our using
   4WD pickups and more than 2 squares of toilet paper, while in themselves live in wasteful 30,000 sq ft mansions and fly around in private jets !
   Now, do the right thing..TM !
   Until you do that, it would seem at least superficially, that you, like Al Gore and the many Mullahs.. "talk the talk"..much better than you "walk the walk" !
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
« Reply #109 on: August 10, 2008, 05:00:13 AM »

TM7 changes his mind, changes facts, Crystal ball politics, he simply makes up garbage and then posts it here with his added so called "truth" verbiage wrapped around it.

He peddles in lies, unfounded accusations about people and just pure trash talk. He claims to "believe in the Constitution" but he actually believe in a much more on top of the constitution. He believes in adding Communism too it.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
« Reply #110 on: August 10, 2008, 07:41:21 AM »
Perhaps I missed something, but I didn't see any condemnation of the "environmentalist's" hypocrisy...
  No mention of Al Gore and his spreading of falsehoods..
   No condemnatiuon of  the Muslim's beheadings,running people through brush choppers or any
  condemnation of "honor" killings.

  Not even a peep about libs efforts toward cxhanging the world into a "global village"...
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
« Reply #111 on: August 10, 2008, 10:50:31 AM »
Perhaps I missed something, but I didn't see any condemnation of the "environmentalist's" hypocrisy...
  No mention of Al Gore and his spreading of falsehoods..
   No condemnatiuon of  the Muslim's beheadings,running people through brush choppers or any
  condemnation of "honor" killings.

  Not even a peep about libs efforts toward cxhanging the world into a "global village"...

Just my point which I have raised several times. He claims to be a "equal opportunity" criticizer but strange why there's never a peep of criticism from him of the Liberals, Terrorists, communists, socialists, Marxist, democrates. 4,000+ posts in 4 years and we never see a bad thing from TM7 on these people. Its always the neocons fault. Makes you wounder why someone would come to a place largely filled with readers of a conservative background and place posts directed at trying to persuade them that what they believe is is so dam evil.

I think the guy is nothing more then looking for a place to aggravate people because he's really a  terrorist loving communist that will say or fabricate anything that suites his sick desire to excrement his garbage on this forum.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
« Reply #112 on: August 10, 2008, 12:05:38 PM »
Glad to see everyone is getting along how about that cook out billy?

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Re: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
« Reply #113 on: August 10, 2008, 04:01:01 PM »
  Just another conspiracy theorist ! Yes; any fuel, be it wood, coal, gas, jet fuel or burning snapping turtles, unless it meets the required 2700+ degrees F,
  won't melt steel..DUH..but any fuel, be it coal, gas, turpentine, firewood or chicken fat..if it meets the right temperature, it will melt steel ! Rather simple, no ?

  A little home experement: Put several hershey bars on a plates, say the bars melt at 100 deg F..apply heat to each by different sources..wood, gas, hairdryer,
   oven and hoty water..all bars will melt at 100 F, no matter what the heat source...Duh..

   Suire, we see highway accidents where there is burning fuels..gasoline, diesel, motor oil and perhaps in some cases marshmallows; but burning in the open,
   without any bellows or venturi effect, one never sees heavy steel melt. Aluminum or other non-ferrous metals perhaps, but not heavy steel !
  The blacksmith knows that his coal forge will not melt steel without pushing the air to it; that is exactly why we have bellows, blowers etc on forges ..Duh..

  Your fellow conspirator who says he is a blacksmith has apparently intentionally overlooked the major point that was made by myself and the engineer that
   was posted earlier in this thread...NAMELY:


        As I and the engineers at Popular Mechanics stated (no guns here, pg 3 , post #65), the steel glows red at a much lower temperature 800-100 degrees at
   which point it is greatly diminished in strength, likely over 50%. !The steel could still be at black heat and be greatly weakened, I'm guessing 40-45% less strength..
   How much over load was engineered into the structures ?  I don't know, and I doubt you and the conspiracy tinhatters do !
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
« Reply #114 on: August 10, 2008, 04:22:04 PM »

All your doing now is repeating your excrement. I'm certainly not going to answer any of your questions. You never answer any so expect what you dish out, nothing.

Now, in order to solve the colapse of the twin towers, TM7 quotes a blacksmith. I'll tell you what, there are 2 blacksmiths at the ranch here and I will bet you your life, they think your a horses arse for posting yet another pile of horse crap for us to read.

Get a life.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
« Reply #115 on: August 10, 2008, 05:29:19 PM »
Mr. Mitchell's theory is based on anecdotal evidence.
As an engineer I tend to listen to other engineers and this is about as indepth as you can get.
What it says is:
1. the attack on the WTC was an exceptional event way beyond any standard design criteria
2. fuel burned outside the building as well as on the inside
3.the beams and columns don't have to melt to fail, they only have to reach the yield point
To construct a building like the WTC the various structural systems have to work together and are integral to each other. Failure in one or two components is enough to cause total collapse. 
think house of cards.

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Re: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
« Reply #116 on: August 11, 2008, 05:04:06 AM »
With all the detailed tests on the debris why doesn't one report mention explosives residue?

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Re: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
« Reply #117 on: August 11, 2008, 05:51:47 AM »
With all the detailed tests on the debris why doesn't one report mention explosives residue?
except those from private and independent investigators...TM7

Whats the definition of a "private independent investigator" and who did they work for?

Let me guess, they are pretending to be investigators, actually they don't know crap about investigating a crime scene and they work for a far left wing anti democracy group funded by George Sourus.

Now that will get us a credable report....


What a joke.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
« Reply #118 on: August 11, 2008, 10:06:20 AM »

I talked to one of the blacksmiths here and he was reading some of your posts. He said he feels sorry for you. I disagreed, I told him your just a sorry arse who parakeets garbage info and loves George Sorus.

BTW: I bet you would win first prize in the highest word count to garbage post ratio of any poster. Too bad there's not such a contest.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: Cheney, Neocons Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack Iran
« Reply #119 on: August 11, 2008, 11:52:16 AM »

I talked to one of the blacksmiths here and he was reading some of your posts. He said he feels sorry for you. I disagreed, I told him your just a sorry arse who parakeets garbage info and loves George Sorus.

BTW: I bet you would win first prize in the highest word count to garbage post ratio of any poster. Too bad there's not such a contest.

Yeah, keep takin' your pills, cabin...