Dee, I agree, and noticed that you did not mention the 20,000 troops training for homeland duty. Personally, my thoughts (if it happens) are that they will destroy our monetary system, similar to what happened in Russia, Zimbabwe, Mexico and several other countries (IMF cannot bail us out; we fund the IMF). When hyperinflation begins it is very difficult to harness and to do so will bring on another breakdown in the markets. Right now, the historic lowering the Fed rate to zero tells me that Bernanke is scared to death. Paulson is running around lost, not knowing what to do, but take care of his buddies. A breakdown could result in rioting (20,000 troops = martial law) and the people will turn to the government and say do something. That is when Obama steps in with socialism or facism. Others will say limit government and return to the constitution so that we can recover. That is the minority. and we need to educate. The government has made too many slaves out of it's citizens. Look how many turn to government to solve all their problems. Help me, bail me out. They don't know that the government has nothing to give. Government can only take from A and B (where A and B are taxpayers) to redistribute to C, with a little lost or wasted in the middle. Government is the very one that caused the problem. Look at my Fred Thompson video. Fred understands.
Republicans say limit government and then they expand government.
Democrats say Big government and then they expand government.
Even Reagan increased government spending while playing on conservative desires to limit government.
A good place to start is and Lew
(Lots of articles to read there.)
A couple of good books:
Economics in One Easy Lesson, Hazlitt
Economics for Real People, Callahan
(Constitutional Liberty and a good economics go hand in hand.)
Mises was an economist who proved socialism is economically doomed from the start.