Hey Cabin4, before you overload your bluejay ass, you might want to think twice before you start telling anybody, especially me, that they are unfit to be Americans. It's stupid jerkoffs like you that haven't a clue about this country and how it's supposed to work that make post like that. Before you start telling anyone in this room they are unfit to be Americans, why don't you tell us just who you are? And what have you done to earn that right? Or are you just another cyberspace punk hiding behind a keyboard?
Based on that response, you force me to say it again: Anyone who supports or participates in the act of hiding WANTED criminals from authorities is unfit to be an American. You or I don't have a "right" to disobey the law and neither does some Mayor of a city. In this case, Mayors take an oath of office to uphold the law.
If you put yourself in this category, then so be it. If you disagree with me on this, sorry, but that's just too bad. But what really counts here, are people like Mrs. Bologna who's husband Anthony Bologna, and his sons, 20-year-old Michael, and 16-year-old Matthew, were murdered by Edwin Ramos, an illegal alien in safe harbor in San Francisco. If San Francisco was not a sanctuary city, these murders may have been prevented. I think this is something worth discussing and worthy of strong statements. People are dieing, maimed being robbed and women are being raped. There are too many examples of how real this issue is.
Quote:A sanctuary city is a city within the United States of America that protects illegal aliens from federal law enforcement agencies and the term generally is used for cities that do not allow municipal funds or resources to be used to enforce federal immigration laws.
San Francisco is an admitted sanctuary city and reports have shown they actually advertise that status, inviting illegal aliens to their town for protection.
Read the article for your self. It made nation wide news:http://wwwwakeupamericans-spree.blogspot.com/2008/07/san-francisco-sanctuary-city-shielded.html
If after reading this you still support the idea of sanctuary cities which includes special safe harbor to protect criminals who are here illegally from arrest by federal authorities, then just place a post letting us know you support this special privilege. But remember, these are people who have an arrest warrant already issued for them! This is a protection not afforded to legal immigrants or American citizens....Its important that you make sure you understand the specific issue I'm addressing here.
If after all this you still disagree, then I'll be glad to tell you what "gives me the right" as you ask. But first, you should outline your logic that justifies why you believe illegals should enjoy this special privilege and why Mayors should be able to break federal law and their oath of office to the people they serve.