It's hard to find a low powered scope with an adjustable objective for parallax. The Burris is probably the lowest price quality scope you're going to find with that feature. Weaver used to make a rimfire scope with AO, 3-9x32, but it's been discontinued.
Are you shooting off a benchrest or is it just a fun gun type thing? If it's mostly bench work, you might look at one of the lower powered benchrest scopes, both Weaver and Burris make a 6x scope with AO.
The problem with a lot of airgun/rimfire scopes is that although they will work on centerfire rifles, they may be short in the eye relief for a 45/70. I'd look on midwayusa, they list the specs for all of their scopes, with good reviews too.
The Nikon Pro Staff 4x Rimfire scope might fit your needs, it's got 4.1" eye relief and is set at 50yds for parallax. It's usually around $100 or so, and several people have used them on shotguns for turkey hunting without a problem.