Author Topic: Carry Laws in New York State  (Read 2257 times)

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Offline Dakota30.06

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Carry Laws in New York State
« on: October 16, 2008, 02:49:20 AM »
I'm traveling up to New York City this weekend...planning on carrying for self-defense, as I always do here in PA. My local Sheriff said there would be no problem, and that NY would recognize my PA concealed carry permit. I just wanted some second opinions as to not end up sharing a cell block with Bubba. Any strange NY gun laws I should be aware of?


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Re: Carry Laws in New York State
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2008, 02:56:23 AM »
I would go to NY state gov site and see if they say anything or go to and look at the different laws.

Offline Dakota30.06

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Re: Carry Laws in New York State
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2008, 02:58:07 AM »
Thanks for the info. I'll check it out!

Offline Dakota30.06

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Re: Carry Laws in New York State
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2008, 03:25:07 AM »
Called the New York State Police....NY State won't recognize my PA Permit....guess the local Sheriff won't be getting my vote again!!

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Re: Carry Laws in New York State
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2008, 04:54:14 AM »
HandgunLaw.Us gives all current reciprocity agreements and answers almost all questions one might have about who can carry where.

Semper Fi.  (1803/0210)

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Re: Carry Laws in New York State
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2008, 06:04:58 AM »

I live upstate and have an unrestricted NYS permit, and even my permit does not allow me to carry in NYC.  If you are caught with a handgun in NYC you will become Bubba's new best friend!

Offline Dakota30.06

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Re: Carry Laws in New York State
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2008, 06:04:37 PM »
nobody wants to be Bubba's new best friend...guess I'll leave the ol' Smith at home.

"God created man...Smith & Wesson made them equal"

Offline Mikey

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Re: Carry Laws in New York State
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2008, 01:17:32 AM »
Dakota - don't bring your gun to neu yawk crappy.  If you are caught with it you will be crucified.  If you want to watch something that makes you puke, watch the law and order series or some of the episodes about nyc on tv and you will get some sort of an idea about the zealousness of the law in nyc and it is true.  And don't forget that neu yawk crappy cops love to shoot unarmed men, they are the only targets that react..........

But, go thee not unarmed to the city of foul stench and rudeness, where crime and disdain for human life is matched only by a few other places in the state (all of them along the Mohawk River), not to mention chi-town, san fwancwisco, la, or dc. 

Hie thyself over to your local sporting goods store and inform those there of your intent to twavel to noo yorque, and purchase some Bear Repellant - it is better than pepper spray or mace and you can carry it in a bag and look touristy.  And, perchance said sporting goods store doth not carry the aforesaid product, then get thyself a large spray can of Raid Wasp and Hornet Killer and just make sure you don't spray it upwind........... even a small can will do more than just screaming.  Actually, the stuff is extremely caustic and almost immediately incapacitating to humans.  If it gets shot directly into your eyes it will burn like fire and probably blind you, if not temporarily then most likely permanently.  If you get it in your mouth you may not be able to breathe.  If you were willing to carry a gun for self defense then don't worry about using a spray acid, except that ya don't wanna get it on yourself..... 

If you must spray, then one shot should do ya.  The larger cans spray a steady stream for up to 20' - Thurston defense eligible.... if the assailant attempts to shield himself from the spray then just flic your bic and you now have a 22' flamethrower and a full can of fuel.  If you can't shoot them dead, then blind and crispy will suffice....... Mikey.

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Re: Carry Laws in New York State
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2008, 02:02:50 AM »
Great post Mikey!!  ;D
I'm an accountant and I carry a gun...'nuff said

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Re: Carry Laws in New York State
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2008, 09:00:12 AM »
Just one more reason why I see no logical reason to ever set foot in NY.  I do admit to visiting Niagra Falls when I was younger and not as smart (but only from the Canadian side!).  I do my best to totally avoid any state that is not reciprical with Michigan. (and that goes for Canada also)  I see no need to visit the crowded east coast (the blue states) of this great nation when there are so many other wonderful (and gun friendly) states I can visit.  I have enjoyed several trips out west while avoiding ILL on the way.  I have two sons I will visit soon, one in Texas (by God!) and one in Kalifornia.  The one in Kalifornia can come to Texas or I'll meet him in Arizona somewhere.  Besides Kalifornia being unfriendly to peaceful citizens excercising their God-given right, it's too crowded in the L.A. and San Diego (where my son lives) area anyway.  Just my 2 cts and the way I am.  44 Man
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Re: Carry Laws in New York State
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2008, 12:54:06 AM »
44 Man:  You are absolutely right about never wanting to go to nyc.  There is little there but abject stupidity and social ruin. 

I found your insights about the 'blue states' interesting, esp since it is both coasts that have started to rot.  Have you ever noticed how a piece of fruit starts to rot around the edges first and then the rot travels internally.  Sort of like the US now - rotten on the edges, and I just wonder how long the festering from interior spots like illinois, chicago, ohio and others create such decay that it destroys the entire country.

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Re: Carry Laws in New York State
« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2008, 03:05:34 AM »
Hey Mikie!  I don't want to hi-jack this thread but we started this country to get away from the way Europe was.  We founded it on principles that were fair and honest and rewarded a man for an honest day's work.  I can't for the life of me understand why these liberals think we should be just like Europe again!  I saw a great bumper sticker picture on the internet a few days ago.  It said 'I'm republican because everyone can't be on welfare!'  Loved it.  I'll stop now, this isn't the polital forum, but I feel most of us 'gun enthuiests' think alike.  (where is spell check when you need it!)  44 Man.
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Re: Carry Laws in New York State
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2008, 04:37:42 PM »
I live in NYS and have a permit for everywhere but NY City. Only the criminals are allowed to carry guns in NY City. When they are caught their mommy, daddy and lawyer cry that the poor boy is a victim of society and he is let go. I would wind up serving 10 years.

Offline woodchukhntr

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Re: Carry Laws in New York State
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2008, 11:12:08 AM »
I live in NYS and have a permit for everywhere but NY City. Only the criminals are allowed to carry guns in NY City. When they are caught their mommy, daddy and lawyer cry that the poor boy is a victim of society and he is let go. I would wind up serving 10 years.
No truer words were ever spoken.  I once had a NYS Trooper tell me that he would never go into NYC unarmed!  To protect yourself in NYC you have to become a criminal by illegally carrying and then you face harsher sentencing than the professional criminals get.

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Re: Carry Laws in New York State
« Reply #14 on: December 24, 2008, 08:37:44 AM »
Non residents cannot posses a handgun in any part of NY state, your PA permit means nothing here.

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Re: Carry Laws in New York State
« Reply #15 on: April 12, 2009, 06:17:40 PM »
Only 3 things to do in NYC:
1) Scream
2) Run
3) Reload

Offline oldfart

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Re: Carry Laws in New York State
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2009, 07:50:49 AM »
i won't ever be in nyc, i am so thankfull i live in kentucky where i can chose to conceal ( with permit ) or open carry ( no permit required ). on open carry .org there are a few stories where someone was open carrying and got taken in, in every case they were released. it doesn't happen much now, most of the new cops are now familer with the states constitution on open carry. i got pulled over a few weeks back by a trooper, when he checked my license and insurance, i thought i had better tell him about my gun in the glove box. i told him i had a gun in the glove box ( in ky. you don't need a permit to keep a gun in a glove box ) he said ok thanked me and told me to have a good nite. nice officer wished all were like him.

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Re: Carry Laws in New York State
« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2009, 09:00:31 AM »
NO, only is no permit any good in the city,it also varies from county to county,here in westchester you can not get a CCW,unless you are rich or famous.To kept and BEAR arms is not in our Bill Of Rights here.
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Re: Carry Laws in New York State
« Reply #18 on: April 27, 2009, 02:05:22 AM »
Actually, I believe the State Constitution reads pretty much the same as the national one although the right to keep and bear arms has since been heavily restricted.  First restriction was the first GCA of '34 and nys, due to nyc, took that to heart.  Since then there has been the Taft Act, which basically tried to keep guns out of the hands of the Italian mob, at the request of the Irish mob (go figure).  Along the way to today, many counties applied the more serious restrictions favored in nyc and you will see city ordinances that go beyond county/state restrictions.

This last fiasco in Binghamton, by a legal gun owner of all the dang dumb things, has now prompted a proposal for relicensing every 5 years and taxing the hay out of, or restricting the amount of ammo you can posses.  I don't know how this is gonna go over but neu yawks politicians are purely politicians - anything for a cause. 

I don't know where the proposal is going, or whether it will even get off the ground, but our greasy politicians sure love to hype that nonsense up. 

In the Binghamton situation, the shooter fired a number of shots.  He also dropped a bag he was carrying that contained both loose ammo and filled magazines - of course, the police counted all the spilled ammo as fired ammo which is how they managed to get a bullet count of nearly one hundred within a minute and one half.  So, of course, this prompts our intelligent and insightful politicians to call for a ban on ammo. 

I dunno.  I think it's time for mob rule......

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Re: Carry Laws in New York State
« Reply #19 on: April 27, 2009, 03:03:39 AM »
We have a 5 yr.renewal in Westchester now,also I believe you can't buy handgun ammo in some parts of the state without a permit.Of  course you can own a handgun that fires almost any round  made.
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Offline KAYR1

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Re: Carry Laws in New York State
« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2009, 02:36:15 PM »
I am a resident of NYS, and have a Concealed Carry permit. I The only places in the state that I cannot carry are Federal Buildings and the 5 Bouroughs of New York City. Please do not carry your pistol to NYC! It would be a felony to do so. Amazing, isn't it?

I'd just hate to see a law-abiding brother in arms get in trouble.

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Re: Carry Laws in New York State
« Reply #21 on: April 28, 2009, 01:48:01 AM »
KAYR1,you can carry in westchester?
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Re: Carry Laws in New York State
« Reply #22 on: April 28, 2009, 02:12:54 AM »
kitchawan:  Westchester County is not in the five boroughs, par'n me, sinkholes of nyc.  Westchester County is considered upstate. 

Meatball:  I would like to revise your list a bit, if I may.  Instead of 'scream' I would like to say:  grab the large spray can of wasp and hornet killer you are carrying in your open shopping bag;
instead of 'run' I would like to say:  spray and douse liberally with ample amounts to the facial area and clothing; and instead of 'reload' I would like to say:  'Flick your Bic'.

In most situations outside nyc when you see some street type peel himself off the wall and start heading in your direction you can sweep back your coat, reach under your shirt or whatever, and that movement will alert him to a armed individual able to defend himself.  In nyc, due to the nature of the severe penalties for carrying a firearm you can change your tactic to a 'shake and bake' scenario which the thugly type should have absolutely no knowledge of - shake and bake:   shake the can of wasp and hornet spray, douse the or those who are coming at you, flick your Bic and then go somewhere else for a cup of coffee while they cook.......  I know that sounds horrible but imagine how horrible it would sound to instead have some heartless nyc cop call your wife to let her know she is a widow.   

Truly, in nyc no one would know whether a mugger got torched or some spray can addict lit up a smoke too soon after using the spray can accelerant.  Anybody ever seen what happens to people who use hairspray when they are smoking - flame on..............

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Re: Carry Laws in New York State
« Reply #23 on: April 28, 2009, 11:31:29 AM »
The 'Second Ammendment'; now playing everywhere ...... (void where prohibited or restricted by law)
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Re: Carry Laws in New York State
« Reply #24 on: April 28, 2009, 01:37:29 PM »
44 man, you got it, in N.Y. you have no rights guaranteed by the Bill Of Rights. 
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Re: Carry Laws in New York State
« Reply #25 on: April 29, 2009, 12:55:15 AM »
I avoid big cities at all possible times.
I drove thru NY State and had no interferrence from the State boys.
I did have one follow me for 10/15 miles on the IH but he tired of the game and turned around.
I had it on cruise at 70 in a 65 and when I saw him I figgered if he was after me he would get me, so I just continued on. He even dove up besides me before he turned around. Guess he figgered he would scope out the nut from Texas.