I own a heap of different knifes,but being a farmer as well as a truck driver I have always used Green river carbon steel.For a $10 knife you can,t go past em,I also have a Victornox stainless that is the same design
as the green river,I removed the handle and replaced it with a bit of Oak
from an old Jaguar dash,It now looks a million bucks but really cost $75.
The blade is surgical stainless and Will cut you if you look at it too hard.
Now last year my father in law made me a drop point hunter from tool steel,,He is a tool maker by trade and makes knifes as a hobby,for the handle he used limbs from an old Bear recurve I damaged about 10yrs ago,This knife also is scary sharp.I feel it is almost to nice to blood but I will use it anyway..Respect must be shown.. It seems there is no end of crap knifes out there now days,most of them real exspensive.A knife is still a tool for a job at hand.Its about time some knife makers rememberd
that.But i suppose there is still a sucker born every day.I use a knife every day and feel most of these Tanto and other fancy things are a waste of steel,That goes for gut hooks as well,If you know what your doing you don,t need em,I kill and butcher around 100 different animals every year an gut hooks are just a joke.If you wish to pay for something you don,t need go ahead.By the way I have a bridge I,d like to sell ya.