congratulations. You might even follow in the footsteps of Sarah Palin. Baseball mom to hockey mom to governor.
No offense to Mrs. Palin whatsoever, but I personally feel that my place will remain at home with my children for at least the next 17 years. Contrary to my liberal feminist feelings, I personally feel that our society took a major downturn as a whole when women left their homes to find jobs. I don't blame women for wanting or having to work. I just feel that it is my place to raise my kids and instill the proper morals and values. I don't feel comfortable allowing a day care, school system, or after hours care, to do my job for me just so I can pursue a career, no matter how noble that career might be. Through the next 17 years, I do see myself participating in my kids lives to the fullest. You may see my name on the ballots for school board, PTO, or any other organization my kids decide to join. Heck who knows I might be pres of the quarterback club one day. I will leave national politics alone until such a time when my kids are grown, self sufficient, and outta my house! Who knows 20 years from now I might be on the ballot!