Author Topic: Pollitical Ugliness  (Read 442 times)

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Pollitical Ugliness
« on: September 08, 2008, 05:26:45 PM »
I've noticed lately the tension and temperament here has turned a bit unfriendly.
I think the times and this election have taken their toll on all of us. It's not just this site either almost every site I visit seems to have gotten less friendly.
This election really has us messed up we have had no real positive note in this mess. With out a candidate to champion we fell in to a habit of degrading the candidate that we like the least. All this negativity has  us turn on each other, kind of like a shark feeding frenzy.
I guess that's why Sarah Palin is such a hit she became a positive note in this dismal situation. It feels good to have something nice to say for change,and some one to champion.
Politics is and ugly thing as it's best and will always be that way. I'm more concerned with what that ugliness does to us. Let the politicians tare each other to pieces and degrade one another. And in the end we will each cast our votes where we think our interests are best served. But in the mean time lets not act like the politicians.  Some of you probably remember me from the old Marlin Talk site. Things got pretty nasty there towards the end.
I hated to see it go, it scattered friends some I have no idea where they wound up. I would hate to see that happen here. We are much to diverse a group to agree on every thing but I think we can all agree this a great place to visit.

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Offline Cowpox

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Re: Pollitical Ugliness
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2008, 01:07:38 AM »
I'm with you Pat.  I believe politics were invented to give those who enjoy exercising futility something to argue about.
    In my 63 years, I have witnessed thousands of political arguments, long time hunting groups forever split, countless fist fights, good friends, and even brothers who never spoke to each other again.
    But, you know, I can't remember one instance where anyone ever won an argument over politics ?
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Offline oldandslow

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Re: Pollitical Ugliness
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2008, 02:24:48 AM »
I have to agree. Some on here let things degenerate into a name calling mess instead of intelligent discussion. I recently posted that they resemble a group of fifth graders instead of adults.

I've had a rule in my home for a long, long time. NO POLITICAL or RELIGIOUS discussions. It leads to too many hard feelings because too many people are irrational on those two subjects and can't have a reasonable conservation about either. Too many people think they are RIGHT and you are WRONG if you disagree and there is no middle ground.

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Re: Pollitical Ugliness
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2008, 05:06:19 AM »
I agree.  I've actually quit reading the new threads except when (such as now) I'm stuck waiting on something and I need to kill a few minutes. 

I've had my fill of crazy talk and fighting and ignorance and posturing.  I'm sick of the American political system and I'm sick of the people it produces, both politicians and advocates.

To me this forum has lost much of what brought me here before... Not as many good hunters and way too many ideologues and crazies.  I cruise Bowsite now... real hunters, very few crazies. 

I do hold out some hope that things will get better after the election, but it's probably just a dream.

Offline Ponydog

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Re: Pollitical Ugliness
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2008, 05:20:08 AM »
I guess I am a bit guilty of what it has done........probably though , because I see the potential for what an election can do to our way of life......I am a simple guy....I work, have kids and a wife, I like to hunt and fish, watch my kids sports...worship as I see fit..and share that passion with friends and families ....when I see it threatened, all the talk of letting a court of "World Opinion"...tell US what our own Constitution means..It scares me.  I am not angry at Obama, or McCain , or any political fugure.   But when they decide to change my life...because of their belief...and force it down our defiance of the Constitution ......I get a bit testy......I apologoze ......I guess I thought the only folks that did not like our Constitution....were those who wanted to destroy our culture and way of American life......not someone tryng to reach the White House.......
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Re: Pollitical Ugliness
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2008, 06:35:56 AM »
I have stayed out of most political threads so I don't get drug down to the level  :-X of some arguments
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Offline Cement Man

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Re: Pollitical Ugliness
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2008, 01:16:09 PM »
Generally agree with you all on this.  I have posted very little lately because I really don't want to waste life's precious time like a fifth-grader sticking my tongue out at somebody on the playground.  And, I'm not gonna waste my time discoursing with someone whose only object is to dream up goofy stuff.

I am not sure that I would fault our political system as much as our social condition, and a whole lot of forgetfulness about how we should interact civilly and cherish this great treasure - our country.
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