Author Topic: Blaser rifles..who buys these guns?  (Read 3246 times)

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Offline Bill T

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Re: Blaser rifles..who buys these guns?
« Reply #30 on: September 10, 2008, 02:19:06 AM »
Some CNC machines can hold a 0.1mm (0.004") limit all day others a 0.025 (0.001") all day the difference costs a lot.

CNC mills and lathes are far more accurate than .001, (one thousandth). I operate lathes that have readouts, and will take offset inputs to 5 decimals, (50 millionths). If you have a CNC machine that won't hold + - .001, you have other problems.  Bill T.

Offline Brithunter

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Re: Blaser rifles..who buys these guns?
« Reply #31 on: September 10, 2008, 07:57:16 AM »
Some CNC machines can hold a 0.1mm (0.004") limit all day others a 0.025 (0.001") all day the difference costs a lot.

CNC mills and lathes are far more accurate than .001, (one thousandth). I operate lathes that have readouts, and will take offset inputs to 5 decimals, (50 millionths). If you have a CNC machine that won't hold + - .001, you have other problems.  Bill T.

Bill you avoiding or simply don't know that not all CNC operated machines are capable of holding the limits you are talking about. Plus limits under 0.001" need qualified tooling which not all companies can afford to maintain. An operating system like the Fanuc 17T on a machine like a Daewoo Lynx (Lathe) if it's set up with extraction, high flow coolant and good tooling will happily hold 0.001" through a day providing the operator keeps a close check on the machine. Holding a tighter tolerance than this would require constant monitoring and adjustment. I mentioned the Lynx as I ran a brand new one for some time making componants for the Petro Chemical industry we also made equipment used by Aircraft and used by Boeing, Formula racing teams car makers like Ford, Jaguar, Landrover and the Ministry of defence here in the UK.

Heidenhamn make a high accuracy control system but I am not familar with the Heidenhanm control system despite the company having a couple of machines using it. Have operated them by just pushign the button and loading insepecting componants unlike the Fanuc system which I wa slearning to program and used to set as well as operate the Lathe and later Machining centers.

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Re: Blaser rifles..who buys these guns?
« Reply #32 on: September 10, 2008, 08:25:27 AM »
The CNCs in the machine shops I've worked in would easily hold .0001 tolerances.  The biggest problem I see with the Blaser, is the way they look.  They have to be one of the ugliest rifles ever made.
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Offline Bill T

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Re: Blaser rifles..who buys these guns?
« Reply #33 on: September 10, 2008, 08:45:05 AM »
The CNCs in the machine shops I've worked in would easily hold .0001 tolerances.

Same where I work. We hold + - .0001 on many operations on several machines. We would be out of business if we couldn't.  Bill T.

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Re: Blaser rifles..who buys these guns?
« Reply #34 on: September 10, 2008, 10:25:20 PM »
OK so what machine makes models are you using? and what control system?

I am also intrigued as to what your making that requires a tolerance of only one tenth of one thousanth of an inch!

For such repeatable accuracy the building must be tempreture controlled strictly as a few degrees of fuctuation will put those sizes out. At Monotype and Edwards High Vacuum both of which Ibhave worked at in the past had special buildings of parts of buildings for the tool making and inspection so that the tempreture was stable at 68 degrees the industry std for this.

Offline Bill T

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Re: Blaser rifles..who buys these guns?
« Reply #35 on: September 11, 2008, 01:18:55 AM »
OK so what machine makes models are you using? and what control system? I am also intrigued as to what your making that requires a tolerance of only one tenth of one thousanth of an inch!

Studer I.D. / O.D. grinders

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Re: Blaser rifles..who buys these guns?
« Reply #36 on: September 11, 2008, 12:25:33 PM »
Ahhh don't you think that comparing grinders with CNC lathes and Machining centers is not quite having a level playing field? Oh Monotype had a load of grinders working to tolerences of 0.0001" but they were not CNC operated ones just plain old skilled workers. I nearly worked in the Mould making shop at Monotype, the moulds were multi piced injestion moulds to make type face and the parts were hand lapped to remove the minute grinding marks and they were kept to with in 0.0001", luckily I ended up working on the Heavy Capstans which I found more interesting due to the more varied componants we made. The Capstans were Warner Swassey ones apart from two Herbet No7 pre Ops.

Offline Bill T

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Re: Blaser rifles..who buys these guns?
« Reply #37 on: September 11, 2008, 01:25:40 PM »
We turn many of the same components to + - .0002 on Mori Seki CNC lathes.  Bill T.