havent been able yet to visit stockholm ,
but found another picture from the swedish victory in Narva 1700 .
there the only 18 year old king beat the hell out of the russians .
the swedish army was 10 800 men , the russian army 43 000 men .
the swedes had 8 cannons and the russians had 180 .
approximately 32 000 russians died and 800 swedes
war aint fun .
if it would be an conflict today it would be enough if someone snezed in the kremlin and sweden would be erased from the map
things changes
but back to the sledge again
I got some more pictures , low quality but still extremely interesting .
the sledge is very beautiful and odd ,
but enlarge the pictures and you will find something even more odd .
yeah its right , its an 3 bore barrel in one of the sledges .
but thats not all , all 3 chambers are connected to eachother .
when you fire it you will fire all 3 barrels simultanously .
thats why they can have so very thin sections between the barrels ,
you have the same preassure at the other side of the wall
and dont need the normal strength of an oter barrel wall .
the other sledge are equiped with an for that time usual light swedish 3 pounder regimental cannon .
approximately 3 inch bore , but I would guess from the photo that the 3 bore barrel aint more then
1 3/4 to 2 inch in diameter