Piety ? When during the course of this post did I clain piety ? True, I try to avoid name calling whether by full names or initials..but that is not piety,
it's just my normal custom..
And that " long, bony, crooked finger thing" just HAVE to be a bit more observant. My fingers are long..but hardly bony...
I buy 3X large gloves when I can find them ! ...And that bony part..I resemble that..but "knobby" would be a more apt description..
A touch of old arthritis, you know...
Concerning the "hundreds of professionals" around the world who agree in full or part with the tinhatters, can we put into evidence the untold millions
around the world who don't agree with you ?
Of course, you must already be aware that any list of them would be so large as to be virtually imposible to compile !