Im sorry but i believe immigration needs to be slowed down. This country is being overrun and the government is allowing it. There is a legal way to immigrate to this country and i believe it is too easy. Anyone can memorize a few dates and parts of some documents. I agree with the mandatory military service, i have long been a proponent of this. I have no problem with people speaking Spanish, Swahili, Portugese, or Russian here, but at least be able to speak the language of the country you want to become a part of. My child is being taught Spanish as a part of her schools curriculum. This is not right. Foreign language was an elective when i went to school not a requirement. I have many Spanish friends and co-workers and the sad part is many of them who are fluent in Spanish but were born here also believe the same as i do. NO i am not picking on just the people of Spanish descent. The same applies for all nationalities coming here. My family came here from Scotland, Ireland, and France by way of Canada to South Louisiana. In my family you can hear Celtic, lots of South Louisiana French dialect, even a spattering of German, but we all speak English fluently.
Ok nuff rambling, time to hear my skin sizzling.