Yes the closer the better. I once had one so close that the shot wad didn"t open and I missed the first shot when he got to 25 yds it was a different story and that long beard went home with me. another time same place, I had a big one hang up at 57 yds and was about to turn and run, it was my longest shot ever but he also came home. You don"t have to be the greatest turkey caller in the world to get one in to 25-30 yds. Just patience. I called a turkey in a couple of years ago 1/2 mile or more away off a mt. across a river and a huge open field. and I only used a few yelps and clucks.(I was proud of that one) Many times I've had a turkey answer at dawn then shut up. I stay where I'm at and wait, the turkey will come after he finishes with his hens. We can only hunt 1/2 day in Mo. Beginners are opten afraid of messing up on a call. If a turkey is hot he will come in, if not you can be the best caller in the world and he won't Have you heard of Walter Parroy ? I taught him how to turkey hunt when he was a student of mine in High School. He is the best caller in the US but keeps it simple when he is hunting. I've chased turkeys in Mo. since 1960 the first years were lean but I learned. I use #6 for the first and #4 for the second if necessary.(sledomis) My best turkey gun ever was a sears single shot 12 with a 30 inch bbl. One shot one turkey, unfortunately I sold it.