I took your invitation in post #190 seriously (although I shouldn't have) and visited your "patriots question 9/11" website That place is a total hoot !
They had a listing, worldwide of whoever's names they could dredge up as "doubters" of the official 9/11 explanation.
So first I looked at the senior military patriots (?) on the list. Among other PATRIOTS, I find;
1) Col Pierre-Henri Bunel ..formerly of the French army
2) Giualeitto Chiesa ..member of the European Parliment
3)Gen Mirza Aslam Beg ..formerly of Pakistani army
4) francesco Cosseiaga ..former pres of italy
5) Mohammed Hassamein Heikal ..former foreign minister of Egypt
6) Gen leonid ivashov ..formerly of the Red Army
Whew TM7...some bunch of "patriots" we have to worry about...patriots to what ?
Next I looked at "artists, & entertainers"...
Names like Asner, Belafonte and the Sheens showed up..Hey, who's to question their motives ?
Then I saw Jeanean Garafalo, woody Haralson and
Jim Hightower..folks that always objective and ALWAYS want the US to prevail..
Of course Micheal Moore, Rosie O'Donnell and Cindy "ditch witch" Sheehan
and the incomparable Willie Nelson..(I assume he wasn't smoking when asked about it).
Next listed were a some radio stars.. e.g."Wild Bill" Blackolive..and "Liquid todd" Wilkinson (they didn't mention what liquid he favored).
Then we come to the musical groups (as if they were brilliant on international affairs)..such as; "Immortal Technique" and "Jadakiss"..
and of course, who's to doubt the veracity of a group who call themselves "Liars"...
Of course there were a couple examples of elder American statesmen; A) Dennis Kucinich and B) Mike Gravel ...of recent news fame when he called upon
his followers to harass at home, the prosecutors who convicted the self-confessed terrorist Al Arian. He even suggested that his own "brown shirts"...
" find out where their children go to school" go there and intimidate and possibly kill them. Go to and search for < did mike gravel cross the line ? >
Your website mentions 130+ military & LEO, 510+ engineers & architects, 120+pilots & aviators, 270+ professors, 270+ survivors etc that doubt at least SOME of
the official conclusions of the 9/11 commission..
Since these names were dredged up worldwide..have you considered the untold millions of people in these professions that accept the conclusions ?
...Or didn't you think pf that ?