You have chosen a powerful auto which will do very well for bear protection if you use a good cast bullet!
About your problem in getting the revolver loaded. I've always considered empty guns worthless, and have kept at least a couple fully loaded around the house, even when my kids were little. I carefully taught them that they were dangerous and that they were NEVER to touch them unless I was there, but that they could shoot any of them any time they wanted to if they asked. When my son tried the 12 guage at about 8 years old, all curosity was satisfied with one shot, but he liked the smaller guns. He's 50+ now and the safest person with a gun that I've ever been around. I might add that I was never stupid enough to leave the kids alone in the house, when they were small, with the loaded guns in reach.
I have made many WFN bullets for 10MM autos and have yet to get a complaint about feeding. A 180 gr is a good choice for weight, as is 200 grain, and the heavier might be best if you want to forgo the use of gas checks, as it will really perfrom well in plain base at the velocities possible, if you use LBT bullet lube.
You can lap with bullets from the mold you purchase.
Hit my website to find the push through slugs, lap, etc that you need.
Email me from there with any questions I haven't answered above.