The HSUS could not care less about a balance as long as they win.
You nailed it brother
HSUS (and PETA) operate strictly off of an emotional sided touchy/feely mantra, as opposed to one based with sound historical and proven biological practices.
I believe the reasons for HSUS crusade in making wolves their personal posterchild are twofold. 1) wolves are "cute" ie; more sellable to the typical suburban housewife. 2) The more "cute" & "pet type" animals they "save", the more of those very critters there are out there to prey on the quarry us hunters wish to target. Not to mention that in todays worldy arena of political korektness, it can be a semi popular sell to limit the hunting opportunities, especially for the fasionably bashable white male of today.
Coyotes are FAR more numerous, huntable, and trappable year 'round, yet the HSUS seems to care less about their welfare. Coyotes are nowhere as pretty as the wolf, and the HSUS knows that the general public knows the same.
I personaly do not hate wolves per se, however I DO HATE with a deep passion, the HSUS/PETA types who base animal biology strictly by what their emiotions tell them, instead of historicaly proven factual data .
Just my personal opinion.