They are all at fault. All politcians are corrupt. Greed and Power that is their agenda.
I agree about 90%. The root cause is the populus has allowed the politicans to get away with this crap. The truth is these folks WORK FOR US, yet Joe Six Pack ignores what they are doing until it knocks on the door. Look at the present financial mess, how many of us objected to the fact the feds were forcing banks to make mortgage loans to illegals? NO ENOUGH to make a difference.
Have you ever TOLD your Representative/Senator you want this to occur, reminded them they work for you, and requested a written reply? I have, I got no reply and my name is probably mud with them.
We have lost most control of these clowns as not enough people protest enough. Remember the ports deal? Enough folks got on board to force changes, thanks to talk radio. Why do you think they want the Fairness Doctine? If there are no trouble makers, the general public will be ignorant and quiet, thus they can do what they desire (err, what their money sources want).
Recall those studies that said all politicans are crooks except ours? Well, basically the are ALL crocks - including the unelected staffers that polute the new ones.