Gun is EMF Hartford 92 replica, in 45 Colt.
On the mouth of my brass, there are little nicks after shooting, rough enough to have to do some case prep before loading again. I trim to min length, OAL is good, and I noticed even with some factory loads I've tried, I still get these little nicks right on the mouth of the case, right on the end. You can feel the burrs when you run your finger over the mouth of the case as well. Some deburring and case prep will bring the case back for the next loading, but it's a pain to have to do this. I would say almost 85 to 90 percent of the cases are like this after firing...sometimes I get lucky and don't see these nicks/burrs right on the mouth of the case, most times I do.
Could my chamber be a wee bit short? Should I experiment with some cases slightly shorter than min length to see if the problem goes a way?
This would not be happening on ejection would it?
Accuracy is good, the rifle ejects and feeds fine. Would like the cases to look like they do when shot out of a revolver....nice and smooth on the mouth of the case.
Thanks for the help or comments.