Because they violated the #1 rule of gun safety.
Yes, but in the real world that happens even with experts and professionals. Remington management knew this but chose to continue manufacturing a flawed product regardless.
Poor gun handling technique on the part of the users does not eliminate culpability on the part of Remington, nor does it mean the safety design was without a flaw. Had the safety worked properly fewer people would have been killed or injured.
I am using your post to try to make this point again about where the potential "Flaw" (Your Word) exists in this design. This post will address diminished engagement, and malfunctions that may manifest under this potential failure mode.
I have pointed out earlier in one of my posts that it is a malfunction related to the trigger and not the safety, which is a sear block design. When the safety is applied the cam on the safety lever lifts the "sear safety cam" upward and should slightly retract the cocking piece there by blocking the striker from forward travel. When the cocking piece is retracted allows the sear spring to lift the sear safety cam upward out of contact with the trigger connector and the trigger in theory should be able to be pulled and subsequently reset itself with the safety in the 'On' safe position.
Maybe if people can come to gain a basic understanding of how the connector functions, then maybe they might also gain that basic understanding of how its failure to perform its intended function creates these forms of malfunction??
The basic intended function of the trigger connector:
This is a single stage over ride system fire control, with an additional part called a "resiliently mounted trigger connector" that no other firearm, or aftermarket fire control manufacturer has ever adopted. This design feature is unique to the world of firearms and has been used exclusively by Remington Arms Company.
Lets try this for an example. Has anyone ever held a fresh watermelon seed between your thumb and first digit finger and squeezed it until it shot out?? Did you observe that if you have to much of the seed in contact (engagement) with your fingers you can apply A LOT of pressure and nothing will happen unless you can manage to generate enough pressure to over ride the frictional forces of the contact surfaces... on the other hand, by reducing the contact surface area by allowing the seed to protrude further forward from your fingers and squeeze, at some point when enough pressure is applied the seed will shoot out. This is the same applied principal of the trigger connector design.
You have the sear applying a load from the main spring to the resiliently mounted trigger connector seated on top of trigger body with a pivot point at the bottom of the connector. If the trigger connector binds, or is restricted in some way from returning to a secure and reliable sear support condition, it can potentially perform its intended function without trigger contact being made. Reduced engagement of the trigger connector can result in a "Jar Off", or firing when operating the bolt malfunction, because enough engagement exists initially to allow tension to build up on the mainspring necessary to cause ignition of the primer when the sear ultimately over rides the connectors frictional ability to sustain engagement with the sear prior to this malfunction.
With the trigger connector design, the main spring load bearing on the sear will ALWAYS compel the connector forward to over ride the connectors frictional ability (at the engagement surfaces) to support the sear. By reducing the engagement either by restriction of the part due to uncontrollable factors, or by adjustment of the engagement screw would simply permit the intended function of the connector to occur more freely, without notice absent a trigger pull, or requiring less pull on the trigger bow to initiate the process.
In normal operation, every time the rifle is fired by intentionally pulling the trigger, the trigger connector rotates forward on its pivot point after the trigger body reaches the over travel limit screw. This is how Mike Walker managed to produce a trigger with such a short over travel to initiate the firing process in this design. and potentially why this fire control has been so widely accepted by the shooting public.
The trigger adjustment screw on this design performs dual functions:
1) Of course the trigger adjustment screw reduces the trigger pressure required to initiate the release of the sear, But this same spring load is what compels the trigger body and trigger connector back that secure and reliable sear support condition.
If the internal friction of the system is say 1.75 pounds and you have adjusted the trigger to a pull rate of 2 pounds, you potentially have ZERO pounds of spring load to fully retract the 2 piece trigger back under the sear , or if not enough critical engagement is maintained at all times, under the diverse field conditions one could expect and in varying climate conditions, the connector will perform its intended function, releasing the striker without trigger contact being made and without notice that something is wrong... BOOM! You have now lost control over WHEN the rifle may discharge.
It is important to note that every time the sear drops, releasing the striker the trigger connector HAS to rotate forward from its pivot point on the trigger body, and IF it should fail to return tight to the trigger body, or the trigger body and connector fail to return to a full engagement condition the potential for a malfunction may present itself.
The FSR condition is yet another can of worms attributable to the trigger connector design and its relationship with the sear to cause the arm to fire on safety release... this is an interference condition, which I will leave for another day if any interest appears to exist, or I feel so inclined to write about this failure mode???
Aug ><>