I'm using JSG loose powder right now but intend to try some others too. I like what I've been hearing about Blackhorn but the price is keeping me clear for now. Anyway I run 1 semi-wet patch, both sides real good. Followed by 2 dry, both sides. Fire a primer and run one last dry patch. I do this every shot. I also fire a primer and swab before the first shot on a clean barrel. Is this method overkill?
Not to hi-jack but a related question, How often do you guys strip down the frame on an encore and clean? I've never done it to mine yet, but have noticed the blow back gets down in there and I wonder how much I can get away with before i have problems? I've been cleaning down inside the frame as good as I can without stripping it down. It's a new gun with about 60 shots through it I'm guessing?