I have purchased urine that smelled wrong when it was new,got worse as it got older.
Off season storage,shipping practice,retail packaging,etc,all play a part in the trapper geting good urine.Not to mention the original source....gotta start good to stay good.
My apologies to Asa.I have used his products for so many years that I rarely look at his catalog anymore(I just order what I need from memory,his or mine!)
I can assure anyone that if Asa sells urine,it is of the highest quality,stored well and retailed with the trapper in mind.If Asa had a question about the quality of any of his products...I know that product would not likely ever make it to a trapper.His meticulous standards are what keeps his product on my line and that of thousands of other trappers.
As I come closer to year-round trapping;the quality of equiptment on my line becomes that much more important to me;I would rather use no urine than crappy urine and the same goes for every other necessary imlement on my line.
Boy,talk about yappy! I'll shut up now.