I had a bunch of left over loads with different powders and bullets ,NOT enough of any for a box. The components were no longer on my shelves, so I decided to shoot them up for practice and reload with stuff I do have on hand. It was a cool CALM day and I was shooting in late afternoon,near dusk. Those loads with Hornady 200 swc's and PB looked like I was using BLACK powder. One guy thought I'd set the booth on fire. Another guy saw the target and commented that I needed MORE practice. When I showed him a hand full of what I was shooting, he said "YOU CAN"T JUST SHOOT ANYTHING IN THAT GUN! You need good ammo to get good groups.! Five or so different loads and I kept them on a foot square target! I was quite pleased with myself thankyou! And I have a bunch of brass to prep and reload to boot!