Man oh man... Where to begin?
Let's see: Marlin lever guns in .22 LR, 30-30, .35 Rem., .357, .44, .444, and .45-70.

Classically styled single shot rifles in .303 British and 30-40 Krag. The Dakota Model 10 would be the ultimate, but the Ruger #1 would be just as nice and I'd get them both for less money than a Dakota.
A bolt action 7.62x39 with a barrel longer than 18.5" (CZ Carbine) and heaveir contour than the Rem. 799 or Ruger 77 offers. Maybe 21"-22" long, with a muzzle diameter of .650 or so, just a bit heavier in contour than a factory Rem. 700 ADL/BDL barrel. Heck, the ADL contour would be close enough for me, I'd buy about 5 of them. Still cheap to shoot (compared to other calibers), low recoil, long barrel life, accurate, and able to kill deer and other game at 200 yds, and anything smaller out to 250-300 yds.
Ultimate rifle for me: .260 Rem or 6.5x55, 23" barrel, muzzle diameter of about .700" or so, fluted, stout, good synthetic stock (or laminate, can't decide which), action doesn't really matter that much. Total accuracy package, ultimate hunting package for anything that I'll get around to shooting, good for 400 yds.
Any older classic style hunting rifle, say before the 1960's.
Now if I could only figure where the money is so that I can do this........