Author Topic: hammer won't cock  (Read 1159 times)

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Offline tmagnum

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hammer won't cock
« on: July 31, 2003, 05:16:59 PM »
I just recieved my frame back from bellm and I am very happy with the trigger, but I have a new problem in that the new 358 barrel that I recently purchased while the action was out being worked on, does not allow the hammer to be drawn back.  I am fairly new to the encore, but from what I can see, I believe it is the mechanism and the low/rear portion of the barrel, that must engage the small lever on the right side of the action to allow the hammer to be cocked.      If this is the case, can I simply have that filed down so it will engage that piece...      If I put the barrel on the frame with the chamber first, rather than placeing the pin first, the hammer does pull, which to me points to this being the problem, since putting it together in this manner allows that spring loaded push bar to get under the firing pin housing and push that bar that I spoke of above.  Sorry if I seemed to ramble and for not using the proper terminology, but I would greatly appreciate any input into this...thanks!

Offline Underclocked

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hammer won't cock
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2003, 07:23:25 PM »
I can only say that I do think you have identified the hammer interlock correctly.  As to filing, I'm not at all sure about your doing that as I am not visualizing exactly what is going on.  

Who made the .358 barrel? and is this a 2nd barrel?  Does the first barrel behave similarly?  Can you push the interlock on the frame back pretty easily with your finger?  Do you have the Bellm download showing you how those parts should be aligned?

More questions than answers I'm afraid, but maybe your answers will help solve the problem.

Offline tmagnum

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hammer won't cock
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2003, 01:44:55 PM »
The origianal 223 barrel still performs flawlessly --- the barrel is a david van horn 358 --- the interlock does move very easily --- no I do not have the download to see how the alignment should be, but I guess I am assuming this is not the issue, as the 223 barrel works fine ---Maybe I can clarify my problem a little more --At the rear of the barrel below the chamber and below the ejector, there is a spring loaded mechanism which protrudes back towards the interlock below the firing pin -- this is the piece that I am questioning, as it appears that this is what engages the interlock -- am I correct in thinking this, and could any gunsmith in the area fix it (if this is the problem) or should it go back to van horn, tc, bellm, or someone else?   thanks for you help!

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Right side of frame
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2003, 02:11:03 PM »
Your that on the right side there is a lever the barrel pushes back to cock the hammer. With the barrel off you have to push it to cock the hammer? You need to compare the barrels to see the difference. No matter the cal they will still fit the same.  I would call Bellm he will know what you should do. Your not taking the stock off are you?? If that bolt is to long it will also block the hammer. Loosen that bolt and try it..<:)

Offline Underclocked

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hammer won't cock
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2003, 05:05:41 PM »
In the 1.83MB download from Bellm's website, sorry but his link is apparently taboo, he describes the interlock as being pushed back by the locking lugs.  I believe that is the spring loaded device you refer to?  Does it appear to be split in the center, actually two separate pieces?  I don't doubt Mike Bellm at all but as I look at one of my rifles it seems the lugs are too much centered to actually be the what contacts the interlock.  That is, the main part of the lugs.  Protruding to the side from both lugs is a small, round alignment pin which centers the barrel assembly in the action.  It "looks" to me as if the right side alignment pin might be what actually contacts the interlock (?) - I'm not at all sure about this.
So I would ask you to look at those alignment pins to see if they are protruding equally from the sides of the lugs. If the left one is a bit short it would seem to me the assembly could be somewhat misaligned to the left when you close the action using the pin.
This is just guesswork on my part and I would gladly welcome someone else with more expertise (as in almost any ;) ) to jump in here and offer suggestions/corrections, but I think in any case you should contact Van Horn to inform him of this and get his opinion as to how to correct.

Offline tmagnum

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hammer won't cock
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2003, 05:24:26 PM »
I just took a look at it, and it sure looks as if it is the locking lugs that make the contact, with the pins being too lateral as well as too far away from the lever to make any contact.  I also put it together again, with the chamber placed into the action first so I could almost watch the locking lugs disappear under the action, and again it worked...thanks!


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hammer won't cock
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2003, 04:50:14 AM »
are you using handloads or factory ammo and did the problem occur when you got it back from bellm?I have a 223 and I had some reloads that I shot out of my AR15.the hammer wouldn't pull back with the reloads.but would pull back with the factory ammo.I pulled the bullets and resized then.(pushing the sholder back a hair more) then tried then in the rifle.they functioned some factory stuff or get some old cases and resize them to adjust the sholder.I don't know if its your problem but just letting you know what happened to me   encorerookie


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hammer won't cock
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2003, 04:53:02 AM »
ooops i forgot said that your 223 barrel will still function flawlessly even after you got it i would say then its not internally

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new barrel
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2003, 07:52:13 AM »
Hi.....I would say to write the one who made the barrel, then also who did trigger job...I have read of this problem before...make sure you tell them the original 223 barrel works fine....I will bet you have to send your frame in and have new barrel fitted for it....Rob in Olympia....
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Offline Underclocked

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hammer won't cock
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2003, 08:54:12 AM »
Seems maybe he found the problem???  I'm now even more confused that somehow what I said or questioned may have helped??  But in any case, I'm glad.   :-)