good kill....pigeons can be hard to kill...................story....before i got my rws my first pellet gun was a 766?....then the seals went dad had a drugstore.....iit then got a pigeon problem....since my first pellet gun was gone i went to k mart and bought another, cant remember the model but it was a crosman pump also.....i shot the first pigeon on my dads building and it flew like nothing happened....i watched it then land about 100 yards to the east on top of a slanted aluminum roof(wetsern and it wobbled over, fell dead , slid down the roof and then plop onto the sidewallk below where several people were walking!!!!!!!......... 1 of the others i shot on the other side of the flew off like nothing happened.....flew west over a clinic on the other side of my dads store, it was flying over the clinic parking lot it fell dead out of the sky onto the parking lot!!!!!....would of been funny but no one was walking through the parking lot........i did kill 4 others on his building to get rid of the 3 pairs that were using his building....mack