I'm on 120 acres 7 miles north of Engadine. I must have 200 volunteer apple trees throughout the woods, 20 acres of alfalfa, hay fields, sanctuary woods and water. In almost 20 years here, I don't think we bought 50 dollars worth of bait. We've got lots of good active deer runs and we know their patterns, bedding and feeding areas and times. I'm going to camp with some buddies next weekend Pat hunting, and I'm bringing a dozen rainbows, a venison roast and two backstraps, and a gallon bag of morels that came out of the Sleeper Lake fire area. They've been frozen since spring....I hope the shrooms are ok. Some folks got 60 and 100 pounds of morels out of that fire area this Spring!
It's time to jerk all the venison that's left in the freezer. I'll be taking my 13 year old grandson out on his first deer hunt on the 27th and 28th Youth Hunt. He's got both buck and doe tags, and we've got plenty of deer. On our place, bucks have to be 8 point or better and we don't allow taking does with fawns or fawns. There are lots of year and a half old does and some good bucks around, so I think he'll get his first deer........and learn to field dress it and process it.
Yesterday morning at 5 a.m. I had 3 wolves howling from the North West, South West and East. They're the main reason we make sure a doe doesn't have fawns before we shoot. I don't believe a fawn has a chance of making it around here without his mom.