Hey, Don! Missed your question. Twist in my Bullberry 24" barrel is 1X9.
Saturday 15th November, I shot a whitetail doe at 250 yards with the Burger 140 VLD. She was walking away from me, quartering, going into the cornfield last minute of legal shooting light. Bullet went into her left armpit, out the right side of brisket. Entrance 3/8" hole, couldn't find the heart or lungs, when I fleld dressed her; 3" hole on exit. With that, there was not much meat damage! That bullet had passed through at least 12" of deer, through the left shoulder joint, broke the collar bone as it exited. I'd want a side shot on an elk, but that 3" hole would be in the lungs, I think. What I like about the VLD is that it goes straight through. No deviation, really no sign of breaking up. Just a big hole. Straight through. Shotgun.