Author Topic: I will not vote for John McCain! BUT! I will damn shore vote for SARAH!  (Read 8813 times)

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Re: I will not vote for John McCain! BUT! I will damn shore vote for SARAH!
« Reply #150 on: September 04, 2008, 05:40:04 AM »
Lionhunter:  We had a Ballot Measure during the election last month to stop Aerial Preditor Control, and same day airborne hunting of Bears.  In 96 this same measure passed, and it created a big problem with game management here in the state.  We were really concerned, Defender Of Wildlife was again saturating Anchorage with adds about killing wolves and bears from Airplanes.  Two days before the election Sara Palin announced she was going to vote NO on the issue.  The Ballot Measure failed by a landslide.  I attribute this mainly to Sara's support of Predator Control. 

Check your e-mail, I sent you some clips of video which will help in your quest.

TM-7:  It was not the video of Sara supporting Ron Paul, it was all the other sick and twisted one that poped up along with it on u-tube.  It's not your fault those are there, it's just that those lies and sick issues should be off limits.  The people making them are sick and need to be ????????????  Their minds are depraved.
Where is old Joe when we really need him?  Alaska Independence    Calling Illegal Immigrants "Undocumented Aliens" is like calling Drug Dealers "Unlicensed Pharmacists"
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Offline ironglow

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Re: I will not vote for John McCain! BUT! I will damn shore vote for SARAH!
« Reply #151 on: September 04, 2008, 05:55:38 AM »

  First treasure out of;..then furs; then oil..
  Now, the latest treasure from Alaska to the rest of us..Sarah Palin...and her precious family..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Cabin4

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Re: I will not vote for John McCain! BUT! I will damn shore vote for SARAH!
« Reply #152 on: September 04, 2008, 09:10:44 AM »
    Now, the latest treasure from Alaska to the rest of us..Sarah Palin...and her precious family..

Not according to Keith Olberman, Andrea Michell, Michael Moore, George Sourus, HUffington Post, NBC, CBS, ABC and the rest of the elite media. They feel that Palin and her family are just a bunch of gun clutching Christian slime balls from a non-cosmopolitan and insignificant part of America. Their values, struggles and achievements are meaningless to the rest of our country. Having a husband who holds a manual labor job, 5 children (one with down syndrome, one pregnant and one leaving for war in the middle east) is not anything representative of an American family.

Palins experience as a Mayor and Governor is irrelevant but Obama experience as community organizer is important!
Palin has more achievements as Governor then Obama has in his lifetime. His own running mate (Biden), said Obama is NOT qualified to be president and he said this on two occasions. The elite main stream media refuses to dig into this issue yet they are more than willing to question Palins experience!

Just goes to show you that we are in the midst of a cultural war led by the Liberal elites and their friends in the media. its war of  Big city versus small town/rural America. What they are forgetting, is that the majority of people in this country live in small town & rural America.

I hope what you folks are seeing here with the elite media's treatment of Palin and her family helps bring the extreme bias of the elite main stream media and the culture war into clear focus. Anyone who's thinking about voting for Obama, you are voting for more of this trash and supporting the war effort with the elites.

I'm convinced more then ever, that the root of all evil in our country stems from the elite media's refusal to report on all the facts. This drives the news cycles and the politics. People don't have time to investigate the real truth so we defacto delegate our responsibility to the media. The media understands this and they are shoveling lies and half truths down peoples throat and people don't even know it.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: I will not vote for John McCain! BUT! I will damn shore vote for SARAH!
« Reply #153 on: September 04, 2008, 10:16:52 AM »
Here is what yet another Alaskan has to sat about Ms Palin...

Subject: FW: Sarah Palin (from an Alaskan)


This was sent to us by some friends of ours.  It pretty much sums up the majority of Alaskans point of view on Sarah Palin.




Judy, Sarah Palin is the US’s answer to Margaret Thatcher! Anyone who thinks she cannot handle the job or deal briskly and efficiently with ANY issue, including foreign governments … well, they haven’t met our Sarah <grin>.


As an Alaskan resident as well as a resident of Wasilla, AK, where Sarah Palin was at one time Mayor … I can speak with confidence. Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska is exactly what she portrayed during her introduction this morning and exactly what our US Government needs. She is ethical to a fault (if there is such a thing), a refreshing change to the status-quo and as smart and determined a PERSON (gender really isn’t an issue here as far as I’m concerned) as anyone could ask for at the head of government.


Sarah is no naïve “small town mayor” – she just *started out* there. Btw, as Mayor of Wasilla, she brought this “small town” through a lot of GOOD changes and left it at the end of her term having grown to the 4th largest CITY in Alaska – a lot of growth and a stronger economic base than ever before.


She has EXECTUTIVE experience *running a government* (something NONE of the other candidates can actually boast, even John McCain <g>) as Governor of Alaska and got there by defeating the *incumbent* Republican Governor, who was definitely part of the “old school” and who WAS very much in the pocket of the big oil companies. We in Alaska wanted change – and we got it in the person of Sarah Palin!


Sarah Palin is everything she looks to be and more. Her approval rating as Governor of Alaska has been as high as 95% and is currently leveled out consistently in the upper 80 percentile throughout the state (and in both parties) - the HIGHEST approval rating of ANY sitting Governor.


Sarah has been turning around corruption in the Legislature of Alaska - turning things on their ear for that matter; cutting spending in spite of the increased income the state is currently receiving due to the high oil prices - she has insisted on putting a huge amount of the 'windfall' into savings for the future rather than spending, spending, spending - and has insisted from the get-go on what she refers to as 'honest, ethical and transparent governing' - no more closed door meetings and dealings - the big oil companies thought she would be a pushover and have learned better to their chagrin.


She understands the 'real people' and the economic issues we all face (Alaskans along with the rest of the country) - she was one of 'us' not long ago. Rather than passing useless 'laws' or throwing money at pet projects, she (most recently) temporarily suspended the state gas tax (on gasoline at the pumps, fuel oil and natural gas for homes, etc.) and has ordered checks issued to ALL residents of Alaska this fall in an attempt to assist with the burden of high fuel costs for the upcoming winter. I could go on and on, but that's enough for now <smile>. She isn’t doing these things to be popular – she is doing it because her constituents are HURTING financially and she can help.


She became Governor of Alaska by defeating the Incumbent Republican Governor and doing it *without* the money or the support of the Republican Party, which was amazing in itself - and she won by a landslide. The 'powers that be' at that time totally underestimated Sarah and learned better the hard way. She has done exactly what she claimed she was going to do and is just as popular today as the day she was elected - perhaps more so since even the Democrats up here seem to like her - she works well with both sides in the Legislature here.


Sarah 'belongs' to us (Alaskans) ... and although we are going to be terribly sorry to see her leave before she finishes the job she started here (two years ago) straightening out OUR State <grin> ... we understand she is needed for a bigger purpose and hopefully her Lt. Governor will be able to fill her shoes here and continue the job.


As for worrying about what would happen if McCain were to die or step down or whatever ... Theta, up here in AK we've only been wondering how long we would be able to KEEP Sarah in Alaska and have seen her as our first woman President of the USA from the start. It's always been a matter of whether she would wait until the end of her TWO terms as Governor (no doubt at ALL that she would be re-elected if she ran for a second term at the end of her current term) ... or end up in Washington sooner. She could do the job TODAY.


Personally, I feel a lot better about McCain now that I know he has someone as savvy, as strong, as ethical and as steady as Sarah at his back. She will be an excellent Vice President ... and my guess is will be our US Republican Presidential candidate in four years - AND by then the country will KNOW her – will love and respect her as we do here - and she'll win by as much of a landslide as she did here in Alaska. I only wonder if McCain has a clue what he is unleashing on the US of A <grin>. She is going to be a fresh wind, but also a strong wind.


Is that enough of an endorsement? If not, I'll add this ... Jerry and I have for many years felt the best 'vote' was to vote for the lesser of two 'evils' and hope they didn't do too much damage. Two years ago during our State Governor's race was the first time EVER that we actually asked for not just a little sign to put in our yard showing our support of our candidate (something we've never felt the desire to do at all before) - we asked for a full 4' x 8' 'SARAH PALIN FOR GOVERNOR!' sign and were proud to have it. She hasn't let us or Alaska down. She will do the same for the USA if given the opportunity.


Feel free to pass this on to anyone who may be interested (and spam those who aren’t!).

-Deb Frost in Alaska

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Offline oldandslow

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Re: I will not vote for John McCain! BUT! I will damn shore vote for SARAH!
« Reply #154 on: September 04, 2008, 01:03:03 PM »
I'm pretty proud of McCain on this. I was wondering which tired ol' political hack he was going to choose as a running mate and look what he did. Out of left field he chose someone who is actually likeable. The lady is really a breath of fresh air in a stinky election.

Ignoring all her other qualifications at least she has had a real job unlike Obama. Not to sure Biden has ever done anything but live in Washington off taxpayer money either. McCain has been feeding at the trough in Washington for a long time but at least he had a skill at one time and got to spend five years being entertained by the North Vietnamese for having it. This makes him a hell of a lot better man than either of the democrats in my book.

McCain had my vote anyway although reluctantly. Better him than Obama. Now that Palin is on the ticket I am actually glad to vote for him. The office of VP doesn't amount to much but maybe she can shed a little light on what working people are going through and it will help us out a little.

Offline billy_56081

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Re: I will not vote for John McCain! BUT! I will damn shore vote for SARAH!
« Reply #155 on: September 04, 2008, 01:11:54 PM »
  As I said before the Filthy Liberals will post anything they think will help thier candidate to get elected. How can our Liberal posters here claim that Sarah Palin is less experianced than thier Savior Barrak Hussien Obama? What experiance with leading anything does Barrak Hussien Obama have? The answer is NONE. We have one member here who support Obama then makes a hypocrytical statement about how Sarah is not experianced.

  As for myself DEE I do hate liberals, they are traitors to the constitution I swore to uphold and fought for. And yes if you knew me personally you would have no dought that I would say what I say here face to face. I do know what makes the grass grow, and have helped grow grass more than once. Go ahead n make fun of my spelling again.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline ironglow

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Re: I will not vote for John McCain! BUT! I will damn shore vote for SARAH!
« Reply #156 on: September 04, 2008, 02:59:15 PM »
  We absolutely are in a culture war..and thank goodness for someone like Sarah. For those who had any doubt about a culture war,
  the "screaming-mimis" liberal media and enclaves are helping to prove it ! Let them have a cow! thje more they scream and whine,
  the more likely folks will see the ugly side of the secular/liberal culture that is in opposition.

  Correction; McCain went to the RIGHT field to get Mrs. Palin... ;D

  If we are to  believe the liberals (nobody here that stupid, I expect)  It is fine to put the one with no leadership experience at
  the top of the ticket...but wrong to place experienced leaders in both spots on the conservative ticket.

    Leadership is important and actually another term for executive decision making. Both McCain and Palin have been real leaders.

  Besides, I bet Sarah could whip barack ! ;) :D ;D :o

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Offline DakotaElkSlayer

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Re: I will not vote for John McCain! BUT! I will damn shore vote for SARAH!
« Reply #157 on: September 04, 2008, 04:58:09 PM »

Karl rove talking of the importance of experience in a VP.... 


Well Dakotaelkslayer, so your antigun hero Barrack Hussien Obama has so much more experiance? Or is it only the VP candidate that needs experiance, not the President? You filthy liberals will do, or say anything to try to prop up your candidate.

You might not realize this, but Karl Rove is a republican.  I thought is was rather interesting how he talks out of both sides of his face.  Obviously, either you didn't watch the clips, or you couldn't comprehend what was said.  If you did, your reponse would've been a little bit more coherent.

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Offline Chilachuck

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Re: I will not vote for John McCain! BUT! I will damn shore vote for SARAH!
« Reply #158 on: September 04, 2008, 05:04:43 PM »
Sort of interesting how both parties have dipped below the established politician pool for candidates, and paired them with experienced politicians. I think we are going to see more fresh blood showing up in future.

I bet we also see another immigration surge to Alaska, this time conservative women.

Offline bilmac

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Re: I will not vote for John McCain! BUT! I will damn shore vote for SARAH!
« Reply #159 on: September 04, 2008, 06:07:24 PM »
I think that Sarah is going to be groomed to be our first woman Pres. She IS going to Washington for OJT. I would not be surprised if Mccain only runs for one term, and then hands off to Sarah.

Offline Cabin4

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Re: I will not vote for John McCain! BUT! I will damn shore vote for SARAH!
« Reply #160 on: September 04, 2008, 06:40:54 PM »
Sort of interesting how both parties have dipped below the established politician pool for candidates, and paired them with experienced politicians. I think we are going to see more fresh blood showing up in future.

I bet we also see another immigration surge to Alaska, this time conservative women.

I don't think that the democrats picking a Liberal elite who feels completly comfortable in the Washington cocktail party circuit could be considered "dipped below established". Biden is a 30+ year senator with little legislative accomplishments of his own. He's known for his pit-bull attack capabilities, not legislation or policy development. With the democrate ticket, we have the number 1 and number 3 most liberal rated senators in this congress. Obama is towing the liberal agenda of the establishement, thats why they are supporting him. Seems like establishment to me.

At least with McCain, he is known for not getting along or going along with the republican establishment. Palin, has nothing to do with the establishment at all.

Real change has a better chance with McCain/Palin even given all of McCain's short comings.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Offline DakotaElkSlayer

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Re: I will not vote for John McCain! BUT! I will damn shore vote for SARAH!
« Reply #161 on: September 04, 2008, 07:20:31 PM »
Lionhunter:  We had a Ballot Measure during the election last month to stop Aerial Preditor Control, and same day airborne hunting of Bears.  In 96 this same measure passed, and it created a big problem with game management here in the state.  We were really concerned, Defender Of Wildlife was again saturating Anchorage with adds about killing wolves and bears from Airplanes.  Two days before the election Sara Palin announced she was going to vote NO on the issue.  The Ballot Measure failed by a landslide.  I attribute this mainly to Sara's support of Predator Control. 

I knew about the shooting wolves out of airplanes, but never heard that about bears?  What's the reasoning behind the bears?  Not enough trophy hunters accessing certain areas or something?

He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.

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Re: I will not vote for John McCain! BUT! I will damn shore vote for SARAH!
« Reply #162 on: September 04, 2008, 07:33:51 PM »
   As for myself DEE I do hate liberals, they are traitors to the constitution I swore to uphold and fought for.

 Guess you never heard of the Patriot Act! ;D

He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.

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Offline billy_56081

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Re: I will not vote for John McCain! BUT! I will damn shore vote for SARAH!
« Reply #163 on: September 05, 2008, 01:18:29 AM »

Karl rove talking of the importance of experience in a VP.... 


Well Dakotaelkslayer, so your antigun hero Barrack Hussien Obama has so much more experiance? Or is it only the VP candidate that needs experiance, not the President? You filthy liberals will do, or say anything to try to prop up your candidate.

You might not realize this, but Karl Rove is a republican.  I thought is was rather interesting how he talks out of both sides of his face.  Obviously, either you didn't watch the clips, or you couldn't comprehend what was said.  If you did, your reponse would've been a little bit more coherent.


I do realize that Karl is a sometimes republican, what I also realise is that you are one who said they were a Barrak Hussien Obama voter, and whether you state it yourself, or use links to others staements. In the end you are trying to tout Barrak Hussien Obama as experianced, while trying to make Sarah look inexperianced. That my liberal coposter is what is called hypocracy.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline oldandslow

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Re: I will not vote for John McCain! BUT! I will damn shore vote for SARAH!
« Reply #164 on: September 05, 2008, 04:16:59 AM »
Ironglow, I though I might get a comment about using the old "out of left field" description. Yeah, I agree, she is definately out of the RIGHT field. She's the most refreshing thing to hit the national political scene in my lifetime.

How about this? Take Sarah and Obama, give them their choice of rifle and ammo and a canteen and fly them way back in the sticks in Alaska. Boot them out seperated by several miles and leave them. The one that comes back gets to be president. We would see who has the most experience in handling tough situations pretty quickly.


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« Reply #165 on: September 05, 2008, 05:44:54 AM »
I have been following mccains voting record for years
 check it out on the gun owners of america site
 we all agree i think  hussein obama is a socialist/ marxist
  but at leat you can see that for what it is   
   if you really look at mccains record  to me anyway it seems he beleives in big government too
 he has for years voted on the little things that continue to tighten things up concerning gun ownership
 for me  i dont care how we get there  all of a sudden with some dope like obama  or slowly with some guy like mccain
 if the destination is allowing complete government control over how when where & how many guns i want to buy for whatever reason  i simply do not want to go there

when i look at all the little bricks in the wall that he has approved of removing i have a hard time swallowing all this "he is such a patriot because he was a prisoner of war" yadda yadda blah blah stuff

the question is  IS HE NOW  RIGHT NOW
 will he continue to allow the little bricks to be removed ?
i like palin for sure  but i am still wondering about mccain the patriot
time is running out i fear

Offline Cabin4

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« Reply #166 on: September 05, 2008, 06:15:35 AM »
I have been following mccains voting record for years
 the question is  IS HE NOW  RIGHT NOW
 will he continue to allow the little bricks to be removed ?
i like palin for sure  but i am still wondering about mccain the patriot
time is running out i fear

I'm not sure McCain is the right man for the job either. But he's a better choice then the liberal marxist Obama. I would perfer Palin at the top of the ticket and someone like Barr in the VP slot.
Avery Hayden Wallace
Obama Administration: A corrupt criminal enterprise of bold face liars.
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Offline Sourdough

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Re: I will not vote for John McCain! BUT! I will damn shore vote for SARAH!
« Reply #167 on: September 05, 2008, 07:03:22 AM »
Dekotaelk:  To answer your question.  No we don't shot bears from planes.  What the environmentalist did was get an inative passed where if you had flown in an airplane you could not hunt or shoot wildlife till after 3AM the following day.  What this did was affect trappers that run their lines with planes, also people that bait for bears.  The legislator overturned that ban last year, so the environmentalist tried to get it reinstated by their Ballot Box Biology.  They made it look like we were shooting bears, wolves, and other wildlife from planes.  No, the way it is now, if you bait for bear.  You can fly out and go directly to your bait station and shoot any legal bear that comes in that day.  Instead of having to wait till the next day.  Also an effective means of preditor control is to spot wolves and bears, from the air and land.  Then make a stalk on foot.  This is another means the environmental groups wanted to stop. 

These are the methods they have chosen to start with to stop all hunting.  But Sara came out against these and in my opinion helped us swing the vote against the environmentalist.
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A 'Veteran' -- whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve -- is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America,' for an amount of 'up to, and including his life.' That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today who no longer understand that fact.

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Re: I will not vote for John McCain! BUT! I will damn shore vote for SARAH!
« Reply #168 on: September 05, 2008, 07:20:25 AM »
A vote for McCain now is a vote for Palin in the future.  He may only be in for one term, and let her run in 2012, probably against Hillery.  She will probably be the Dem's nominee if Obama looses this time.  She can say I told you so.  Palin can beat Hillery.  McCain was smart in choosing her.   

Dakotaelkslayer, Palin was being sarcastic about the responsibilities of VP.  Anyone can find this out.  It is simple, preside over the senate, vote in case of a tie.  That's about it.  She is a hands on, hard working person.  She will probably be working on a lot of domestic issues on the side and brushing up on foreign policy issues, because presiding over the senate would be boring to her.  She made half her speech the other night without the teleprompter, and the paper she used was just a rough draft.  She ad-libed, and did a darn good job of it.  She is very bright.  I was going to hold my nose and vote for McCain, now I will vote, send money, and help campaign for the ticket.   

Offline DakotaElkSlayer

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Re: I will not vote for John McCain! BUT! I will damn shore vote for SARAH!
« Reply #169 on: September 05, 2008, 07:50:11 AM »

Karl rove talking of the importance of experience in a VP.... 


Well Dakotaelkslayer, so your antigun hero Barrack Hussien Obama has so much more experiance? Or is it only the VP candidate that needs experiance, not the President? You filthy liberals will do, or say anything to try to prop up your candidate.

You might not realize this, but Karl Rove is a republican.  I thought is was rather interesting how he talks out of both sides of his face.  Obviously, either you didn't watch the clips, or you couldn't comprehend what was said.  If you did, your reponse would've been a little bit more coherent.


I do realize that Karl is a sometimes republican, what I also realise is that you are one who said they were a Barrak Hussien Obama voter, and whether you state it yourself, or use links to others staements. In the end you are trying to tout Barrak Hussien Obama as experianced, while trying to make Sarah look inexperianced. That my liberal coposter is what is called hypocracy.
No Billy, that is not what I am trying to do...  I am simply showing folks what "politics" is really about.  Unlike you, I would trust a rattler more than either party.

He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.

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Offline DakotaElkSlayer

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Re: I will not vote for John McCain! BUT! I will damn shore vote for SARAH!
« Reply #170 on: September 05, 2008, 07:53:43 AM »
Dekotaelk:  To answer your question.  No we don't shot bears from planes.  What the environmentalist did was get an inative passed where if you had flown in an airplane you could not hunt or shoot wildlife till after 3AM the following day.  What this did was affect trappers that run their lines with planes, also people that bait for bears.  The legislator overturned that ban last year, so the environmentalist tried to get it reinstated by their Ballot Box Biology.  They made it look like we were shooting bears, wolves, and other wildlife from planes.  No, the way it is now, if you bait for bear.  You can fly out and go directly to your bait station and shoot any legal bear that comes in that day.  Instead of having to wait till the next day.  Also an effective means of preditor control is to spot wolves and bears, from the air and land.  Then make a stalk on foot.  This is another means the environmental groups wanted to stop. 

These are the methods they have chosen to start with to stop all hunting.  But Sara came out against these and in my opinion helped us swing the vote against the environmentalist.

Thanks Sourdough!  I REALLY misinterpreted what you originally posted! ...sorry.  In Alaska, is it still illegal to hunt on the same day you fly in?  Can you spot a herd of caribou from the air, land, and then make the stalk?  Or do you still have to wait until the next day?

He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.

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Re: I will not vote for John McCain! BUT! I will damn shore vote for SARAH!
« Reply #171 on: September 05, 2008, 07:57:37 AM »
Dakotaelkslayer, Palin was being sarcastic about the responsibilities of VP.  Anyone can find this out.  It is simple, preside over the senate, vote in case of a tie.  That's about it.  She is a hands on, hard working person.  She will probably be working on a lot of domestic issues on the side and brushing up on foreign policy issues, because presiding over the senate would be boring to her.  She made half her speech the other night without the teleprompter, and the paper she used was just a rough draft.  She ad-libed, and did a darn good job of it.  She is very bright.  I was going to hold my nose and vote for McCain, now I will vote, send money, and help campaign for the ticket.   

...thanks for the input.

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Re: I will not vote for John McCain! BUT! I will damn shore vote for SARAH!
« Reply #172 on: September 05, 2008, 02:24:00 PM »
      Truly, we have just two choices left in this election and although McCain may seem to be not quite A+ on gun rights but he is
  far ahead on Biden, Obama & co.
  There is also the hope that Sarah will influence him some ! If the best team gets elected in 2008. likely Mccain won't run in 2012.
  That will leave the way for Veep Palin to take the controls..and we know what that means... ;) :-*
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Re: I will not vote for John McCain! BUT! I will damn shore vote for SARAH!
« Reply #173 on: September 05, 2008, 02:54:53 PM »
Great pick by McCain. I may have to vote for him just because of her.

Come election day John McCain will still be an open border, gun grabbing Liberal, and Sarah will only be a VP.
Picking her as a running mate was a brilliant move by McCan'ts campaign Mgr. Look at the minds that have been changed on this forum.! The Rep's are just smarter than the Demo's at changing minds.

This dog and pony show in DC is not the important election anyway. Putting more true Conservatives in the House and Senate is the ticket to regaining our Republic.

Sarah would serve better as the Gov. of Alaska, and more Ron Paul's in the House of Rep's is the only thing that can bring about a true change.

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Re: I will not vote for John McCain! BUT! I will damn shore vote for SARAH!
« Reply #174 on: September 05, 2008, 02:56:29 PM »
      Truly, we have just two choices left in this election and although McCain may seem to be not quite A+ on gun rights but he is
  far ahead on Biden, Obama & co.
  There is also the hope that Sarah will influence him some ! If the best team gets elected in 2008. likely Mccain won't run in 2012.
  That will leave the way for Veep Palin to take the controls..and we know what that means... ;) :-*

This makes perfect sense Ironglow. She is young enough that when McCain is done, she becomes the Arieapparent. Baring any major screw ups of course.

Who would ever though that hope for conservatives would be found in 44yr old hockey mom who's husband works on an oil rig in Alaska. Maybe thats the problem with politics in this country, we just look in the wrong place for our leaders. We allow the media to control our thought process because they control the information we get. We don't know what we don't know. The media creates the images based on their elitist standards. This one the media never even got a good whiff of. The media created the "list" of potential candidates and they are pissed because she ain't on their list. She just does not meet their standard.

You can only conclude that McCain defiantly faked out everyone on this and wanted to send a strong message that he's not the same. Selecting Palin is a "change" message from McCain. This selection contradicts everything that Washington IS. Biden represents everything that Washington IS. Its a brilliant political move on McCain's part.

McCain's task over the coming weeks is to solidify anti Washington as his message of "Change". While Obama's message has always been about change and he has convinced many, McCain must convince the independents and fence sitters that real Change will only come in the form of "Change Agents" in the White House and that Obama and his selection of Biden shows his commitment to the statuesque, therefor no change will occur.

We shall see if he is successful.

Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: I will not vote for John McCain! BUT! I will damn shore vote for SARAH!
« Reply #175 on: September 05, 2008, 04:14:04 PM »
I have called for Palin/Mccain signs for my yard.  I have an obimantion lib just below me. 

I e mailed a friend in the RNC, and I suggested a sign with a set of red gloss lips on the front next to Palin's name.

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Re: I will not vote for John McCain! BUT! I will damn shore vote for SARAH!
« Reply #176 on: September 05, 2008, 11:54:28 PM »
 I picked up my donations again..only fair I "put my money where my mouth is". I told the lady who took my info that I had been
  holding out this year..suspected McCain of being too liberal. Isaid that Saddleback had warmed me up somewhat to McCain, and
  Sarah Palin clinched it !
  She said that untold others have done exactly as I have done..and the increase of funds will sure help the campaign...

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Re: I will not vote for John McCain! BUT! I will damn shore vote for SARAH!
« Reply #177 on: September 06, 2008, 09:47:28 AM »
There is only so much the Repub's can do from the WH if Congress is run by the Dems. :(
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Re: I will not vote for John McCain! BUT! I will damn shore vote for SARAH!
« Reply #178 on: September 06, 2008, 02:42:01 PM »
There is only so much the Repub's can do from the WH if Congress is run by the Dems. :(

Depends on how much the people on both sides want to help the country.  Clinton had a Republican Congress and combined they seemed to do pretty well.  Don't know if either side is big enough to put the country ahead of the party...

He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.

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Re: I will not vote for John McCain! BUT! I will damn shore vote for SARAH!
« Reply #179 on: September 06, 2008, 04:53:58 PM »
I dunno, I kinda want a do nothing Governmant. Seems like whenever they do something they limit my freedom or tax me more. Heck I'd like to see congress only conveine for 2 weeks every year.
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