Bill - How about a barrel de-resonator?
I never thought much about the flip ups in the past, never owned them. I bough a new scope with them on it about a year ago. It was a 2 X 7 X 38 scope. I bought it for a carrying/hunting rifle. I thought I would give them a try, since it was free. I liked how they worked and got used to it very quickly. I bought a few sets since for the same type application. I think they look silly with the covers up. It kind of ruins the clean lines of the rifle. But, when I carry the rifle I leave them closed, too much of a chance to get them caught up on brush and such. When I am ready to shoot, I flip them up like described above and can do it fairly quickly and does not slow down the shoulder mounting much at all. The covers keep the brush from scratching the lens, picking up dirt and helps keep the inclement weather off the lens. When they are "down" it does not mess up the lines too much and when I am looking down the tube, I can not see the flip ups and I do not care what others think. As soon as I am done shooting, I snap them back down. I do not have to worry about loosing/misplacing the things either. I keep a rifle by the back door for "pest" control. These are real nice for that application. They keep the dirt off the lens while stored and all I have to do is flip them up to shoot. On Varmint guns, they are not needed or wanted in my case. The Binni style Bill described fit that application much better. I do not care for lighted cross hairs, like Bill, I think 50mm + lens look silly (doable, but silly) on a hunting/carrying rifle and would not be caught dead with a barrel de-resonator but those are some of my preferences. We all have them.