Since the 2000 election..we have had an attack on the mainland United States that far surpassed the the death toll of the Pearl
Harbor attack. We are fighting a 2 front war (same as WW2), we face a greater threat of internal terrorism than we did during WW2,
and still we were doing very well economically, until the Democrats took over Congress in 2006 and blocked every measure designed
to have prosperity continue. It appears evident that their plan was to have things crash just about now..and their Machiavellian plan
has worked very well..enough people are gullible enough to blame the Prez for what Congress has done (or not done).
Yes, our war against those who would like to kill us AND our children has not gone smoothly, because unlike WW2 ..when all Americans
backed the Prez in prosecuting the war..there are enough products of the "sickening sixties" and it's intellectual offspring running around
to make prosecuting ANY war very difficult for the C in C..
We face an enemy that could destroy ALL our freedoms and some few scream bloody murder that the homeland security may check on
internet communications between terrorists that may be planning another 9/11 strike..
Frankly; I am not a crook, a smuggler, a dope seller or dope user, I'm not breaking game laws or cheating on my taxes. I am not
running a ponzy scheme, selling bogus stocks, dealing in pornography or holding dog fights....Homeland security can eavesdrop on my
internet communications anytime they want if it will help keep my country safe. Fact is, if they did eavesdrop on my communications
(any of them) ..they would soon be bored.
Truthfully, they are not interested in any of the foregoing anyway, they just want to stop some Islamofacists from KILLING your children and everyone else's children.
"W" has not been the outstanding Prez that many expected him to be, but just suppose Algore or any other major Democrat had
won the 2000 election, how well would he have faced the same challenges that W has faced. Perhaps he/she would have treated the
attack upon the twin towers as a "random criminal act" as Clinton did the first time the towers were attacked..then we would have
undoubtedly had follow-up attacks.
We would have not had Roberts and Alito in the SCOTUS ..and we would right now be being informed to turn in some of our guns
and be registering others.
THe Dems would have their operative's kids snooping into opponents E-mails, just as they recently did with Sarah Palin..
The main ugly situation that has brought on the economic problems we now face is the mortgage industry, where banks and lending
institutions were told by liberal/activist politicians that they MUST make high-risk loans to millions of people that had no or bad credit.
"Affordable housing" these liberal politicos, means FREE housing to many of the idiots that vote them on.
" If wishes were horses, beggars could ride."
Unfortunately, the programs instituted by the "great society" and "war on poverty" has resulted in a situation where there as many
folks taking out of the pot as there arte putting in..and they ALL vote...
had immediate follow up attacks.
Generally, history will treat W kindly, because he has done better than any of his competitors would have done (IMO).