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McCain is in DC to do his JOB? Oh boy! Thanks John
« on: September 28, 2008, 04:31:17 PM »
McCain and Obama are supporting the bail out of the Wall Street millionaires. I have said this many times with much criticism from some, but in many ways these two candidates are matching book ends.
To say that Obama is a Socialist is laughable. He is not! He is a Marxist!
To say that McCain is a Conservative is equally laughable. He is a Socialist border line Marxist.
I hear of his heroism in Vietnam, and his incredible intestinal fortitude and I totally agree. I hear of his Conservative views, and I cringe.
But you say he is PRO LIFE!. This seems to be the standard question of MOST CANDIDATES, but the followup question is NEVER ASKED! If you are PRO LIFE, and I vote for you, and you get into office, WHAT ARE "YOU" GOING TO DO TO STOP THE CARNAIGE?
This Pro Life and Pro Choice question is used ENDLESSLY to promote which ever candidate one is choosing but, the candidate NEVER ACTS ON HIS BEILIEF. HE MERELY STATES IT TO GET THE VOTE.
To date we are APPROACHING 50,000 MILLION BABIES SLAUGHTERED, and not one candidate that claimed to be Pro Life  ::), has done one damn thing to support his claim.
Now we have our wonderful conservative candidate  ::) ::), Mr. McCain working tirelessly to hand over $700,000,000,000.00 ( that's with a B) to the Wall Street fat cats. ::)
There's not a nickel's worth of difference between these two jackasses. Just complexion. >:(
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Offline Cement Man

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Re: McCain is in DC to do his JOB? Oh boy! Thanks John
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2008, 04:51:25 PM »
I respect your right to your opinion and don't disagree with some (I won't capitalize the word "some", it means the same in either case) of your statements, but if you think there is no difference between the two I think you have some big surprises coming when Obama gets elected.
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Offline nomosendero

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Re: McCain is in DC to do his JOB? Oh boy! Thanks John
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2008, 05:27:19 PM »
I respect your right to your opinion and don't disagree with some (I won't capitalize the word "some", it means the same in either case) of your statements, but if you think there is no difference between the two I think you have some big surprises coming when Obama gets elected.

You got that right, the last comment was going too far.

I agree with alot of what Dee had to say & I usually do & I am very upset about the bill. I know that McCain has some Socialist ideas , but Obama is a total Marxist, no doubt!!

But if O gets the spot, we will lose it all, as for the first time we have a Michael Moore type Socialist Demoncrap Congress & 2 Sup. Court picks coming up & we will lose it all. No doubt guns, "fairness doctrine" as a start of 1st Amend. dissapearing & the destruction of the economy through increasing taxes & breaking the back of small business.

To say they are the same is a wierd comment though.
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Offline Graybeard

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Re: McCain is in DC to do his JOB? Oh boy! Thanks John
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2008, 01:44:45 AM »
Truthfully there is NOTHING any sitting President can do about abortion. The issue has been decided in the courts and only the states or congress can change the current status.

I REALLY REALLY don't like the bail out at all. I think it's a bad mistake to take any such action. However if it passes as I heard it described last night o the news it's a hell of a lot better than I expected it to be coming out of the current congress.

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Re: McCain is in DC to do his JOB? Oh boy! Thanks John
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2008, 02:18:26 AM »
The appointments/nominations to the Supreme Court will be the only reason I will vote for McCain.

Offline Dee

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Re: McCain is in DC to do his JOB? Oh boy! Thanks John
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2008, 02:23:26 AM »
I respect your right to your opinion and don't disagree with some (I won't capitalize the word "some", it means the same in either case) of your statements, but if you think there is no difference between the two I think you have some big surprises coming when Obama gets elected.

Cement Man, I am not taking issue with your post but, merely using it as a platform. The other two posts basically say the same as yours.
My comments may seem extreme to you guys and some others but, your support for "settling for less" candidates seems equally "weird" to me.
As Graybeard commented on abortion, neither McCain nor Obama, is going to do much without the approval of Congress, and the Senate.
Your candidate is as we type, trying to take as much credit for this "bail out" as he can, DESPITE, the over-whelming out cry of the public. He thinks it will HELP HIM in the polls.
Lessor Senators and Congressmen are "taking a stand against this bail out", and damn the political consequences. To me, these Senators and Congressmen are LISTENING TO THE PEOPLE, and not trying to force their judgement onto us, by going along with the fat cats.
If you think this man will SAVE YOU, and your rights, and ignoring his track record (voting record) then by all means vote for him. If you also think someone as liberal as McCain will appoint conservative supreme court judges, them vote for him.
At some point the American people must garner the intestinal fortitude to stand up for a candidate, that is although not as shinny as some, honest.
The government is about to TAKE CHARGE of the Banking System, and which ever candidate wins, whether it be Obama or McCain, they support this "Socialist Take Over".
Ron Paul stood on a stage on national TV, and warned the Nation of this event that was about to happen. McCain and the other Republican candidates stood on the same stage and laughed at him. That was just a few short months ago. Now Ron Pauls words ring as true as a church bell, and still the American people vote for the liberal "governmental candidates".
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Offline Swampman

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Re: McCain is in DC to do his JOB? Oh boy! Thanks John
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2008, 02:25:47 AM »
I'm a gun owner & a Christian, that's the reason I must do what I can to prevent any democrat from getting elected.

It's my duty to support the Republican that is running for public office.
"Brother, you say there is but one way to worship and serve the Great Spirit. If there is but one religion, why do you white people differ so much about it? Why not all agreed, as you can all read the Book?" Sogoyewapha, "Red Jacket" - Senaca

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Offline Dee

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Re: McCain is in DC to do his JOB? Oh boy! Thanks John
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2008, 02:51:19 AM »
What John McCain will do in regards to Supreme Court Judges, is STRICTLY SPECULATION on "anyone's" part.
I have used abortion as nothing more than an example of claiming Pro Life, but NOT using ones political power when elected, to at least TRY to start a movement to stop it.
The last post of it being one's "duty" as a gun owner to vote Republican, when the Republican candidate in question, has voted ANTI-Second Amendment 71% of the time for the last TWENTY SIX YEARS? Now that indeed, is weird.

We are about to sound the death nell for FREE MARKETS, and welcome in Socialized markets, and your Mr. McCain is ignoring the "loud voice of the people" rallying the Republicans to HELP accomplish this. And yet, because of your fear of Obama, he will get your vote. A Maverick? Yes indeed. "Once again" he will vote AGAINST the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Graybeard is right. Neither Obama nor McCain can do much without Congressional support.

I will steal a quote from William Penn, that another poster on another forum uses in his signature, as it is truth, and will continue to stand by my own quote in my own signature.

Right is right, even when everyone is against it. Wrong is wrong, even when everyone is for it. William Penn.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline Swampman

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Re: McCain is in DC to do his JOB? Oh boy! Thanks John
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2008, 02:56:31 AM »
This ship is sinking....period.  Are you gonna bail water, or drown quicker?  Those are your choices.

I'm for delaying the inevitable.

Those who are against the bailout, will whine the loudest when their kids/grandkids are starving to death.

Americans cannot survive another depression.
"Brother, you say there is but one way to worship and serve the Great Spirit. If there is but one religion, why do you white people differ so much about it? Why not all agreed, as you can all read the Book?" Sogoyewapha, "Red Jacket" - Senaca

1st Special Operations Wing 1975-1983
919th Special Operations Wing  1983-1985 1993-1994

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Offline magooch

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Re: McCain is in DC to do his JOB? Oh boy! Thanks John
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2008, 03:10:48 AM »
The more I find out about this issue, the more I find out that it was government intervention that brought the problem on to begin with.  At least John McCain recognized the on-coming problem, years ago and tried with the help of other Republicans to head it off.  On an essentially straight party line vote, the Dumbycrats killed it.

As far as this being a Wall Street bailout; it is not.  It is an effort to restore confidence in the credit system that if it doesn't work, everyone is going to wish it had.  Some experts think it could be handled in very different ways, but even they realize that it all has to come through the government.  Giving tax incentives to those who would use private investment to take the risk on the so-called toxic mortgages would be one way to keep ordinary tax payers money out of the mix, but realistically the Dumbycrat majority would never allow that.

Most of the economists that I've heard comment on this "bailout" believe that if handled right, the government will eventually make money on the deal, but none of them believe that Congress will keep their fingers out of the profits.

Offline Cement Man

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Re: McCain is in DC to do his JOB? Oh boy! Thanks John
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2008, 03:48:29 AM »
I don't know where in my post that you read all those thoughts about who I support and why.  I believe you read those things into my post, not in my post.  I simply pointed out that you will find that (if/when elected) Obama - and the resultant political landscape - will be significantly different than a McCain presidency.  No more, no less.

For the record, I am as disappointed, aggravated, and even worried as you are about many issues.

Now, at the risk of being thrown in the mix as a "sheeple" and someone who "settles for less":
I think the time to work towards a more perfect system and better candidates is all the time.  I do.  I have a sense that a lot of folks get real verbose and emotional during election years and then lay back and do nothing for the rest of the time. They don't even keep informed on issues.  (Tell me I'm wrong about that.) During the "off cycle" is when I support whomever I believe to be the "best".  Every 4 years; however, there is only one real election, and it is my choice to participate in that one, because there are always differences.  Certainly not as sharp as the candidates portray, but there are differences that will play out as history progresses.

Realistically, when the bands stop playing and the confetti is lying on the ground on Nov. 5th, the fringe party candidates will fade into obscurity pretty quickly, and so will many many of their supporters - for the next 3 years or so.  And all the time, I believe, is when one should remain energized, involved, and active in keeping informed, voicing opinions, and supporting your candidates starting at the local level.  I do that. 

As far as being "wierd" ???  I don't think you are, or I am either.  You feel that your vote should be made strictly on your principals, and that is more important than winners/losers (no matter how you redefine those terms).  I'm all for you. I hope you keep it up all the time.  Maybe I'll join you (between elections).  I feel that in this election I will vote for a candidate who can realistically win and who is closest to my principals, because there absolutely are differences, and I and my family will have to live (or die) with them.
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Offline Dee

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Re: McCain is in DC to do his JOB? Oh boy! Thanks John
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2008, 04:07:00 AM »
Cement Man, as I said, I used your post as a platform, but stated it included the other preceding posts. Do not read into my post that I was including you in all that was said. If you do, my apologies. I have long since grown tired of the insults, and condescending remarks, and hope I can refrain from responding, or even acknowledging posts from some of the more "prone to" posters.
My final analogy in the matter of candidates is likened to this: I PREFER not to be bitten by a snake. Any snake! Poisonous or not!
A Black Mamba is far more poisonous than a Prairie Rattler. SO! With that taken into consideration, I suppose I had rather be bitten by the Prairie Rattler, as he fits more closely to my preferences. 
Nuff said. All else with me is redundance, as I have stated my case.
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Re: McCain is in DC to do his JOB? Oh boy! Thanks John
« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2008, 05:57:56 AM »
Thanks  Dee for telling the truth.

Offline Graybeard

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Re: McCain is in DC to do his JOB? Oh boy! Thanks John
« Reply #13 on: September 29, 2008, 11:11:13 AM »
The bail out failed to pass in the house.

On the surface that seems like a good thing to me cuz I really don't think it was needed or wise. Still if GREAT BIG IF it actually was like what they said it was to be on the news last night I think we could have lived with it and that it might even not have been a bad thing. I'm not sure tho it really was what they claimed it was. I think no one REALLY KNEW what it was cuz not even the folks voting on it had seen it. That's NOT a good thing.

But it failed. So now the question is what's next? I have a fear that for absolutely no good reason Bush will now take this opportunity to declare marshal law and install himself as dictator which he can legally do for at least six months. In that time I figure he could solidify a position until he dies.

I just don't see anything good coming from this regardless of what's next.

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

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Offline nomosendero

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Re: McCain is in DC to do his JOB? Oh boy! Thanks John
« Reply #14 on: September 29, 2008, 05:24:01 PM »
Dee, since you are a RP guy, maybe you can answer a question for me. It is a matter of record that McCain
(someone I disagree with alot) did introduce legislation in regards to the FannieM & FMac crap, which the Dems blocked in 1996. Did RP try to do the same at any time, either before or after McCain did? If he did, did his proposal go further than McCain's which would be a good thing or did he start talking about it during the campaign only?
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Offline gypsyman

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Re: McCain is in DC to do his JOB? Oh boy! Thanks John
« Reply #15 on: September 29, 2008, 05:28:01 PM »
I don't think Bush will do that. He knows his approval rateing couldn't get much lower. The uproar in this country would raise the dead.  Also, after eight years, I think he wants out. Let the next guy deal with it. Now here is a thought. Never would I have thought this, in a normal election. But with the times and the economy being what they are, maybe we should vote for Obama. McCain will just prolong the inevetable. I've always been a sportsman, if I ever wounded an animal,I always did my best to find it, and put it out of it's misery. This country has been on a long slow down slide for years. Lets bring it to a head. Put Obama in, and let the crap hit the fan. Lets get it over with. (I know I will not vote for him, but it's one way of looking at the problem.)
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Offline Dee

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Re: McCain is in DC to do his JOB? Oh boy! Thanks John
« Reply #16 on: October 02, 2008, 05:46:03 AM »
The arm twisting has begun. Last night the SENATE  :o ??? voted for a new and improved version of the 700+ billion dollar bail out which ADDED 150 billion dollars. WOW! That's 850 billion dollars any way you count it.
What is so goofy about it, is most Republicans and Democrats AGREE, that they don't know if the bail out will word. What's even goofier is that some folks think this is going to keep them from losing a house they couldn't afford in the first place.
Mr. McCain, Mr. Obama, and Mr. Biden ALL VOTE FOR SOCIALIST MARKETING. Now if they can just talk those reasonable Congressmen into to HELPING THEM SELL OUT AMERICA, and take over Free Marketing. ::)
They are IGNORING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, and have even RESORTED TO VOTING "BACKWARDS" IN ORDER TO GET WHAT "THEY" WANT, and to hell with what the American people want. I am so shocked. ::) ::) ::)
All hail the King. Whether it be Obama OR McCain. The GOVERNMENT HAS SPOKEN!
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Re: McCain is in DC to do his JOB? Oh boy! Thanks John
« Reply #17 on: October 02, 2008, 06:21:35 PM »
Dee, since you are a RP guy, maybe you can answer a question for me. It is a matter of record that McCain
(someone I disagree with alot) did introduce legislation in regards to the FannieM & FMac crap, which the Dems blocked in 1996. Did RP try to do the same at any time, either before or after McCain did? If he did, did his proposal go further than McCain's which would be a good thing or did he start talking about it during the campaign only?

Yes Dee I agree, but I would still like to know what I asked.
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Offline briarpatch

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Re: McCain is in DC to do his JOB? Oh boy! Thanks John
« Reply #18 on: October 02, 2008, 07:13:32 PM »
Gentlemen, we have the voting record of both these men running for president. Neither mans doings is fit for human consumption. I can remember when Mccain came into politics. I thought he would be a real friend to those that love freedom and seek to eek a living in some form of happiness. If for nothing else but what he had been through in vietnam.
I dont know of any other case where a man endured what he was supposed to have and then seek to drive a free country into slavery. As I watched him in congress I realized he would not spit in a good mans mouth if his guts were on fire. He consistantly joined the Demacrats to kill the second amendment, increase taxes,give immunity to illeagel immigrants and otherwise stomp the life out the working man. I do not understand it.
That which he is running against I just dont have the words for.
It would take a fool not to understand what he represents and I am not talking about race.
But like Dee said. No difference.  None!!!!!.

Offline Dee

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Re: McCain is in DC to do his JOB? Oh boy! Thanks John
« Reply #19 on: October 03, 2008, 11:18:02 AM »
Dee, since you are a RP guy, maybe you can answer a question for me. It is a matter of record that McCain
(someone I disagree with alot) did introduce legislation in regards to the FannieM & FMac crap, which the Dems blocked in 1996. Did RP try to do the same at any time, either before or after McCain did? If he did, did his proposal go further than McCain's which would be a good thing or did he start talking about it during the campaign only?

Yes Dee I agree, but I would still like to know what I asked.

October 26, 2005, Roll Call 544, Ron Paul introduced an amendment to BLOCK any future attempts at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac borrowing out of the Treasury as he PREDICTED a failure of the two Banks due to bad banking habits and loans. The amendment was beaten 47 to 371.
Now you have your answer. Are you were baiting me to compare Paul as just another politician? You can look this info up as well as I, if you really want to know. Paul has voted as he has spoke since he has been in Congress, and has NEVER voted against the Constitution, or Bill of Rights. Look it up! . Everyone in Texas that really wants to know, does know. All of their voting records are available, for public view if one merely makes the effort. McCain is, and always has been a candle in the wind. He is a liberal Socialist, and his voting record is documented proof of it. I am weary of repeating that he has voted for the last 26 years, against the 2nd Amendment 73% of the time. Why so many place this fantasized hope in John McCain for appointing CONSERVATIVE Supreme Court Judges if he is elected, is beyond me, when McCain's voting record concerning the Constitution and Bill of Rights reflects his true views. McCain is an elitist, and believes he knows better than our founding fathers, and THIS WEEK, McCAIN and the others IGNORED THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE, and voted for the BAIL OUT. McCain helped to successfully usher in a NEW SOCIALIST CONTROLED ECONOMY. Your mortgage will now be decided by the government, and the IRS will now be even better able to track you finances. This can now evolve into the government deciding if you need a loan, and in effect deciding what you can, and cannot buy as an American citizen. As I said in the thread title. THANKS JOHN!

As a side note, I believe also that the McCAIN-FIENGOLD ACT of 2002. Bill regarding LIMITED FREEDOM OF SPEECH. McCain doesn't seem to care for the 1st Amendment either.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

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Re: McCain is in DC to do his JOB? Oh boy! Thanks John
« Reply #20 on: October 03, 2008, 11:30:25 AM »
Thank Dee these guys are blind.

Offline mirage1988

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Re: McCain is in DC to do his JOB? Oh boy! Thanks John
« Reply #21 on: October 04, 2008, 04:28:34 PM »
Can we write in Ron Paul for pres. with Palin for V.P.?

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Re: McCain is in DC to do his JOB? Oh boy! Thanks John
« Reply #22 on: October 04, 2008, 04:51:20 PM »
What is really sickening is that these two are the best this country has to offer? No one else must want the job. Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, and Mitt Romney would have been a much more interesting race. I think the 2 party system is the whole problem in this country. Eliminate it and make the candidates stand on their own merits-or likewise. Im a minnesotan and i voted for ventura because i didnt believe in the other  two candidates (the big two). Guess what-he got elected. Minnesota is all the better for it because now the people actually pay attention to the candidates now-not just their PARTY affiliation.I think we need to let the white house to air out for 4 years and start fresh in 2012.

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Re: McCain is in DC to do his JOB? Oh boy! Thanks John
« Reply #23 on: October 04, 2008, 04:51:51 PM »
Dee, since you are a RP guy, maybe you can answer a question for me. It is a matter of record that McCain
(someone I disagree with alot) did introduce legislation in regards to the FannieM & FMac crap, which the Dems blocked in 1996. Did RP try to do the same at any time, either before or after McCain did? If he did, did his proposal go further than McCain's which would be a good thing or did he start talking about it during the campaign only?

Yes Dee I agree, but I would still like to know what I asked.

October 26, 2005, Roll Call 544, Ron Paul introduced an amendment to BLOCK any future attempts at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac borrowing out of the Treasury as he PREDICTED a failure of the two Banks due to bad banking habits and loans. The amendment was beaten 47 to 371.
Now you have your answer. Are you were baiting me to compare Paul as just another politician? You can look this info up as well as I, if you really want to know. Paul has voted as he has spoke since he has been in Congress, and has NEVER voted against the Constitution, or Bill of Rights. Look it up! . Everyone in Texas that really wants to know, does know. All of their voting records are available, for public view if one merely makes the effort. McCain is, and always has been a candle in the wind. He is a liberal Socialist, and his voting record is documented proof of it. I am weary of repeating that he has voted for the last 26 years, against the 2nd Amendment 73% of the time. Why so many place this fantasized hope in John McCain for appointing CONSERVATIVE Supreme Court Judges if he is elected, is beyond me, when McCain's voting record concerning the Constitution and Bill of Rights reflects his true views. McCain is an elitist, and believes he knows better than our founding fathers, and THIS WEEK, McCAIN and the others IGNORED THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE, and voted for the BAIL OUT. McCain helped to successfully usher in a NEW SOCIALIST CONTROLED ECONOMY. Your mortgage will now be decided by the government, and the IRS will now be even better able to track you finances. This can now evolve into the government deciding if you need a loan, and in effect deciding what you can, and cannot buy as an American citizen. As I said in the thread title. THANKS JOHN!

As a side note, I believe also that the McCAIN-FIENGOLD ACT of 2002. Bill regarding LIMITED FREEDOM OF SPEECH. McCain doesn't seem to care for the 1st Amendment either.

Thanks for answering the question. Why would I need to bait you, am I to assume you are baiting me if I ask you a question. The reason I asked is if he runs again (if we still have a country) I now know that he was concerned in the past (3 years ago) & that's a good thing. It means more to me than if he was merely speaking out now to set himself apart for future political reason, something that alot of these dudes do. This goes heavily in his favor in my book.
Again, thanks for the info & I see no need to look it up as I do not consider you to be a liar.
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Re: McCain is in DC to do his JOB? Oh boy! Thanks John
« Reply #24 on: October 05, 2008, 01:05:32 PM »
I read you loud and clear nomsendero. Got your email, and have replied.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

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Re: McCain is in DC to do his JOB? Oh boy! Thanks John
« Reply #25 on: October 05, 2008, 01:26:35 PM »

 Dee a qusation for you have you heard how our senior senater on the two Bail out bills?
 Thank you Marv.

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Re: McCain is in DC to do his JOB? Oh boy! Thanks John
« Reply #26 on: October 05, 2008, 02:33:29 PM »

 Dee a qusation for you have you heard how our senior senater on the two Bail out bills?
 Thank you Marv.

John Cornyn, and Kaye Bailey Hutchison both voted FOR the bail out bill.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

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Re: McCain is in DC to do his JOB? Oh boy! Thanks John
« Reply #27 on: October 06, 2008, 12:50:49 AM »

 Thanks Dee, I never any info On that/  Marv.

Offline ironglow

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Re: McCain is in DC to do his JOB? Oh boy! Thanks John
« Reply #28 on: October 06, 2008, 01:04:26 AM »
  Two short points for thought;
  1) Dee says the appointment of conservative judges by McCain is speculation..think..there is no speculation needed as to what kind of judges Obama would appoint ! (common knowledge: McCain was instrumental in getting Alito & Roberts appointed)
   2) "Neither McCain nor Obama can do anything without congress on their side"..Looks like Obama if elected, may have a "veto-proof" congress...communism, here we come !

   A reminder:
      Ron Paul is out for now, time to stop the mourning..maybe next time..if we survive a possible Obama-Soros administration.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Dee

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Re: McCain is in DC to do his JOB? Oh boy! Thanks John
« Reply #29 on: October 06, 2008, 03:51:32 AM »
NEXT TIME! :D ::) or maybe the NEXT TIME, or maybe the NEXT TIME!............ ::)
NEXT TIME! Everyone will do what they did THIS TIME! Vote the lessor of two evils, and swear their way is the best way, while name calling, and making condesending remarks to any whom disagree with them. The candidates will "continue to get worse "NEXT TIME!

The theft of a very true quote: RIGHT IS RIGHT! Even when everyone else is AGAINST IT. WRONG IS STILL WRONG! Even when everyone else is FOR IT.  William Penn,
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett