Author Topic: The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy  (Read 4027 times)

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Offline kody

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The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy
« on: September 25, 2008, 08:04:31 AM »
Are you better off now than you were 8 or even 4 years ago?  4 years ago some French official wondered "How could the Americans be so stupid as to re-elect "W". It was the FIRST time, and probably the last, that I agreed with a French official statement! Sarah Palin did a good job of deflecting Chas. Gibson's clumsy question , but I wished he had asked her what she believed the Bush legacy would turn out to be.  Ineptitude will forevermore be spelled with a W.  The man has to empty his shoe every time he relieves himself, and if it wasn't for his teleprompter he would be speechless!

Offline Swampman

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Re: The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2008, 08:11:37 AM »
I'm better off than I was 4 or 8 years ago.  I have a nicer house, better cars, another new Harley, and lots of new guns.

In the first place there is no "Bush Doctrine."  I believe history will vindicate President Bush as a man of honor and intregity, who was willing to be unpopular for the good of the nation.
"Brother, you say there is but one way to worship and serve the Great Spirit. If there is but one religion, why do you white people differ so much about it? Why not all agreed, as you can all read the Book?" Sogoyewapha, "Red Jacket" - Senaca

1st Special Operations Wing 1975-1983
919th Special Operations Wing  1983-1985 1993-1994

"Manus haec inimica tyrannis / Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem" ~Algernon Sidney~

Offline rex6666

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Re: The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2008, 08:30:39 AM »
Swampman i am with you.
i know i am better off, the things that have bothered lots of folks in
this country, is being proven now were not "W,s" fault, such as Fannie and Freddie. As for the TelePrompTer, i don't care how a man says it, it is what
he says. Check out obama without one he just stops his speech.

Texas is good for men and dogs, but it is hell on women and horses.

Offline Singleshotsam

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Re: The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2008, 09:15:58 AM »
That's kind of an unfair statement really... Who isn't better off in time?  Drug addicts?  Maybe, Alcoholics?  Possible,
But most people in this country, and many many others learn more over time, get increases in pay over a time, are able to save money over time to buy cars, houses, ect...over time...

A lot of people bettered themselves under Clinton,  A lot of people Bettered themselves under Bush's Dad, More still yet under Carter, Regan, ect...all the way back to Washington.

It's kind of an invalid point IMHO.

Also, judging a fellow by his speaking abilities is no valid arguement as to whether or not he is "smart" enough to do anything.  I know several "smart" people and one genius who studder like nobody's business.
I'm voting 3rd party in this election by writing in Jesus Christ for president.  Sadly even if this were an option most of you would still vote Republican because "It's a two party system."

Offline TribReady

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Re: The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2008, 10:07:14 AM »
I definitely am better off now, however, it had nothing to do with the government.
Now if Osama is elected, I KNOW I'll be worse off, and it will have everything to do with the government.

A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have. -Thomas Jefferson

...if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.  -2 Chronicles 7:14

Offline myronman3

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Re: The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2008, 10:15:18 AM »
i am better off.  anyone who believes that if they elect someone and that someone is going to make them,  think again.  you make yourself.   

   as far as gibson,  i kind of liked him before.  after seeing a wee little bit of his interview with palin, i now know he is a condiscending @$$#0!3.   he is lucky he wasnt interviewing my wife in my house with that attitude; i would have physically beaten him and his crew for such disrespect.       

Offline Casull

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Re: The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2008, 10:26:11 AM »
In the first place there is no "Bush Doctrine."  I believe history will vindicate President Bush as a man of honor and intregity, who was willing to be unpopular for the good of the nation.

Aim small, miss small!!!

Offline kody

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Re: The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2008, 10:55:51 AM »
   ---I stated that, INSTEAD of asking Palin about a Bush doctrine Gibson's question SHOULD have been about what she expected Ws legacy would be. The doctrine angle was full of options and loopholes and, although she was without a smooth and comprehensive response,she fielded the question quite well; points for her! It would have been more useful and revealing of her positions for her to try and defend W who happens to be a pariah in his own party. Why didn't he get invited to the GOP convention. His televised "appearance"  was half as long as Lieberman's speech and you know how popular HE is. If W is an albatross around the neck of the GOP now ,he won't fare better as time goes on. Not much of a legacy there. I am glad for you folks who have made out well during his presidency,and wonder what a vote along that line would be.

Offline Swampman

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Re: The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2008, 11:05:49 AM »
If President Bush could run for another term, I'd vote for him.  He's a hunter, gun owner, and a rancher.  Works for me.
"Brother, you say there is but one way to worship and serve the Great Spirit. If there is but one religion, why do you white people differ so much about it? Why not all agreed, as you can all read the Book?" Sogoyewapha, "Red Jacket" - Senaca

1st Special Operations Wing 1975-1983
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"Manus haec inimica tyrannis / Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem" ~Algernon Sidney~

Offline powderman

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Re: The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2008, 11:25:10 AM »
If President Bush could run for another term, I'd vote for him.  He's a hunter, gun owner, and a rancher.  Works for me.

YEP. And I am better off than 8 years ago. POWDERMAN.  :o :o
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline bilmac

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Re: The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2008, 11:56:05 AM »
I believe you Kody are buying into everything the Alphabet soup media tells you without one original thought of your own. They tell you the country is going to pot so they can help elect their Democrat buddies and you fall for it hook line and sinker. Let me ask you this, the day after the twin towers were knocked down what did you think. I expect if you are honest you were pretty sure that the US of A  was now going to be just like Israel, a new bombing every day. Why didn't that happen. One man had the balls to do what needed to be done. because of that and the fact that he says he is a Christian has caused the Media to hate him with a passion, but W does not back down, he doesn't try to make these @#$! heads like him, he just goes on doing what he thinks is right.

Offline Swampman

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Re: The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2008, 12:12:10 PM »
TM7 how long did it take your friends to learn to fly those planes?
"Brother, you say there is but one way to worship and serve the Great Spirit. If there is but one religion, why do you white people differ so much about it? Why not all agreed, as you can all read the Book?" Sogoyewapha, "Red Jacket" - Senaca

1st Special Operations Wing 1975-1983
919th Special Operations Wing  1983-1985 1993-1994

"Manus haec inimica tyrannis / Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem" ~Algernon Sidney~

Offline deltecs

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Re: The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2008, 12:36:17 PM »
Bush will go down in history as the worst failure of a president, criminally charged, most deceptive/dishonest, and responsible for the economic takedown of the USA and The Constitution. Likely, he better stay on his new ranch in Paraquay, because there is so much stuff ready to dump on his and cheney's head it ain't funny. Even his defenders will be embarrassed to admit they once supported such a criminal duffus.


While I don't like what Bush Jr has done these last 4 years, I disagree with this statement.  Bush Jr may have lied, but he did not commit perjury, was convicted of lying in a deposition and had his law license revoked, stole artifacts from the White House when his tenure was over, prevented a person her due process right in federal court for sexual harassment, total lack of foreign policy, continued policies of poor intelligence networks, mandated to quasi federal loan institutions that they had to load money to unqualified home buyers resulting in part our financial economic crisis currently, signed and promoted the Brady Bill, was impeached for violation of Oath of Office, pardoned convicted conspirators in fraudulent land development deals in which his wife was a partner, continuously lied to the American Public about firearms, convicted felons, and not having sex in the Oval Office, scandals and mysterious deaths surrounding his administration, and complete failure to accomplish anything except glib talk.  If Bush Jr's legacy is that of the worst President of all times, then Clinton will not be recorded at all as too embarrassing.
Greg lost his battle with cancer last week on April 2nd 2009. RIP Greg. We miss you.

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Offline billy_56081

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Re: The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2008, 12:40:44 PM »
I'm better off now, more money left over after bills, better car lottsa guns.

Kody aint you doing better? How bout you TM7? I can give ya some advice if ya need.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

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Re: The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2008, 01:42:26 PM »
Bush will go down in history as the worst failure of a president, criminally charged, most deceptive/dishonest, and responsible for the economic takedown of the USA and The Constitution. Likely, he better stay on his new ranch in Paraquay, because there is so much stuff ready to dump on his and cheney's head it ain't funny. Even his defenders will be embarrassed to admit they once supported such a criminal duffus.


Many people thought even less of Lincoln . Some still do. However, the Lincoln Memorial is there, I've seen it. History will decide.

Offline Heather

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Re: The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy
« Reply #15 on: September 25, 2008, 01:47:43 PM »
How can anyone claim to be better off now than they were Pre Bush.  You may have nicer cars, homes, money, and things, but is that what REALLY matters.  It would seem to me that happiness, loved ones, health, and personal freedom would be the determining factor on wether my life has been truly improved or not.  I guess for some money could buy happiness, but for me even with my nice home and pretty things, my happiness is often overshadowed by fear and sadness.  I am scared for my children's future because it appears that we have not done such a great job with this country and I fear that most aren't doing enough to prepare their children for the messed up future we are leaving them with.  I am sad that we as American citizens have lost A LOT of our personal freedoms and fear that we are losing more soon.  Freedoms were shattered with the patriot act and development of Homeland Security along with various other laws and restrictions that have been placed on citizens post 9-11.  During the Bush administration, we lost our personal liberty.  To top it all off now because of mistakes made during the reign of Bush, wall street is crumbling and it is up to us taxpayers to bail them out.  Let's socialize banks, housing, and finance sector of our country in order for us to save ourselves from the next Great Depression. You may be happier now, but you are in no way better off.  It may not be all Bush's fault, but it happened on his watch.

Strive for complete serenity in all aspects of life.

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Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and loose both...Ben Franklin

Offline powderman

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Re: The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy
« Reply #16 on: September 25, 2008, 01:56:55 PM »
heather. Bet ya voted for kerry, and will for osama too. What personal freedom has President Bush taken from you or your family ???
BILMAC. Well said and true. I thank God every day for a president with the guts to defend us. The dumcraps will not only NOT defend us, they plan to make sure we can't defend ourselves. POWDERMAN.  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline wareagleguy

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Re: The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy
« Reply #17 on: September 25, 2008, 02:24:52 PM »
Don't care who Heather voted for.  She is correct but like most that support Bush it hard for those to see passed their well being.  The old “as long as I get mine the hell with everything else” syndrome.
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Offline deltecs

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Re: The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy
« Reply #18 on: September 25, 2008, 02:39:05 PM »
Don't care who Heather voted for.  She is correct but like most that support Bush it hard for those to see passed their well being.  The old “as long as I get mine the hell with everything else” syndrome.

Well, I for one don't think we are any better or worse off with Bush than we were with Clinton.  As far as personal freedoms lost, we are just as bad with Bush as with Clinton.  Look at our energy programs that were prevented under Clinton's administration, his high popularity with the electorate when he committed perjury, sexual harrassment suit denied due process in federal court for a woman due this perjury, terrible foreign policy with resultant attacks on our embassies, total failure to maintain an intelligence serice, lack of any homeland security, Presidential mandate to quasi federal loan companies to provide house loans to unqualified people and Brady Bill, all of which carried over into this adminstration with subsequent collateral problems.  I think for the last 16 years, we have been trampled on as a constituency by both Dems and Rep during our times of crisis.  This includes Congress as well with party politics more important than doing the business at hand. 
Greg lost his battle with cancer last week on April 2nd 2009. RIP Greg. We miss you.

Detente: An armed citizenry versus a liberal society
Opinion(s) are expressly mine alone and do not necessarily agree with those of GB or GBO mgmt.

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Re: The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy
« Reply #19 on: September 25, 2008, 02:46:21 PM »
I think it was 2003...when Frank was approached by the opposing party and wanted to real thing in....Frank is on tape saying we could not interfere with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, he was afraid people would not be able to buy houses....he said Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were in fine shape and to leave them alone.  Bush's watch...sure....but Congress has been to blame way before that.  They wanted people to be able to be stupid...and a lot of them were.
Yes, I did better financially and made more money each year under Bush, he had nothiing to do with it...nor did Clinton have much to do with it when during his last year my company began letting people go by the ONE peson controls the economy or up and down swings, but you can bet there are proven ways to make it better, or get in the way and make it worse...and Congress does that, not a president.  They appropriate all funs, they tax, and they spend...they sign it all first before any president does.  The two party's have been acting the same for along time, and the majority of them voting the same.  Now it appears as if one party may be trying to actually change something, and blame themselves as well, and another party pointing at just the other party like they are the "good ones" class.   I may be stuck with with not having a real swell choice,  but I'm sure not voting all the way to the left 60's style again either.  I'm not looking for government to do anything for me but get out of my way.  Seems the Dems want to help fix me up some more, please don't fix me any more...if Mac and Palin are saying the government does not have to run it all....I'll go there, and hope at least one party takes less of what I make, and no..please don't tax the heck out of my company either, they are paying too much as it is already, and I'd like to hang out there for a while longer.  I also expect a president to not mess around with a real bad bunch, and blow them off the map without too much negotiatons...if that's OK.  
While nobody likes war, I still say the best way to keep mad men in line, is to destroy them so fast and so hard that people around the world get sick over it.  If your not willing to that, then don't do anything at all.  If other countries know the United States is willing to do something that bad, it keeps them in line, same as a crook knowing everyone in his neighborhood is armed and more than willing to kill them keeps em in line.  Sounds bad, works great for peace.  No such thing as peace through weakness.  That's how I feel about it anyways.  Life is a lot simpler than politicians lead you to believe,  it just sounds real bad to be logical to a a lot of people.   I think America has bred some lazy people, complacent, and spoiled them too much.  They probably need a wake up call to get tough again,  and stop expecting the government to "fix" your whole life.  They are only supposed to control my borders and keep me safe...that's it!   The State can deal with all other issues as far as I'm concerned.

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Re: The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy
« Reply #20 on: September 25, 2008, 03:47:36 PM »
Personally I'm not scared at all.  I don't even care what happens.  If you truly trust in God, then you don't have to be afraid of anything.
"Brother, you say there is but one way to worship and serve the Great Spirit. If there is but one religion, why do you white people differ so much about it? Why not all agreed, as you can all read the Book?" Sogoyewapha, "Red Jacket" - Senaca

1st Special Operations Wing 1975-1983
919th Special Operations Wing  1983-1985 1993-1994

"Manus haec inimica tyrannis / Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem" ~Algernon Sidney~

Offline wareagleguy

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Re: The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy
« Reply #21 on: September 25, 2008, 04:48:20 PM »
Smoking wacky weed?
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Offline slim rem 7

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Re: The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy
« Reply #22 on: September 25, 2008, 05:06:43 PM »
 im not sure what your name is.. but you would do well to get a little whiff of what swampman is offense swampman..

Offline wareagleguy

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Re: The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy
« Reply #23 on: September 25, 2008, 05:09:31 PM »
I feel better already.
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Offline ms

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Re: The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy
« Reply #24 on: September 26, 2008, 02:02:21 AM »
     Bush creating 'embryonic police state'
« on: August 20, 2008, 11:21:20 AM » Quote Modify 


MSNBC: Bush creating 'embryonic police state'

Nick Langewis and David Edwards
Raw Story
Wednesday, Aug 20, 2008

"Now that the Democrats were nice enough to fold up on FISA," MSNBC's Keith Olbermann said, "the issue is all contained now. Right? Not exactly."

The Justice Department has proposed changes to police intelligence-gathering rules that would ease the transfer of information about citizens to federal intelligence agencies, who would then keep the information for at least 10 years. The changes, the first since 1993, were introduced for public comment on July 31.

Under the proposed changes, law enforcement agencies would be allowed to target groups and individuals on the basis of suspicion of participation in terrorist acts or providing material support to terrorists. Former FBI agent and American Civil Liberties Union policy counsel Michael German, however, told the Washington Post that the proposed changes could lead to abuse of constitutional rights by law enforcement agencies, citing cases where police have eavesdropped on political dissenters and infiltrated their ranks.

"It turns police officers into spies on behalf of the federal government," German said. "If police officers no longer see themselves as engaged in protecting their communities from criminals and instead as domestic intelligence agents working on behalf of the CIA, they will be encouraged to collect more information."

The real intent of the changes, Olbermann opined, is to implement them before President Bush leaves office "so the next president can't do a damn thing about unraveling this disaster, which is, appropriately enough, an embryonic police state."

On Monday, the Senate Judiciary Committee called on Attorney General Michael Mukasey to delay the implementation of the new guidelines, which would take effect October 1, until FBI Director Robert Mueller has a chance to testify to the Committee on September 17. "Efforts to harmonize the rules governing criminal and national security matters also raise potential civil liberties concerns," said Committee chairman Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Ranking Member Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) in a letter to Mukasey, "given the broader latitude currently given to investigators to consider race and ethnicity in national security matters."



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Re: The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy
« Reply #25 on: September 26, 2008, 02:59:58 AM »
I was better off until the housing slow down , I blame the demos more than Bush .
we did 1000 homes 3 years ago less than 500 this year . So no I am not better off in some respects . The war they( middle east types )started is not in my back yard so i thank Bush for that . Bush has had the hardest 8 years any president has had for some time . How can one compare getting caught with your pants down in the oval office with defending us aginst an attack that killed 3000 Americans on the day of the attack and more than 4000 making sure it does not happen again ?
OK some of us lost money , many have lost their life or have been wounded bad enough to effect the rest of their lives . Quit being cry babies , suck it up ! deal with it ! WE ARE AT WAR !
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline Heather

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Re: The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy
« Reply #26 on: September 26, 2008, 03:01:50 AM »
Don't care who Heather voted for.  She is correct but like most that support Bush it hard for those to see passed their well being.  The old “as long as I get mine the hell with everything else” syndrome.

Well, I for one don't think we are any better or worse off with Bush than we were with Clinton.  As far as personal freedoms lost, we are just as bad with Bush as with Clinton.  Look at our energy programs that were prevented under Clinton's administration, his high popularity with the electorate when he committed perjury, sexual harrassment suit denied due process in federal court for a woman due this perjury, terrible foreign policy with resultant attacks on our embassies, total failure to maintain an intelligence serice, lack of any homeland security, Presidential mandate to quasi federal loan companies to provide house loans to unqualified people and Brady Bill, all of which carried over into this adminstration with subsequent collateral problems.  I think for the last 16 years, we have been trampled on as a constituency by both Dems and Rep during our times of crisis.  This includes Congress as well with party politics more important than doing the business at hand. 

I totally agree with you.  I think Clinton was just as bad if not worse than Bush.  Most recent Government officials feel that the constitution doesn't apply to them, so they trample all over it.

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Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and loose both...Ben Franklin

Offline Heather

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Re: The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy
« Reply #27 on: September 26, 2008, 03:06:25 AM »
Personally I'm not scared at all.  I don't even care what happens.  If you truly trust in God, then you don't have to be afraid of anything.

God "allows" children to starve EVERYDAY.  I'm sorry, but I find it scary to think of my children suffering.  I don't leave it up to God to take care of my kids.  It is my job, and with the direction our country is heading that is getting harder and harder everyday.  I just can't sit back and think God will handle everything while my family does without.

Strive for complete serenity in all aspects of life.

A closed mind is often closed to the truth!

Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and loose both...Ben Franklin

Offline myronman3

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Re: The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy
« Reply #28 on: September 26, 2008, 03:17:27 AM »
personal freedoms?  everyday i wake up and do what i want to do.  period.

   with all due respect, heather, how can you reasonably pin something on someone as their fault by saying "it happened on their watch"?   that seems insane to me. 
   suppose you are driving the car to get some groceries, and the tire blows out.  because the tire  blew out "on your watch", does  that mean it was entirely your fault?  the point is that things happen, and we all have to play the hand that is dealt us and do our best with it. 
   the mantra "on his watch" is about as ignorant as it gets.  i consider you and matt to be pretty smart people, and i guess i would expect a better response than "it happened on his watch" out of you.  you have your reasons for not liking "w", fine by me.  articulate them well and make your point.  but to fall back to left wing balnket comments that do not define your view with thoughfulness and wit does nothing for your cause.
   both sides, right and left, would do well to leave emotion out of it and THINK!


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Re: The Bush Doctrine/ The Bush Legacy
« Reply #29 on: September 26, 2008, 03:17:59 AM »
God provides for those willing to follow him . I would venture to guess that man caused the starvation by making poor decisions and not following GOD's word .
You hit the nail on the head you would not leave it up to God , if not what can be expected ?
If ya can see it ya can hit it !