How can you be scared when you know where they are going to be. Fer Christmas sakes, it's like wearing a sign that says 'Shoot me here'.
You know where they are going to be, you know where they keep their guns, ammo and food. What more do you want, a key to the lock on the gates? Isn't that what the front end of a pick up or dump truck is for, or if you prefer, bolt cutters?
? Sheesh, they probably have a map to the place posted on the front gate - X marks the Commandant's Office, Motor Pool, Mess Hall, Ammo Storage...........
For goodness sake, with this type of intell and any sort of foreknowledge of a catastrophic event (like 'the hurricane is coming' folks), a small determined force could keep them pinned down in their rabbit holes. IMHO.
Think about this strategically. This ain't the green zone and even if it was a small force could still keep them pinned down or holed up