Author Topic: Obama admits he's a Muslim...  (Read 2138 times)

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Offline jcn59

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Re: Obama admits he's a Muslim...
« Reply #30 on: September 09, 2008, 05:22:16 PM »
Whadubout his birth certificate?  Does it say anything about "Muslim"?  What birth certificate?
Vote them all out, EVERY election!
Does anyone remember the scene from "Quigley Down Under" showing the aborigines lined up on the skyline as far as you could see?   That needs to be US!
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Offline williamlayton

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Re: Obama admits he's a Muslim...
« Reply #31 on: September 10, 2008, 12:57:22 PM »
Muslim is not a race or culture it is a religious conviction.
No they do not worship the same God as the Jews or Christians.
If he did in fact make a Freudian slip---and I am convinced he said it, probably for political reasons--he is playing both ends against the middle.
I am convinced that Obama is playing at politics---I have no clue that he is or is not Christian.
I can't see any tight shoes here--I really don't see what the heck the rucus is about. I think some just need to type a little--cause they really didn't say anything.

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Re: Obama admits he's a Muslim...
« Reply #32 on: September 10, 2008, 01:32:26 PM »
I always figured he was.
" we are screwed "

Offline nomosendero

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Re: Obama admits he's a Muslim...
« Reply #33 on: September 10, 2008, 04:02:32 PM »
Still don't know if he is a Muslim today, but when you see more it makes you wonder. And like I said before,
when you look at his record concerning EVERYTHING I believe are important, he is a a zero anyway. But in the spirit of this thread, another shooting site brought up an interesting article. In this article from a suck Lib who realy sucks up to him, Obama said the following about Muslim prayer in his growing up
years to this reporter:   "Mr. Obama recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them with a first rate accent. In a remark that seemed delightfully uncalculated, Mr. Obama described the prayer as "one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset."

I simply do not see a Christian or even a non Christian desiring to recite a Muslim prayer, why?

Why would he think a Muslim prayer could be the prettiest sound on Earth if he was not a Muslim? I would like to hear the explaination to that one!!  ???

Oh, mfind the article here:

How bout that
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Offline powderman

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Re: Obama admits he's a Muslim...
« Reply #34 on: September 10, 2008, 04:08:12 PM »
WILLIAM. Osama is definitely not Christian, he's a dumcrap. Christians don't believe in killing babies or gay marriage. Nope, he's no Christian. I read where pelosi has been invited to a meeting with a bishop because of her statements on when life begins and abortion, which greatly go against church teachings. He is thinking about denying her communion, he should. It happened to kerry, and should all politicians that believe in killing babies or gay marriage. POWDERMAN.  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

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Re: Obama admits he's a Muslim...
« Reply #35 on: September 10, 2008, 06:50:42 PM »
Well I personally think that the man is a puppet just as is McCain. I have heard several of his speeches and did a little due diligence in research on the man. Though many of the things that he pushes sound good at face value the problem is that 90% or more of the things a candidate runs on never comes to be. And the 10% that does is most often the things that those who voted for him were willing to give up in order to get the other 90%.

I challenge both the republicans and democrats to take Clinton and Bush and compare their campaign promises and their term accomplishments and see what percentage of the promises were delivered on. It is mind boggling to think that people still buy into the BS that is promised.

Now to the topic: Saw the video and that was just way too easy for the man to say and he never blinked… Then in his correction he was blinking rapidly… dead give away to a lie. But I really don’t care one way or the other what his religion is as he has the right to be what ever the hell he wants to be as do I and as do you.

So now here is how I see it. Many folks will dislike him because he is black and admit it then even more will say that it is his religion they hate and some of them just to stay PC. Many will dislike him because he is a Democrat and for no other reason but I myself just flat out don’t trust the man. He came out of nowhere in just a few years he is bi-racial and he is young. You only have to scratch the surface to see that this man is a mere puppet and will be played as such if elected.

If all those who have lost their way and for what ever reason have come to think that the definition of a Patriot is one who defends his government to the end would look the word up they would find that the True Patriot defends Civil Liberties and Freedom. Folks I know that so many of you think that if you don’t vote for McCain you are wasting your vote or may as well vote for Obama but your wrong.  Now if you are a warmonger or a bleeding heart liberal then by all means vote for your respective candidates as they are there for you. But those of us who do not like the thought of sacrificing freedom and liberty for the illusion of security have got to ban together and stop fighting amongst ourselves. If all of those who do not really like or trust the respective candidate of their party would vote third party we really could change the course this country is on and possibly save it for our kids and grandkids.

Folks we are headed to hell in a hand basket and getting there real fast. Morality, Honor, Integrity, Compassion and so much more is now almost all but gone. The worst thing of all is that each and every one of us are to blame for it because we have set ideally by while one by one our rights have been taken away and social programs created a gimme or handout happy mentality. Now they are taking 4 and 5 rights at a time and we still sit on our butts and pretend it is not happening all the while letting and even wanting the government tell us what to do…What gives…?  There should not be a man or woman that can look around at the state this country and world for that matter is in and not see that it is too much government and not enough public involvement that has gotten us here. Folks we have got to get the runaway government mentality in check or it is over.

Call me crazy if you like but show me something really tangible that you are willing to trust yours and your family’s life to with either of the two major candidates. And don’t talk Palin as she will be the vice not the pres.



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Offline nomosendero

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Re: Obama admits he's a Muslim...
« Reply #36 on: September 11, 2008, 01:52:04 AM »
Quote from Matt
"show me something tangible that you are willing to trust yours & your family's life to with either of the two major candidates".  Well, nothing with Obama & little with anyone else including Mr. Paul or any Politician.
I don't think the Republic would survive an Obama presidency. You say leave Palin out because she would not be Pres, but it's not that simple in her case. If things go well for them & the 1st term then her odds of being Pres are very good & with that position she could beat Hillary. She could also steer McCain to the right at times & I believe she would.

Now back to the subject of the post. Like I said before, I was not interested in this subject before, but too
many things are pointing that direction, as the reference in my last post indicates.
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Offline powderman

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Re: Obama admits he's a Muslim...
« Reply #37 on: September 11, 2008, 02:54:57 AM »
MATT. I'd  love a 3rd party, but facts are fact. The fact is that either Mccain or osama will become president, nobody  else has a remote chance. Mccain was not my 1st choice by a long shot, but I see nothing but evil and hard times with osama. American gun owners and sportsmen are at an extremely high risk with him. Mccain is the ONLY possible chance to beat him, the ONLY chance. The only way to beat osama is to vote for Mccain, period. A 3rd party vote this late in the game is a vote Mccain doesn't get, thereby helping osama. Don't waste your vote, please make it count. The only way a 3rd party can ever be effective is to campaign from day 1, like the Republicans and dumcraps do. Perot was way ahead in the polls when he dropped out, he'd of had my vote. I hate politics, but I vote for the man, not party. The dems have no morals or values anymore, they left me many years ago. Voting for a 3rd party this late in the game aids only osama and his anti gun crowd. He scares me worse than any presidential candidate has ever done. POWDERMAN.  :( :( :( :( :( :(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline billy_56081

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Re: Obama admits he's a Muslim...
« Reply #38 on: September 11, 2008, 03:11:50 AM »
  It is not unusual for the Muslim terrorists to do things to blend in. The hijackers before 9/11 were drinking, smoking, going to strip clubs and engaging in many "sinful" activities before their mission. They believe that if they die in "Holy war" that all of their sins and transgressions will be forgiven. This Islam cult has always been a really good tool for dictatorship. All this silly little crap about virgins and paradise was started by a King who would get people all high on hashish and opium then take them to this secret valley, full of women and the beauty of nature, he convinced them they were seeing heaven, then he got em all high again took em out and told them if they killed for him they would get back into paradice.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Obama admits he's a Muslim...
« Reply #39 on: September 11, 2008, 04:02:15 AM »
  When all is said & done..Powderman made it clear..either Obama or McCain..only choices..
      One or the other will appoint the next SCOTUS justices...McCain fought to get Roberts and Alito on the bench;
  given his track record, Obama would appoint Ginsberg types or worse...

   Any new appointees to SCOTUS will either defend or destroy our freedoms over the next 30 years.....
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Re: Obama admits he's a Muslim...
« Reply #40 on: September 11, 2008, 06:32:20 AM »
He scares me worse than any presidential candidate has ever done. POWDERMAN.  :( :( :( :( :( :(

Well at least we can agree on something... but they BOTH scare the hell out of me.

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Offline ironglow

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Re: Obama admits he's a Muslim...
« Reply #41 on: September 11, 2008, 10:55:18 AM »
  Look at it trhis way...if McCain/Palin were elected,  the libs on the court like Stevens & Ginsberg etc..may hold out for another four
   years, hoping to wait McCain out. Then comes Sarah against whoever..likely Hillery. Could be Sarah who appoints our next SCOTUS
   justices. Not a bad idea... ;)
  Better than giving the "community organizer" those choices.  :D ;D
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline billy_56081

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Re: Obama admits he's a Muslim...
« Reply #42 on: September 12, 2008, 12:37:47 AM »
  We'd ALL like to vote for our perfect utopian candidate. But unfortunatly we live in the REAL WORLD. Aint happening, doesn't exist, we have to vote against the worst candidate, that is reality. We can sit here and dicuss till we are Blue in our faces, Ron Paul or Bob Barr or any of the non mainstream candidates and at the end of our discussion, fact is they aint gonna win.

  As Gun owners, and that is a big chunk of the people here in this forum, Obama is a horrid candate. Fact.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline Swampman

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Re: Obama admits he's a Muslim...
« Reply #43 on: September 12, 2008, 04:01:46 AM »
"No they do not worship the same God as the Jews or Christians."

False, there is only one God.

The fact is everyone worships the same God.  The problem is, that almost everone does it incorrectly and so God rejects their worship just like he did Cain's.  It's always been about false religion/worship.

God/Jesus Christ has an order.  If you are out of order he will reject you and your worship.

He never changes.
"Brother, you say there is but one way to worship and serve the Great Spirit. If there is but one religion, why do you white people differ so much about it? Why not all agreed, as you can all read the Book?" Sogoyewapha, "Red Jacket" - Senaca

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Offline MGMorden

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Re: Obama admits he's a Muslim...
« Reply #44 on: September 12, 2008, 04:09:06 AM »
We can sit here and dicuss till we are Blue in our faces, Ron Paul or Bob Barr or any of the non mainstream candidates and at the end of our discussion, fact is they aint gonna win.

  As Gun owners, and that is a big chunk of the people here in this forum, Obama is a horrid candate. Fact.

The reality though, is that your one vote isn't going to swing the election one way or another anyways.  As such, I vote for who I think is the best candidate, even if I know they're going to lose, because it's the right thing to do.  Because honestly, as long as everyone thinks "man these guys suck but we gotta vote for one or the other", the situation will NEVER change.  There was a very comical Simpson's episode where two aliens wore Clinton and Bush suits, and at a debate came out out of the suits and declared that they were going to enslave humanity - and Ross Perot still lost the election against the two of them.  That was a comical cartoon, but it had a lot of meaning behind it.  

Will Bob Barr win this?  Of course not.  Even he knows that completely and fully.  The Libertarian party is not naive enough to think that they have even a remote chance.  The purpose in running though, is to TRY and get a respectable percentage of the votes.  If they get 0.5% then they lose and people ignore them next time.  If they get 5% though, then they lose and people start thinking next time that they might get a little closer if we all band together.  It's iterative.  Try and get a respectable number of votes enough times that the people too afraid to cast the vote that they really want will finally feel safe enough to do so.

And truthfully, I think that even if it's not my party of choice (Libertarians), we need SOME type of 3rd party alternative if only to break up the cold split there currently is in politics.  Our country is absolutely a mess right now because of bipartisan politics.  It's created one of the worst "us vs them" scenario's I've ever seen or heard of.  Each group hating the other, each group thinking the entirety of the other are sheep blindly following their herders, and each telling the other side to get out if they don't like it.  At least a "triangle" would keep the pointing going in multiple directions rather than the extreme polarization we have today.

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Re: Obama admits he's a Muslim...
« Reply #45 on: September 12, 2008, 03:52:30 PM »
Right, there is only one God. The muslims base their beliefs of God based on the rantings of a madman, child molester, murderer, etc. No wonder they are screwed up. Our views are based on Gods word, not mohameds.
Mcmorden. Yes, there is something wrong with throwing your vote away on someone you know has no possibility of winning. Stay home, save gas, the outcome will be the same. Mccain is the only chance we have of beating osama obama. A vote for Barr is a vote Mccain does not get, thereby helping osama. One vote can make a difference, our county sheriff was beaten by one vote, an election in Evansville In was decided by one vote. Yes, make your vote count, don't waste it. POWDERMAN.  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

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Re: Obama admits he's a Muslim...
« Reply #46 on: September 12, 2008, 07:08:42 PM »
Yes, make your vote count, don't waste it.

I intend to make mine count.  My definition of wasting a vote just happens to be different.  I don't fall in line just because the talking heads on CNN say I have no better options.  I'm going to vote with my conscious.

For all the talk of the mysterious boogeymen in the backgrounds, the saying that "no matter what we want they've already decided who's gonna win", there is a slight bit of truth to that.  It's not some bunch of guys smoking cigars that toss out our votes though.  Their trick is to get US to cast the votes the way that want them.  Don't be their puppets. When you limit yourself to just one or the other because of some invisible reason telling yourself that it must be that way, then in reality, you're not really even making a true choice anymore.  Put another way, if the future gestapo of America shows up, and says that you can give them all your weapons (bows, knives, etc), or they'll settle for just the guns, do you cave in and accept what you think is the lesser of two evils, or do you stand up for what's right, even if that means not accepting their ultimatum.

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Re: Obama admits he's a Muslim...
« Reply #47 on: September 12, 2008, 11:22:33 PM »
Mcmorden. The anti gun gestapo is what osama obama is, you will help elect him. Shame on you. POWDERMAN.  :( :( :( :( :o :o :o :o ??? ??? ??? ???
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Obama admits he's a Muslim...
« Reply #48 on: September 13, 2008, 12:42:24 AM »
"One or two votes one way or the other can't hurt !"....

   Have we forgotten Florida, 2000 already  or New Mexico, 2000 ? If one vote doesn't count, why were thoe folks in Florida
  going crosseyed..gazing at every single "hanging chad" ?

    When an election is close, within a few electoral votes...however close any state of the 50 states comes either way, is how
   many votes swing the election.
    BTW: Has anybody yet told BHO that there are 50, not 57 states ?. ::)
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline magooch

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Re: Obama admits he's a Muslim...
« Reply #49 on: September 13, 2008, 03:13:34 AM »
    BTW: Has anybody yet told BHO that there are 50, not 57 states ?. ::)

Wouldn't that depend on Osama's frame of reference?  In his world--and I believe that just might be muslim--I hear there are 57, or 58 states.  Dare we think that was just one of many of his Freudian slips?

Anyway, I wouldn't care if Barry Hussein was the Pope's best friend, I still wouldn't vote for him.  And I wouldn't care if John McGore had never seen the inside of a church; I would still vote for him in this election. 

I've been around for a lot of elections and there hasn't been one yet that was anywhere close to ideal.  There were even issues that I didn't agree with R.R. on.  If you're waiting and hoping for the perfect candidates and the clearest issues, you're going to be waiting and hoping the rest of your life.

This country is nowhere near the peril that we have faced in the past, but that could rapidly transpire--in my opinion--if this country goes sideways and elects a guy who isn't even an all-American.  But even that isn't the prime factor in what causes me the most concern about Osama; it's simply that he's full of sh*t.