think i will like this rifle.
I hope so since you are paying out a lot of good money for it. From your description tho it sounds like a bit of a cheapened version of the pre 64 gun.
Way back in the days of my youth when all I had was a Stevens bolt action 22 rifle of my own and my dad's and formerly grand dad's old JC Higgins pump 12 gauge to shoot I decided I wanted a Model 70. My cousin I did a lot of shooting with had gotten a Model 70 featherweight .30-06 and I really liked it and wanted one jist lak it. I asked for it as my Christmas present that year and as usual my parents cheaped out and instead I got a slightly sporterized Mexican mauser in 7x57 instead.
I pretty much hated that rifle from the get go but did develop a love of the 7MM bore from it. I later sold it for either $10 or $20 to a friend who wanted it a lot more than I did.
I never did get my Model 70 tho once long long ago I did buy a Model 670 and just never fell in love with it. I ended up instead getting a Remington Model 700 when old enough to buy guns on my own. Ever since I've been a confirmed M700 shooter. Who knows tho had I gotten that M70 I asked for that year for Christmas history might have unfolded differently and I too might be a Winchester fan rather than Remington fan.
Since buying that first R700 I've probably gone thru at least 150 or more of them and likely quite a few more. I still have several M700s and M7 Remingtons and have never yet owned a Model 70. I must admit tho I do love the looks of the M70 Featherweight and did once come really really close to bringing one home.