I just recieved my frame back from bellm and I am very happy with the trigger, but I have a new problem in that the new 358 barrel that I recently purchased while the action was out being worked on, does not allow the hammer to be drawn back. I am fairly new to the encore, but from what I can see, I believe it is the mechanism and the low/rear portion of the barrel, that must engage the small lever on the right side of the action to allow the hammer to be cocked. If this is the case, can I simply have that filed down so it will engage that piece... If I put the barrel on the frame with the chamber first, rather than placeing the pin first, the hammer does pull, which to me points to this being the problem, since putting it together in this manner allows that spring loaded push bar to get under the firing pin housing and push that bar that I spoke of above. Sorry if I seemed to ramble and for not using the proper terminology, but I would greatly appreciate any input into this...thanks!