The one in my avatar is a big boar. With my own size (6'3" 240lbs) he looks smaller than he actually is, which is about 325 lbs. It was really exciting when I shot him.

I slipped up on him while he slept under a cedar in a cedar break. Slipped a 52 grain match hollow point into the back of the neck, and he kept right on sleeping.

I shot a huge sow (almost 400) with a 4570 405 grainer cast, at about 1800 fps. She was tired of running from the dogs, and they for the moment had lost her, but she found me. I shot her above and to the left of her left eye with her facing me from about 20 feet away. It exited her butt, and she fell on her tracks. BORING! Way too much gun.
I'm like you. I shoot'em with what I have. 3030 is a great hog gun, but my favorite carry is a Model 92 Winchester clone with a 24" barrel in 357 magnum. Holds 13 rounds, and will do any thing a 3030 will do inside 100 yards, and won't shoot 7 or 8 miles.
The Dallas boys like the 7mm mags, 300 mags, ect. They don't kill many hogs, but they make a lot of noise, and tell some good stories about those dangerous hogs they killed.
I have friends that do the knife deal, but with pseudo rabies, and another hog related disease I can't remember that they carry, my 59 year old carcase will stay with gun powder.
I would post the other hogs but don't know how. I seldom take pictures, they have been around this part of Texas for over a hundred years, and are common. I'm the same with with antler though. I shoot what is legal, and don't care about the rack. I eat the meat, not the horns.