Sorry that didn't work. Bet if you gave Ed a call (and could actually catch him) he would gladly tell you what the trends are on your barrels between unfired and used. He probably knows that better than anyone else would. Maybe Don Wright would be a close second.
Just to blow some smoke...
In my opinion the greatest value loss from shooting an unfired barrel would apply to those barrels that are roughly considered collector barrels. For the Classic Contender barrels (not G2) vintage is the "type" version (T1 to T9), but also could be barrels that were only offered to TCA members, or made in small numbers and for a very short time, etc. Also IMO, all three of your barrels are at least calibers that are not often seen available anymore. If memory serves (don't count on it without me digging catalogs out of storage) they all go back quite a ways when they were offered by the factory, with the 270 REN the newest for the IHMSA shooters. So they may all be considered desireable barrels to the right buyers, but only shooters to others.
I know that doesn't help much, but only you can decide if value is more important to you than shooting any of them. Any barrel is worth more unfired than used in the eye of most buyers.