I personally believe it is bound to happen relatively soon. The world is changing toward technology and the associated ills and civil restructuring depenedent on it, including major businesses. This effects the politics of all nations indirectly. All one needs to look at, is the lack of government or civil structure in Somalia since 1991 that has major piracy on our high seas. Governments and shipping companies cannot tolerate this scenario for long. Zimbabwe has major internal problems, along with Kenya, South Africa, and a host of other African nations, the middle East is rife with radicals not willing to compromise peacably, the far East is having major internal strife as well, and as for South America, there are several large countries with border and trade disputes. Europe is caught in the middle of this with NATO and Soviet Pacts. The world's drug cartels are under fire and firing back. Mexico has areas of absolutely no true civil authority, except for the drug cartels and it is spilling over into the US along with a huge illegal immigration problem. The whole world is either fighting internally or externally with someone or something. When there is this much civil unrest, history has proved time and agian that a breaking point is reached and war begins. I think this one will be a bad one too. I don't know if anyone can survive for long once nuclear weapons are used en masse. And that could, mark could, be a likely scenario. I've already been prepared for as much as I can foresee within my means and suggest others do the same. If war doesn't come about, then you'll be prepared for natural disaster for the short term. Either way, one has the possibility of coming out of this alive with dignity.