Thanks guys for the info.
Yes,I've shot 8 rounds of the Winnie ammo.
All were the 300gr.My shoulder couldn't take anymore.
That was all I could do in the Handi.
For some reason,I still liked this rifle.
But,on the 3 boxes,no where it said "Trapdoor".
Pulled the remaining rounds.Re-built them with Mag primers and GOEX 2F.
With BP,I can shoot 405gr,and still fire more.
None of these BP loads are wimp loads.Full power.
Most,as in 98% of the ammo,is in BP.A full 70gr by volume.
Many are with the 405gr.Some are in the 500gr-full 70gr of 2F.
I hope,in the near future to try out the smokey-less stuff.
I would not hesitate to use the BP loads for hunting.
It's just the idea of getting to the range.
You guys have a good week.