Powderman, the dems lost big back when slick willy was in office by attacking the 2nd Amendment. If they've got any sense, they'll stay away from it. So far, they've been pretty good about not doing anything about anything.... they won in '06 by promising to end the Iraq war, and they haven't even managed to do the first thing to stop it. Apart from that, there isn't a nickel's worth of difference between the two.
I don't think they'll outlaw third parties. I do think they will have fractured the major 2 nd party by then with propaganda that no 2nd party will be viable whatsoever. Laws will be re enacted like the Fairness Doctrine, which the feds may use to prevent opposition points of view. Prevent freedom of press and you have propaganda. Prevent conservative teaching and you have a State controlled education of new voters, much like the younger generation voting for Obama now. Prevent collective redress for grievances in SCOTUS by previous decisions in favor of social well being and you have denied individual private rights. So where then will be the Bill of Rights enforcement? Re enact the federal gun control laws and increase coverage and all methods of resistance will be effectively eliminated. A moderate R socialist is definitely not the same as a committed and dedicated D marxist. And due to Pro Choice, which the Democrats support as compared to Pro Life, which the Reps support, is the difference between true Christians and just those who expouse the litany. So theoretically, if a true Christian supports Pro Life, then he cannot support a party that supports Pro Choice, the Dems. The 2 are major Gulf disagreements in philosophy and politics.
Deltecs, the actions you mention would work in the favor of the Republicans. The best way to incite opposition is to attack their base, which is what aggressive propaganda, attacks on gun owners, and so and so forth would do. If the Democrats embrace the far-left wackos in their party, they will turn the moderates away. They did it in the mid-late 90's, and were beaten badly as a result.
As for pro-choice vs. pro-life, what have the Republicans done to help on the national level? If you're counting on the Republicans to protect the unborn, you're putting your faith in people who have little interest in helping you.
The Republicans and Democrats have merged fairly significantly. Neither party believes that the American people are capable of running their own lives. Both parties are pushing for more surveillance, less freedom, more entitlements.
I really find it laughable that after the last 8 years, anyone could think that the Democrats are SOOOO much better than the Republicans. The Republicans had 6 years of controlling congress and the presidency, and they left the border wide open the whole time, all they really managed to do was push for more power and control in the name of keeping us safe.